Max: What is she doing?

Kai: *doesn't like to see the scene and growls* She is playing chess. The pawns always come first.

Daichi: *yells* Does it mean, my Strata Dragoon is weak? *yells at the queen* Hey, bird! My Strata Dragoon is the strongest Bit-Beast. He even can defeat you!

The queen ignores him and watches the fight. Draciel gets hurt very badly. LDrago scratches his eyes and hit him very hart with the tail in the weakest point, so that the poor tortoise has no other choice as to give up. The green blade stops spinning and Draciel goes back in there.

Max: *can't believe it* Draciel! No!

Ryuga: *laughs evil* Hahahahaha! One is finish.

Strata Dragoon tries to bite LDrago in the neck, but misses.

LDrago: *chuckles slyly* I can read mind, did you forget that? *slaps him very hart with the tail and breaks Strata Dragoon's thigh*

The violet blade also stops and Strata Dragoon disappears.

Ryuga: *smirks* And the second one! Hahahahaha!

Daichi: *kneels and yells* Nooooooooooo! *looks at the queen* Hey, you! I know that you can hear me.

The Queen ignores him again.

Tyson: *also looks up to the queen* Frost, it would be better if you attack together. Don't be so stubborn. *looks at his Bit-Beast* Dragoon! What are you waiting for attack together.

Dragoon rolls his eyes to his master, but then back to LDrago.

Kai: *sighs* I think they wouldn't listen to us, Tyson. As long the queen is here, they only listen to her.

Ray: *growls* Do you mean we're superfluous here? Driger, I know that you want to protect your queen. I understand that you have to listen to her, but the only way to defeat this monster is to attack together.

There was a long pause between the Bit-Beasts. Driger and Dranzer look at the beta Dragoon. The blue Dragoon sighs and nods. The tiger, the phoenix and dragon get ready to attack. The queen doesn't like this.

Frost: *roars* What are you doing? Stop that! That will not work. Beta! Gamma! Stop!

Dragoon: *turns to the queen and bows* Your Majesty. This time I can't listen to you. I'm doing this for your safety and for them. *looks down to the Bladebreakers*

Driger: *also bows to the queen* I'm sorry, Your Majesty.

Dranzer: *bows to his love* Your Majesty, I'm sorry.

The tree Bit-Beasts get ready. Also, LDrago.

Tyson: *smirks and rubs under his nose* That's right, Dragoon.

Kai, Max and Ray: *in choir* Finish him!

Dranzer, Dragoon and Driger attack LDrago.

The queen roars to call them back, but to late.

Ryuga: *smirks* You know what to do, my friend. Dragon Emperor, Soaring Bite Strike! *creates an energy ball to power up L Drago, who blasts his brother, Dranzer and Driger with the power of three dragons*

A bright light from a flash will appear and hit exactly where the blades are. All covers their eyes from the flash. As the light disappears... The Bladebreakers opens the eyes.

Ray: ** Man, what was that? *notices that Kai and Tyson look shocked* Hey, what's up? *looks to their blades and...* Oh, no... that can't be...

Your blades have stopped spinning, are lying on the ground and are half destroyed. Even the queen has stopped spinning. The Bit-Beasts have already disappeared.

The boys are too shocked and can't believe that.

Daichi: *trembling* That is a nightmare. I want to wake up.

John: *stops recording and starts to cry* Master, Kai! No!

Tyson picks up his blade and looks at it. So much anger builds in him. Suddenly he hears Ryuga laughing.

Ryuga: *laughs evil* Hahahahaha! We did it, LDrago! The queen is defeated. Now you are the King! All Bit-Beast will listen to you.

The Bladebreakers growls at him. In this situation they don't know what to do.

LDrago: ROAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR! Come out! All of you!

All Bit-Beasts, even Frost come out, and they all bow to their new king.

Tyson: *looks at his blue dragon* Dragoon!

Dragoon turns to him, but gets slapped very hart by LDrago.

Tyson: Dragoon!!!

LDrago: *growls* Who are you looking at, brother? I'm the only one you should pay attention to.

Dragoon: *turns back to his brother and bows* I'm sorry, Your Majesty!

Ryuga: *laughs* Mwahahahahaha! Wonderful. LDrago, you know what to do!

LDrago: *looks down at the ice bird* Frost! Lift your head!

Frost lifts her head, but is grabbed by the neck by LDrago's tail, and he begins to strangle her. Dranzer wants to rush to her, but is held back by the other Bit-Beasts.

LDrago: *looks to Dranzer* You know the rules, Gamma. Don't mess with the Alpha!

Kai: *growls* That bastard is strangling her. Dranzer, help her! This is your love. You have to protect her. Alesia would be very sad if something happen to her!

Dranzer roars very angry and flies to help his love.

Ryuga: *smirks* Ha! This stupid bird! LDrago, finish them both.

LDrago: *breaks Frost's neck, so that the poor female dies at once and disappears* And now to you.

An angry fire phoenix attacks LDrago, while the other Bit-Beasts are watching the scene. Dranzer scratches the dark dragon and rips the flesh out of him. LDrago roars in pain.

The Bladebreakers cheers for him.

Tyson: *jumps up and down* Dranzer! Dranzer! Dranzer! Yeaaaaaah!

Kai: *smiles proudly at his bird* That's right, my boy. Finish him.

LDrago: *growls and looks darkly at Kai* You.... *hits Dranzer away from him, swings his tail and attacks Kai*

The phoenix boy can't even avoid it, because it's going too fast. He closes his eyes and waits for a hit. But he feels nothing... He opens the eyes and sees Dranzer, who is protecting him. The poor fire bird collapses on the ground, and Kai notices that his bird lost a wing.

Kai: *kneels to him* Dranzer!

Dranzer looks at his master, while his eyes start to turn black, and he makes his last breath. The phoenix Bit-Beast disappears.

Kai: *cries and yells* DRANZER!!!

The rest of the Bladebrakers also cries.

Tyson: *growls at Ryuga* You bastard!

Ryuga: *smirks at him* What? The bird broke the rules! And that was the end for him! Too bad that he can't be rebirth again. First he lost a wing before dying. And second, he was killed by the King. That means he can't be reborn again. But don't be so sad. I'm pretty sure that he is by his love. Mwhahahahaha!

Kai is still kneeling on the ground growls angry.

Ryuga: *smirks evil* You don't mind if I take your all Bit-Beasts with me, right?

Kai: *stands up and gives him a death glare* I'm still not finish with you, Ryuga!

Ryuga: *looks confused at him* What?

Kai: *takes out the black green Beyblade* If you want the Bit-Beasts of my friends, then you have to defeat me first. *put the blade in the starter and pulls the ripcord* LET IT RIP!!!

Beyblade Kai Hiwatari - I'm the fire, you the iceWhere stories live. Discover now