All this thoughts were in my head, so I wasn't paying enough attention to the road.

,,Shawn?" Josh who was still on the phone asked.

,,What?" I said.

,,What are you talking about? "

,,It doesn't matter, I've to hung up." I said and that's what I did.

As I looked up at the road again, I saw a car that was coming directly in my direction. I got scared, turned the steering wheel so I could get away from the car. But it was too late, the car had already drove into the back of my car. It probably sounds stupid, but I didn't know if I was dead or not. I suppose I wasn't, cause I was moving and besides the fact that I hit my head really bad, I think I was okay. I looked around and saw that I was directly in front of the Dophins hostel.

Camila POV

I was talking to Chris, Aaliyah, Jamie and Stephanie when, suddenly, we heard a loud noise that came from outside.

,,What was that?" I asked confused.

,,I don't know. It came from outside." Chris said, stood up and went to the window to check out what happened. ,,Oh shit! It looks like a pretty bad car accident.." She said and we all went to the window to see what was happening.

,,FUCK! This is Shawn's car!" Aaliyah shouted as she got to the window.

I ran to the window and as I saw the car I knew Aaliyah was right. That was Shawn's car. I immediately ran out the apartment and down the stairs, not caring about anything or anyone else then Shawn.

As I got out of the building, I ran to where the cars were and I saw Shawn, who had a pretty bad scratch that was bleeding on his forehead.

,,Shawn...!" I said shaking and not knowing what to do.

,,Mila... I'm alright. I'm fine." He said trying to open the door.

He got out of the car and I tried to help him while Aaliyah, Jamie, Stephanie and Chris got there.

,,What happened?" I asked, trying to help him not make sudden movements.

,,I don't really know.. I'm gonna tell you the story later. Is the other driver alright?" He asked trying to get to the other car.

As he got to the other car, the driver got out and started screaming:

,,Are you idiot!? Why couldn't you avoid me?"

,,I'm sorry? You were driving on the wrong road!" Shawn said kinda confused why this man was angry.

,,And? You should've avoided me! Don't you know who I am?" The man said.

,,What the actual fuck is wrong with you, dude? I don't care who you are! Everyone has to pay attention to the driving rules!" Shawn said angrily and I tried to calm him down cause I knew it wasn't good for him. He may have hurt his head pretty bad..

,,You say that? You were looking at your phone!" The man said while the police got there.

,,Gentlemen! Please calm down! We're looking now at the records and we gonna see whose fault was ir." The police officer said. ,,Okay it's looking like you Mister Hesler were driving on the wrong line. That makes it pretty clear. We are gonna send you the speeding ticket by post. We gonna take both cars to repair."

,,What!? I can't be the culprit! Don't you know who the fuck I am?" The man said.

,,I do know who you are Mister Hesler and I also know who Mister Mendes is, but you still are the culprit and you have to pay for it." The officer told the man.

,,Mister Mendes? Aha.. The legend himself is an idiot." Hesler said and his words made me mad, so I intervened even if it probably wasn't the best idea.

,,Be careful what words you're using, asshole!" I said angrily.

,,Mila! It's okay!" Shawn said softly.

,,Ohh, you have a pretty cute bodyguard, Mendes." Hesler said.

,,I would shut up in your place!" Shawn said getting angrier and Hesler too.

,,Gentlemen! Please!" The police officer said and Shawn glanced one more time at Hesler, put his arm on my shoulder and we left.

We went as fast as possible back into the hostel and left the police officer to do his job.

Shawn sat on the sofa and I went next to him. I touched the scratch on his head. He shrugged a little as I touched it.

,,I'm sorry!" I said and took my hand away so I wouldn’t hurt him.

,,It's okay." He said softly, took my hand and kissed the back of my hand.

,,I'll never leave you alone again. Ever!" I said to Shawn.

,,Mila...things like this happen... Doesn't matter if you want or not. And if there are idiots out there like Hesler, the chances are pretty high... And I'm so damn happy that you weren't with me. I don't know what I would have done if something would’ve happened to you." He said and put his hands on my cheeks.

,,Hey!... I don't like to interrupt you, but... Where are we going to sleep till the car is ready?.." Aaliyah asked softly.

,,Oh shit! Right, the car isn't for sure ready today.." Shawn said.

,,You can sleep here. I can tell my roommate I have gusts and she can sleep at her boyfriend's apartment. Two people can sleep in my room, two in my roommate's, one can sleep in an extra bed that I have and we can put in the living room, and one person can also sleep on the sofa." Christine said.

,,That would be awesome. Thank you." I said.

,,No problem. So... Mila and Shawn you are sleeping in my room-" Chris said but I interrupted her.

,,Wait! Na ah! You're sleeping in your bedroom. We can sleep on the sofa."

,,Bullshit! My apartment, my rules!You and Shawn sleep in my bedroom, Aaliyah and Jamie you sleep in my roommate's bedroom and Stephanie you'll sleep on my extra bed. I'll sleep on the sofa. No distractions. Basta!" Christine said.

,,Fine." I said giving up.

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