Everyone goes silent while Wu chuckled silently.

"Uh...I suppose they're too young for the 'talk' Cole, right guys?" Jay said, clearing his throat.

"Yeah. Nothing, we'll tell you when you guys grow up. Anyway, Lacey get up here," Cole said, quickly changing the subject.

Lacey gulped and nodded, she walked and stood on Zane, climbing up.

"Sorry, Zane."



"My eye!!"

"Shut up, I just poked it Jay- ow! Lace."

"Sorry, guys."

"Can you guys-ah!"


"So sorry Kai,"

Lacey finally made it and sat on Cole's other shoulder.

"Um, Sensei. This is, are you sure this is a good idea," Lacey said nervously holding onto Cole's head tightly.

"Yes. With this you can also overcome your fear of heights." Wu states taking a sip of his tea.

"Ow, Lace, my hair " Cole complained.

"Sorry," She muttered, she glanced down and gulped.

Suddenly, machines were heard. Lloyd starts to strain from holding all the weight on his feet. A wreaking ball hits the wall and everyone falls.

"What was that?" Cole groans.

"Ouch," Lacey complained and started to get up but there was a weight on top of her. She looked up to see Lloyd on top of her. Her eyes widened.

"Uh, um, Lloyd. Can-can y-you get off m-me?" She stutters.

"Uh, oh right. Sorry." he mumbled sheepishly. He helps her up, she dusts herself up before they turn to the others.

"Woah! Woah! Woah! This wasn't supposed to happen until tomorrow!" Dareth said in a panic, quickly scurrying in the room.

"Tomorrow?" The builder took the paper with the order. "Let me see that order. Oh, yeah. My bad. Sorry about that. We'll be back in the morning," the builder said and left suddenly as they came.

"Uh, Dareth, what is this all about?" Cole asked, a frown on his face as he glanced around the now messy dojo full of rocks and cracked spackle.

Heh, spackle.

"Well, I fell behind on some of my payments and some developer named Darnagom Enterprises is buying the entire block to put in some stupid frisbee-golf course. They say if I don't come up with 50,000 by tomorrow, the dojo is gone," Dareth explains, a sad expression on his face. He looks at his trophies.

"But we already lost the Bounty. We can't lose the dojo, now." Jay frowns, shaking his head.

"My trophies. Oh, my fake trophies!" Dareth sobs oit loud, clutching the gold trophies.

"Wait a minute. 'Darnagom?' When you rearrange the letters, it spells-" Zane starts.

"O grandma?" Jay asks, making a weird face.

"No! Garmadon!" Kai growled, he scowls as he thought about his archenemy.

"Right," Jay laughs "That would make more sense." He nods.

"Um, my dad is behind this?" Lloyd frowns.

"Moreover, where did he even get the money and the company?" Lacey mutters. "And if he destroys the dojo-"

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