115. Sunday Sanctuary! (254)

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November 22, 2020~Week 37~Day 254

Sunday Sanctuary!
Sunday is the day I like to sit back and give thanks for my blessings, especially now because Thanksgiving is just around the corner. 

In this world shaded by the pandemic; and the many things that are happening, I can never be sure what to expect next.

Although, I am not feeling like my old self; I am not sure what is wrong. What I do know is that my feelings about the uncertainty of the future will pass, but I may never be myself again.

What I do know is this too shall pass and with the help of family, friends, and prayer I will 

get through.

Like I told my son earlier this week, we are all in a survival mood. We all need to do what we must do now, so someday we can do what we want to do in the future!

Just Watching From The Edge: A Journal of 2020Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora