Chapter 31

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"Head Quarters"

Rio's dark brown eyes are like fire on mine as they pierce my gaze. A silent yet roaring spark ignites across his irises - a dangerous glint of mischief - as he enters Head Quarters by my side.

I've grown rather use to the sight.

Next to me, his full lips draw apart one moment, only to curve up into a boyish grin the next. Rio then refracts his attention ahead and leads the way.

My matte red lips take in a gentle breath, and I'm finally ready to face what's ahead of me.

But before I know it my breath gets caught in my throat from what my attention is soon drawn to.

The first thing I notice is the remote crowd of ten or so men standing in the open living room - surrounding them lies the luxurious furniture and tall navy blue French Walls that encompass the vast space.

Just about five or a few more set of eyes are carried over in our direction when the glass doors shut behind us. Some don't bother to look at Rio and I at all.

It's then when I spot several, countless, suitcases open to showcase stacks of cash upon the coffee table's glass surface.

A couple of the guys sitting back on the couch count a stack by hand, casually. As if it's normal to withhold so much money.

Suddenly, I feel a careful brush against my hand - from Rio briefly nudging my hand signaling for me to follow him.

I didn't realize I had even stopped in my steps. I guess I easily got distracted from the overwhelming sight of it all.

Aside from the intimidating gang members lingering inside the mansion, the inside of this place is breathtaking.

A part of me always knew Rio obtained a lot of money, from the crime he continues to recklessly get away with, but I didn't think it was... this much.

I clear my throat, beginning to finally follow into step next to Rio's taller figure.

But then, by his side, I feel a sudden warmth completely consume my hand. I flick my gaze down to see Rio's hand now holding mine.

"Wh- what are you doing?" I whisper next to him. I look at him to see his blazing brown eyes fixated ahead - not quite locking onto mine.

I think I see his broad shoulders slightly tense beneath his black button down shirt.

"For your protection, of course." he briefly explains - only summoning up more confusion.

I'm definitely asking him about this later.

I swallow, before finally curling my fingers around his own. And I deliver a quick sideways glance, catching sight of his shoulders then relax in ease at my touch.

I revert my attention ahead again - silent.

Rio leads us past the crowd of men handling the money - the Greenies, I gather - and into the spacious kitchen shortly after.

"The Greenies have the most simple job, with the mix of counting every bill we have to composing each stack of counterfeit." Rio whispers to me, huskily.

In return, I mindlessly lean in closer to him so the others won't hear. "Hand counting that much cash doesn't sound so simple..."

I watch Rio's full lips tug upward a moment. "Let me teach you how to print the cash, darlin'. Once you come to learn how easy it is, trust me you won't mind the counting part." he says next to me.

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