Chapter 1

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In the middle of the ocean there is a pirate ship nearing an island that's inhabitant with large and dangerous animals. And it's name is the Whitebeard pirates, one of the most dangerous pirates in the world.

" THATCH! ACE! SABO! GET BACK HERE! " Marco the 1st division commander yell at the trio. He is a tall, lean, muscular, blond-hair man with a pineapple hair style with a rather sleepy look on his face.

His whole body is covered with paint, eggs, and feathers caused by the prank pulled by the three prankster.

" Hey Marco, what happened pff-? " Asked Haruta one of the division commander while trying not to laugh.

" What do you think yoi? " Asked Marco irritatedly " just laugh yoi "

" HAHAHAHAHA they-pff got you-pff good marco HAHAHAHA " laugh Haruta.

" Tsk when I found those three I'll make sure to punish them "

With Thatch, Ace, and Sabo they are hiding behind the kitchen talking about the prank they pulled on Marco.

" Did you see his face hahaha " Sabo said while laughing

" Yeah he finally look like a chicken " Ace said while smirking

" But Ace his already a part chicken, a motherhen at that HAHAHAHA " said Thatch while laughing.

" Oh is that so yoi " When the trio heard that voice behind they instantly paled but before they could run Marco already got them.

In the entire day you could see 2 kids and 1 adult cleaning the rooms of the 1st division and the entire moby deck.


The next day, the moby deck finally arrive on the island. And you could see Ace and Sabo looking excited to have a new adventure on the island.

" Excited yoi? " Marco asked the two bouncing kids. " Yeah! " They both reply at the same time. Marco just chuckle at thier excitement.

Whitebeard just watch his sons getting ready to dock on the island looking excited.

While Marco, Thatch, Izo, Haruta, Ace, and Sabo are getting ready to explore the island, the others are just staying in the moby deck doing their own work.

" Ace, Sabo you should stay close to us, understand yoi? " " Marco's right cause apparently this island have large and dangerous beast " Thatch said hoping the kids would get scared.

But Ace and Sabo are not listening and just thinking of exploring the island " yeah, yeah hurry up already " Ace said excitedly while grinning.

While the group are walking around the forest, they hear a laughter of a child in the distance, curious they went where the noise is coming from. When they arrive they see a child in the age of 7 playing with the small animals in the center of the forest.

Marco and the others got confuse as to why their is a human in the island, a child no less and playing with small animals and surrounded with large animals. When Marco's planning on how to get the childs attention without alarming the animals and scaring the child

Thatch suddenly step on a branch splitting it in half and making thier presence known. " Opps sorry " Thatch said looking nervous and scared because of the predatory look of the beasts that starting to surround them.

The others glare at Thatch also looking  paled because now they have no choice but to fight all of the beasts if anything happen.

" Thatch yoi " said Marco irritatingly " sorry " said Thatch looking apologetic. " Now what? " Said Sabo nervously. While the others are also thinking of what to do.

But before both parties could do anything, the child called out to them happily " Hey! Who you? Let's play! Shishishishi " the child said while laughing and waving his hands at them.

They all look at the child confuse and a little thankful that he got the attention of the beasts. They almost forgotten the child because of the large beasts that want to eat them.

While Marco and the others are lost in thought the child came up to them and asked " Hey! Let's play shishishishi " not noticing the child they got startled when suddenly theirs a voice in front of them.

" I didn't even notice him. This kid is strong, he even have haki " Marco and the other three commander thought the same thing. Shock and awe that their is a brat that no older than 7 know how to use haki and super strong. Meanwhile Ace and Sabo are thinking on how they didn't notice him coming at them.

" Hey kid, who are you and what are you doing here? " Marco asked curiously to the kid.

" Im Monkey D. Luffy, this home shishshishishi " the kid now identified as Luffy said happily with his limited vocabulary.


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Finally Luffy meet someone and not just anyone it's Marco and the others. Yay!! The asl is finally meet!!😁😁🥳

What do you think is gonna happen now?
How would they react about Luffy?
And what do you think there going to do?

Stay tuned for the next chapter
Ja ne~

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