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Tonya Shimura didn't remember anything about the Shimura family massacre, she was only a newborn when it happened. Her brother's quirk did nothing to her, so Tenko chose to leave her outside an orphanage for one of the workers to find her and ran away, terrified that he'd kill another with his quirk.

And so Tonya Shimura was found within hours of being left outside the orphanage and taken in, for a day she went by no name until there was a news broadcast about the massacre and that two of the children had gone missing, one five year old boy and one newborn girl, Tenko and Tonya Shimura. When the workers had connected the dots that she was the missing girl, they took her to the police station to report that they had found her then went back to the orphanage, and that's where Tonya lived for the next 15 years. 

By the time the girls quirk had developed, the other children in the orphanage strayed far from the blue haired girl. She had manifested the same type of quirk as her older brother- Decay- but there was another quirk she manifested, it was similar to her grandmother's original quirk- Float; she could look at something and if she concentrated enough she could make it float, she can also make it move but it's not a strong quirk and she chooses to keep it that way until she realises it's useful for what she wants her future to be like. One of the caretakers got the girl artist gloves once they found out her quirk so she couldn't accidentally hurt any of the other children or the caretakers.

She was an overall quiet and shy girl but she was very determined to train her quirks to be the best they could be so she could become a hero. She usually ignored the other children's comments about how her quirk was a villain's quirk but each comment felt like a knife to her heart and it slowly made her lose confidence in herself to try make friends; so the red eyed girl kept to herself and began hating being around people who were overly confident.

When it was time to apply to high school's, Tonya went for Yuuei, applying for the Hero Course and if she couldn't get into the hero course she also applied for General Studies as a backup. The entrance exam for the Hero Course didn't go as planned, she failed the written exam and in the practical part of the exam she could only take down 5 of the robots which gave her 11 points (two 3-pointers, one 1-pointer and two 2-pointers), and in the process injured one of the other examinee's with her quirk to which she apologised profusely. She ended up being put in the General Studies which she was thankful for because that's where she met her best friend but that didn't mean she didn't stop training to be in the Hero Course.


this is going to be the only short ish chapter cause i suck at writing prologues for anything

yes this is a book for our purple-eyed brainwasher. 

i would write a fanfic for bakugo but the one-shots are enough cause i can't commit to stories at the moment

if i haven't posted in a while, i apologise in advance cause i have a habit of not sticking to a schedule or a story for that matter but i really hope i can stick to this story.

btw i have done this prologue and the first two chapters in one day because i'm avoiding revision so i wouldn't expect it to be like this all the time.

sister of a villain • hitoshi shinso [FINISHED]Where stories live. Discover now