Chapter 4

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When they arrive at the moby deck, everyone welcome Luffy and throw a party for him. Then Luffy was introduce to Whitebeard and all the people on the moby deck.

Luffy easily get along with everyone on deck because of his cheerful personality and he blend in with everyone like he'd known them for years and vice versa.

When the party was beginning to end and most of the drunkard pirates are all passed out from drinking, Marco escort the kids to their sleeping quarters to sleep, because it's already late.

They decided to let Luffy sleep with Ace and Sabo so Luffy won't get lonely. And also, Ace and Sabo were the only one closest to Luffy's age so it would be natural he share the same room as them.

Of course Ace and Sabo happily agreed to it, because they also want to spend some time with little ball of sunshine and get to know him more.

The next day, everyone was hangover from the party last night. So the usual buzzing Whitebeard pirate became quite and you could almost count the people going out to do their job.

While the others are just sleeping because of the hangover and headache and suffering in bed. You could see the 4th division commander going out of his quarters looking like a zombie.

Since he is a 4th commander and a chief he had to wake up and prepare breakfast for his brothers and pops, even if he had a hangover.

Meanwhile, Marco and Whitebeard were talking about Luffy and what to do with the boy's education. Since the child was lacking human etiquette do to being raised and lived with the animals till now.

*Small time skip*

When the clock strike 7:00am, you could see more people going out of their room and going to the dining hall to eat their breakfast then do their job after.

In a one particular room you could see three little kids sprawled all over their king size bed while sound asleep. You could even hear them snoring all over the quit room.

Meanwhile with Marco, he observers that there are more people than before this early morning. And you can clearly see the pain that their in because of yesterday's party.

Especially Thatch, since he didn't get enough sleep.

Even though they are many people in the dining hall, they are all whispering so not to disturb and cause more pain to their suffering brothers.

While Marco was observing the others and chatting to some people who greet him, he notice that the kids are not here yet.

So he decided to go and wake up the kids so that they could also eat breakfast before it's to late.

After awhile he finally arrive at their room but before he could knock, Sabo open the door and got surprise to see him.

"Morning yoi, where's Ace and Luffy?"
Greet Marco.

"Oh! Morning Marco, thier still getting ready." Said Sabo after he got over his surprised. "By the way, what are you doing here Marco?"

"Well, I'm supposed to wake you guys up to eat breakfast but since your already awake I guess I don't need to do that huh yoi" said Marco smiling.

"Guess so" said Sabo while shrugging.

"Then I'll just tag along with you guys yoi"

"Ok. Ace, Luffy Hurry! Or else I'll leave you two behind and eat the food myself! Shout Sabo while smirking.

"Gaahh! Wait Sabo, you jerk!"

"No! Food! Sabo!"

Shout back by the two adorable black heads while changing frantically.

Marco just chuckle at their antics.

*Few moments later*

After they finished changing they finally went to the dining hall to eat their breakfast.

When they arrive there they immediately started eating and the atmosphere gradually become more lively compare before.

Luffy happily ate his food and the others got surprised that he can eat more than an adult can just like Ace and Sabo can.

After breakfast they can finally start showing Luffy around the moby deck and introduce him to others who's not with them yesterday because of a mission.


Hey guys it's been awhile! How are you doing?

Were you having fun today? Guess You are😁 it's christmas after all!

Here's the next chapter I hope you enjoy reading my story. And write you comment below.

Merry Christmas and Happy new year everyone!!💝🎊🎉🎎🎄
Have a nice day!!

Ja ne~

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