Chapter 29

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"To Remember"

     My stomach plummets as I meet Vince's gaze ahead. Something ardent flickers behind his eyes when he sends me a once over.

Stood vesturing a keen suit and tie, Vince stands near a table in the corner of the embellished room - multiple couples dancing to the song that begins fluxing through the light air.

Tiny fairy lights are canvased across the high ceiling; illuminating the room with the perfect fraction of dimness.

With my blonde hair straightened and overlapping my right shoulder, I stand in a short navy blue dress; the straps on my shoulders soon colliding to form an X across my bare back.

Mindlessly, my hand reaches for the diamond necklace around my neck that Rio gifted me last night, taking in a sharp breath as I begin in my steps.

The spacious dancing room is beautiful - vast. And seeing Vince standing there, his eyes focused on me as I near him, makes everything more perfect.

But inside, my heartbeat races, exceeding wildly.

"You look beautiful, Costellanos." he compliments; his developing smile nearly audible before I watch his full lips tug upward.

"Thank you," I smile, feeling my cheeks flush. "And you look utterly handsome, sir." a faint giggle escapes from between my lips - before Vince's charming smile widens and he extends out a hand.

"May I have this dance, my lady?" he asks, raising a brow playfully. I slip my hand onto his warm palm, my smile reaching ear to ear.

"Of course." I whisper.

As Vince's fingers intwine with my own, he leads the way to the dance floor. For a moment, I think my hand squeezes his own tight, briefly, as we make our way through the swaying crowd.

Stopping in the centre, Vince turns to face me fully, resting his hand on my lower back while taking up my right hand into his own grip.

I part my lips at his warm and delicate touch, taking in a soft breath while my ocean eyes settle on his own the entire time.

And we begin intently dancing to the music.

I'm engulfed in Vince's vague cologne as his hard chest just barely touches mine as we move in sync - his blazing brown irises remain refracted unto mine.

I catch sight of his lips twitching a second. Yet for me, there's a clench in my stomach. An ache in my chest. A feeling I don't think I've ever felt.

And I can't ignore it, as much as I wish I could for tonight.

As we dance, my heart merely aches from the reminder that this - us - isn't going to last. And that pains me.

I want to be stronger than this.

I force a small smile upon my face as Vince looks at me; I can't let him think something is wrong.

Not tonight.

I rest my head against Vince's chest, letting the soft music take control of our swaying frames.

His hand squeezes mine a moment in return, and he dips his head down to plant a kiss on the top of my head. My pink lips quirk up as I'm consumed by my partner's warmth.

My eyes flutter shut against Vince - and thoughts suffice once more. I don't suppress them, not this time.

I love Vince. He's been by my side for three years - after he finally brought down the thick walls he held up around him during the first year or so.

I never would've thought Vince would become someone so special to me; more than an investigation partner. More than a best friend.

But in the end, when it fell down to a part of my life I had to keep hidden in the shadows deep down inside me, that I would've never saw coming, I pieced together that I can't be fully honest with him. Not about certain... people.

And that, I'm afraid, cannot knit together a genuine relationship.

But for what it's worth, I'm not going to let go of what we had - and what we continue to hold only amongst the next couple of days probably.

Suddenly, I feel Vince's warm fingers intertwining with my own a moment - lulling me back into reality. I look up to meet his ardent gaze. I note how his full lips momentarily curve to form a small grin.

Then, a breath is sucked in between my remotely parted lips - when Vince swiftly spins me around from beneath his currently escalated arm.

A smile immediately forms across my face, I can't tame it.

And in slick movements, Vince then takes my hand in his own only to extend out his arm, keeping his deep brown eyes on me as a space grows between our figures. I bite my lip the second I spin myself around to return back into his arms; his arm curling around my waist in the process.

My revealed back hits his hard chest, his breath is cool upon the tip of my ear while his arms are now wrapped around my body. His body heat nearly swallows me whole.

My teeth tug at my bottom lip again, as I'm pressed firmly against Vince.

And below the fluxing music, his palms grip onto my hips. He turns me around. I lock on to his gaze - his brown irises clouded with passion.

Facing him, my chest against his, I flick my attention down to his hovering lips.

I then peer up on my tiptoes to lean in closer to Vince's tasty lips. And beneath a sliver of a second, he captures my lips into a kiss himself.

In return, I merely find myself kissing Vince like my life depended on it almost - as if this will be our last.

I carry my hands up to hold his cheeks; deepening the kiss as his lips move against my own, hard.

Vince's hands pull my hips closer onto his taller body, his hot touch sending a galvanizing wave to course down my spine.

The kiss may have lasted longer than it should've, but I have yet to find myself wanting to pull away.

But then, as the fairy lights continue to illuminate the tall ceiling above us, I know I have to eventually stop myself.

Carefully parting my slightly swollen lips from Vince's own, I carry my blue green eyes up to his.

His gaze burns unto mine - his passionate brown irises deep and ablaze.

I sweep my tongue across my lips gently, unable to tear from his eyes.

And with a heart still hammering mercilessly and wild, I release a quiet breath I didn't realize I had held, and snake my arms around his neck to pull him close.



Hope you enjoyed!

Just wanted to make a few announcements:

- There will be much more Rio VERY soon! I know you loves can't get enough of him so - he's coming. ;)

- Just to clarify that the note Rio obviously left on Isabel's doorstep will NOT be revealed any time soon.

- And lastly, Rivals hit 1K votes!!! Thank you all so much!! I truly do appreciate you, loves, always.

Well, that's all for announcements, loves. Love you all. xx


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