chapter 3

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After the talk Marco and Whitebeard have, they decided to just convince little Luffy to come with them, if not they just have to force him. And they don't want that to happen so they really hope Luffy would come with them willingly.


After Marco and the others leave. With Luffy.

Luffy just watch the people return to their so called ship, not fully understanding what a ship is he just labelled it a mystery ship.

Since Luffy got in the island the only thing he remember is his name and some of the words he heard when he was in the ship with a man he don't remember. ( Though not that he know it's a ship )

Since that day he got taken by the large animals and raised by them. And because Luffy is such a weird baby he easily adopt to his new and wild life style.

Even though he have no one to talk to, he always blabber the word he knew and his name to the animals thinking they can talk back to him. And since Luffy rarely cries and such a cheerful child, he don't mind that the animals don't speak the same words as him.

He just think it's fine, and instead he learn to understand the animals better than the normal human could.

Since the first day he was found he already learn so much about the wild life of the animals and adopt well. Throughout the years he stay in the island he learn how to use haki (even though it take years before he learns it) and how to fight with large and strong beast.

But no matter how strong he got and how much he love the animals and the island, he still wished to go out to the sea and have an adventure of his own.

And after encountering Marco and the others, he was so happy to finally talk with other people beside the animals. And wished to be with them more.

But unfortunately they have to return to their ship for the day and it got Luffy sad. But when they promise to come back tomorrow, it makes Luffy happy and excited for the next day to come.

He really wished to talk with them and play with them more. He really like them because they're kind and fun to be around. So Luffy's really looking forward to meet them again.


The next day, Marco decided to just go to the island with Thatch and the kids and ask Luffy to come with them to the sea. And hoping that he would agree.

And of course their kinda nervous about asking the kid if he will come with them or not.

But since they all decided that the kid should come with them, they all have to do now is to convince Luffy. And this is their only chance, cause they are going to leave the next day.

While they were walking they found Luffy sitting in a rock and petting a small cub. But before they could call him, he already see them.

" Hey your back! " Said Luffy while waving.

When Ace and Sabo heard him, they immediately run up to him. "Hey Luffy!" Said Ace and Sabo while running. When they arrive they crash Luffy into a hug.

Marco and Thatch could only watch while smiling at the three kids antics. You would think that they haven't seen each other for years!

After awhile they finally arrive to where the kids are and heard them telling Luffy their adventure. And Luffy listening to them while looking amazed and happy.

"Hey Luffy, there is something we have to tell you yoi" said Marco cutting Sabo from talking about his experience in the sea.

When they heard Marco talked everyone immediately became quite and listen to him.

"What" asked Luffy breaking the quite atmosphere looking confused.

"Well.." start Marco "tomorrow we are leaving the island and we were wondering if you like to come with us?" He finished.

After he finished his question, everyone look at Luffy and waited his reply. While Luffy look at them looking dumbfounded. When Marco would ask again, Luffy suddenly started cheering happily.

"Yes, I wanna come" said Luffy still cheering happily, when they heard him say that they also started cheering with him.

After awhile, they help Luffy to pack his things and since there aren't many they finish early. And Luffy went to his friends to say goodbye and thanking them for taking care of him.

When everything is done, they finally going back to the ship with Luffy. Their all exited to introduce Luffy to everyone and have adventure with him and they cant wait for that to happen.

This is the beginning of Luffy's adventure.


Hey everyone, been awhile!
How are you? I've been busy with online class lately so I might update slow. But don't worry I'll still update.

Anyway that's all for now.
Ja ne~

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