Chapter 7

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It was the start of a new day and adventure. Everybody was so busy with their own tasks in preparation for the docking near the island. 

It's only an hour away before they can finally arrive on land and in which they can finally restock the food that has been fast disappearing because of the monstrous belly of the three children. who are oblivious to the concept of a food limit

They don't even know where all of that food is going by looking at their small bodies and the food that's twice their size! Especially little cute Luffy!

Such a small child, eating all that food like it was breathing air! 

Even though they have already seen how much Luffy can eat, they still can't get used to it! It even became worse each day because his plate kept getting bigger and bigger, like he was going to eat all the food in the pantry that they stocked.

Looking back, they all should have suspected it, especially the captain, first commander, and the chief. Because they already know Luffy is a D, and D's are the most gluttonous family they all know. They particularly experienced it with Garp and Roger the most in the past.

They already locked the storage area because of Ace, but they're certainly going to add more locks because of little Luffy's using his cuteness to ask the people on deck for food and them giving in even with the warning not to.

"I really need to think of another way to keep little Luffy full for a while before dinner, or else we need to keep docking on an island for food," said Thatch in frustration, because the meal that can make Ace full until dinner is not working for little Luffy.

"That's not possible. Those government bastards are going to be more wary of us and will keep bothering us even more if we do that. It will not be safe for the kids if that happens yoi." answered Marco while signing the paperwork from hell.

"By the way, Thatch, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be busy preparing for our docking on the island? Have you even finished the preparation that you're supposed to do? Or are you hiding here after pranking someone again? yoi" Chastise Marco after observing Thatch and wondering what he's doing in his office.

"Oh my! You wound me, my friend. I'm just here to pass my report to you and check on my favorite brother, who has not been seen for a while now. I'm really worried about you, my dear brother. *cue dramatic music* Why don't you leave that paperwork behind and come with me to see the sea! " Thatch replied with dramatic hand gestures.

"Enough, and whose fault do you think it was? yoi" asked Marco with exhaustion. "And if you're done with your business, go back to your duties before we arrive. yoi"

"Fine... Oh another thing, Marco, the children are asking if they are allowed to explore the island. They looked really excited, particularly little Luffy. It's his first island after coming with us after all." Said Thatch, after a thought, and turned around to face Marco again.

"Right... That's fine. Then ask pops about it if he agrees. If he does, then let's bring Haruta and Izo with us to be safe. yoi" Replied Marco with an afterthought.

"I'm sure he'll agree it's pops after all, and besides, it's an island under our protection, so it's safe. The kids would surely be excited if they heard this. Then see you later! " said Thatch excitedly while bolting outside the cabin, shouting Ace, Luffy, and Sabo's names.

"Seriously, yoi, he's like a kid. Hah.... I better finish this batch quickly before we arrive, yoi." Said Marco to himself with fondness towards his silly brother.

He then resumed his work that had been disturbed by his silly brother bulldozing his way to his office.

Meanwhile with Thatch

He was seen running with a full speed towards to the three children whose playing near Whitebeard, while shouting the name of the said children.

"Ace, Luffy, Sabo I got a good news to tell you, and I bet you'll really gonna like it!" Said Thatch when he finally manage to reach the children playing.

"What is it! What is it?" Asked Luffy excitedly while jumping towards Thatch.

"Calm down Luffy, and what's the good news Thatch?" Ask Sabo calmly.

While Ace was just standing behind Luffy keeping him still and waiting for Thatch to speak.

Besides them, Whitebeard was secretly listening to their conversation by pretending to look at the ocean.

But everyone knows his listening to their conversation.

"Well...."  *Cue suspense music*

"Arg! quit that and tell us already" said Ace impatiently while getting  irritated by the suspense Thatch is making.

At the same time, little Luffy and Sabo are patiently waiting for Thatch to say it. Maybe not little Luffy, he's too excited and impatient.

"Hahaha! relax Ace or else you'll get a heatstroke" Thatch jokingly said.

"Shut up!"

"Hahaha! Anyway, the good news is.... You can come with us and explore the island!! Isn't that exciting?"

"Wow ! Really!? Yay adventure!! Ace, Sabo were gonna explore the island, isn't it great? Shishishi" Luffy excitedly exclaimed.

"Yes, it's great Luffy, we'll gonna have lots of fun!" Replied Sabo with full of excitement.

"Hmph! Of course" Ace also said, with excitement. While trying to hide his smile.

"Maa maa don't be shy Ace I know your also excited" tease Sabo to the embarrassment of Ace

"Shut up Sabo!" Said Ace with Exasperated

"Now, before you celebrate why don't you ask for pops permission to leave the moby deck first?" Thatch Intervene to the three celebrating children.

"Banana mustache can we!? Can we!?" Luffy ask with full of eagerness plus puppy eyes towards Whitebeard.

"Gurarara of course, but be sure not to leave their sight and you better be careful, okay?" Notify Whitebeard to the children and adult.

"Yes pops" the two kids and one adult replied simultaneously

"Yay! Thank you banana mustache" while little Luffy replied with enthusiasm.

Hey guys! Its been awhile, how are you all doing? Sorry for such a long wait.
Here's my new update, it's a little longer than my usual one, hope you enjoy it!
Write down on the comment section below on what you think about this chapter.

Thank you for reading!


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