44. Saturday Summary! (184)*

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September 12, 2020~Week 27~Day 184*

Saturday Summary!

I'm taking a glimpse at what was good about today.My son and I drove 30 minutes across town to deliver some homemade cupcakes to his friend. The trip put a smile on all our faces even though we wore our mask 

and took our places six feet apart.

On the way home, we stopped to pick up dog food and groceries. A trip that once took only an hour turned into two hours of waiting in long lines six feet apart. Once home, storing supplies took another hour of disinfecting, repacking, showering, and washing contaminated clothing. Perhaps we would not be so cautious if some family members weren't older and frail, but it is always better to be careful if it means family members will stay safe.

After our outing, we talked about how thankful we were that we had the money to buy the items we needed. We are blessed.

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