Iida vs Shimura

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The next match had been extremely uneventful and Tonya wasn't impressed in the slightest, she hadn't been able to see her next opponent actually fight so she wouldn't know if her next match was going to be her last or not. She understood that the girl from support course wanted to showcase her inventions but to take over 15 minutes to do so and use Iida as a pawn in her advertising was just a waste of time.

She didn't really pay attention to the rest of the matches for the first round but Bakugo's fight with that round-faced girl entertained her quite a bit. She saw that the girl was extremely stubborn and wanted to prove herself but because of Bakugo's powerful quirk she wasn't able to do much damage on him, and Bakugo definitely wasn't holding back, he didn't care that she was a girl, all he cared about was having a fair fight and he knew she was strong.

The blue haired girl found herself chuckling at the thought of what equality meant to Bakugo, he doesn't give a flying fuck about your gender, just as long as you can challenge him in a fight, he will fight you to the best of his ability.

She overheard some of the 1-A students bashing on Bakugo for sending powerful blasts at the girl and rolled her eyes, she got up and went over to the wall, sticking her head over and looking at the class "First of all Kaminari, you overdid yourself which gave me the upper hand so don't flatter yourself. Second of all Bakugo knew round face was strong, if you actually paid attention you would see that they were both giving it their all. Bakugo doesn't care if she's a girl, all he cares about is a fair fight."

Bakugo looked over at Tonya and glared slightly, even though he knew she was right. The girl shrugged and went back to her seat.

Hitoshi looked at her, "why do you talk to them?"

She chuckled and spoke teasingly, "what? Jealous?" He gave her a look and she rolled her eyes, "I only talk to them because they're too up in their ass about everything and it's fun to correct them. Plus if I want to be a future classmate of theirs it's best to make myself somewhat familiar with them."

She looked down to the battle stage and saw the red-head from 1-A won the arm wrestle with the guy that looks like he could be his brother.

The next match was coming up and Tonya knew she had to keep an eye on this match because if she wins her match against Iida, she'll be going against the winner of this match.

Tonya felt someone tap her shoulder so she turned to them, it was Togeike, "shouldn't you be in one of the waiting rooms preparing for your match next?"

She chuckled and shook her head at the girl, "I have a feeling I won't need to go to the waiting room until a little later." She ignored the puzzled look on the girls face and turned to look back at the two boys who had just walked onto the battle stage.

She only caught parts of what Mic was screaming about, "IT'S MIDORIYA VERSUS TODOROKI!"

Tonya looked between the two and muttered to herself, "jeez you can feel the tension between them from all the way over here..."

When the match finally started she watched Midoriya break bone after bone in his fingers from using his quirk to destroy the ice created by Todoroki and cringed, "is him breaking his bones this normal? Todoroki doesn't even seem bothered that Midoriya's literally breaking his fingers..."

She noticed that Midoriya had probably said something to piss Todoroki off because he actually started running towards Midoriya, holy shit he actually landed a hit on the guy... The girl noticed Todoroki's slower movements and frowned, does the fact that he's only using ice eventually have an effect on his body...?

She watched as they continued to fight, it looked like Midoriya had the upper hand until he yelled out to Todoroki, "it's yours! Your quirk, not his!" She frowned, what the hell did he mean by that? From the look on Todoroki's face, he knew what Midoriya was talking about.

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