Sports Festival

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The day of the Yuuei Sports Festival finally came, for the past two weeks Tonya spent most of her free time training in combat and with her quirks. It took a while but with her floating quirk she can now make herself float if she wanted too and but not at the same time she can make small objects around her float and move at a quick speed without looking at them anymore but it does require concentration; using this part of her quirk can only be used for about 5-10 minutes depending on how heavy the object is and how much energy she has. Her Decay quirk is more or less the same but she's found out that if the focuses enough she can make things around her decay without touching it but she chose to not use that unless she absolutely has to because she can't control what decay's just yet.

Present Mic started calling all the first year students out by class, unsurprisingly, he sounded like he mostly cared about the Hero Classes. Tonya rolled her eyes as she walked out beside her best friend, "talk about favouritism," she grumbled to him, she tried her best to ignore all the eyes on them as they walked out.

He hummed in agreement, our class stood where we were instructed and waited for Midnight to start talking. She snapped her whip and spoke, "Now the introductory speech!"

Tonya looked the woman over and a small blush tinted her cheeks, "Is that really appropriate to wear around horny teens?" she squeaked as she looked away from the woman on the stage. 

Hitoshi looked at Midnight then down at Tonya, he shrugged, "I don't know," the blue-haired girl wasn't surprised at his disinterest and looked back at Midnight, trying to ignore the fact she was wearing a highly scandalous costume.

"Silence everyone," she snapped her whip again, "and for the student pledge we have: Katsuki Bakugo!"

Tonya saw the spiky pomeranian looking dude step out of the group beside her and towards the stage, and raised an eyebrow, "this is gonna be good," she snorted.

"He's the first year rep?" She saw the broccoli haired boy watch the blonde walk to the stage with wide eyes.

"I guess that hot head did finish first in the entrance test..." A boy with black hair responded.

The girl behind Hitoshi and Tonya sighed loudly, "only for the hero course exams."

"Oh right..." The green haired boy spoke sheepishly.

"That girl obviously hates us." Tonya looked over at the boys and glared as if to tell them to shut up.

"Yeah and we've got Bakugo to thank for them not liking our class..."

She reverted her attention back to the stage to see this 'Bakugo' walk onto the stage and stand behind the mic.

"I just wanna say, I'm gonna win." Tonya watched as his class freaked out about what he said and chuckled.

The students around her began to boo him, and all she could do was sigh, "he has some balls to say what's on his mind, I'll give him that..."

One of Bakugo's classmates stepped forward and started doing hand chopping motions while yelling at him, Bakugo turned to everyone, "not my fault the rest of you are just stepping stones to my victory," he made a thumbs down motion with his hand.

"Oh that's cold dude..." Tonya's hands fiddled with the gloves she had on but she didn't take them off, it had become a habit of hers when she starts to become overwhelmed and Hitoshi had realised this when they first became friends.

While students were yelling at Bakugo about how rude he was, Hitoshi had noticed her fiddling and quirked a brow, "everything okay there Kitten?" -Kitten was a nickname he began using for her whenever she was stressed or overwhelmed because he constant fidgeting reminded him of a Kitten playing with a toy.

sister of a villain • hitoshi shinso [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now