88. Monday Moments! (227*)

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October 26, 2020~Week 33~Day 227*

Monday Moments!

It is day 207 of this wild ride of a pandemic into the New Normal.

It appears I can feel sorry for myself, or I can move ahead with counting my blessings and focusing on an attitude of gratitude. At a time like this, finding even the tiniest things to be grateful for is restorative. I am indeed thankful for my family, friends, pets (Even my little blind dog Ginger and her way of letting me know she needs to go outside by bumping me on my leg with her nose.)

In taking time to count my blessings, I find my life filled with many things I have so often taken for granted. I am thankful for so many simple things such as: watching the big blue sky that stretches across the heavens, the clean air that blows through the stoic trees of California after a season of forest fires, electricity, and water, the beautiful dancing birds in the air, for the food on my table, clothes, and shoes, a warm bed and remembering to say my prayers at night.

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