Panic Attacks and Boy Talk

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TW!! SH scars mentioned and a Panic Attack!!

Tonya sighed from where she stood and pulled out her phone, typing out a message Mina.

Floating Dust Bunny
Do I have to come Mina?

Alien Queen
Yes! It's gonna be one of the last days we can relax before we go camping, plus I wanna know how your date went! We all do!

Floating Dust Bunny
Fine just when I get there can you not draw attention to me?? Apparently the boys are going to be there to do some training and I don't want them seeing my scars...

Alien Queen
Of course! We'll see you there then Tonny!

She rolled her eyes at the nickname and looked at herself in the changing room mirror, her eyes trailing over her thighs that were littered with scars she made before she had come to Yuuei, before she met someone who wasn't scared of her quirk, Hitoshi Shinso. Her eyes drifted to her left wrist that had a scar all around it from when she couldn't deal with her hands being so destructive that she tried to take her hand off.

She shook those memories away to prevent her from falling into the rabbit hole of negative emotions and put her artist gloves on, she headed out to the pool quietly and sat herself down beside Kyoka without any of them realising other than the girl she sat beside.

Kyoka sent her a small smile before looking back at the girls who were eagerly chatting away about boys in the class- mostly just Todoroki.

Tonya looked at Ochaco who had gone quite silent since the topic of boys had been brought up, she smirked, "Ochaco you've gone awfully quiet, is there a boy you have a crush on?"

She jumped at the sound of her voice and whipped her head around to look at the now black haired girl, "N-NO! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?? I DON'T HAVE A CRUSH ON DE-" she slapped a hand to her mouth to prevent herself from saying anything else.

Mina looked at Ochaco then Tonya, "we'll get to your crush on Midoriya later, Tonny you've got black hair... is that your natural hair colour!?"

She rubbed the back of her neck, "I guess... it usually would be black but since I bleached it to dye it blue so often it's dyed black until I don't have to dye it anymore."

"Why did you change your hair colour? It looked good blue," Toru piped in.

She frowned, "it made me look too much like that Shigaraki guy, plus the change of hair colour means it's harder for me to be spotted so if I'm out in public he won't recognise me as well as he would have been able too." Her hands moved to her thighs, the thought of her looking similar to a villain reminding her of how badly she was discriminated against in Middle School for her quirk.

Mina must have noticed her change in attitude and decided to change the subject, "SO! How was your date with that Shinso guy?"

The mention of Hitoshi made Tonya's cheeks burn, "it was fine..." She tried brushing it off like it wasn't a big deal

Tsu raised an eyebrow, "from the blush on your cheeks it was more than 'fine' Ton," she smiled.

Her hands rushed to her face to hide the growing blush, Toru looked at her, "are you gonna tell us?"

"We just watched movies and cuddled! That's all!"

Toru giggled, "well when we were asking for permission to use the pool I overheard Present Mic gushing about how cute you two looked cuddled up together when he and Mr Aizawa were going to check up on you two."

sister of a villain • hitoshi shinso [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now