51. Shuffling Through Saturday! (191)*

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September 19, 2020,  ~Week 28~ Day 191*

Shuffling Through Saturday!

Time and space appear to be standing still for me today.

It is one of those "Honey Do!' days. The kind I have been dreaming about for so long.

Time is on my side; I am ready to chip away at my pile of 'To-Do's List.'

"But that's not what's worrying me ...These things must be done delicately," as the Wicket Witch of the West once said.

I will start by shuffling over to my TV and dust it off. Oh, yes, I really should dust off my movies. Hum, I'll first dust off The Wizard Of Oz. Perhaps I'll shuffle over to the kitchen next; it needs a little cleaning out. I can get rid of these last two Oreos and that last bit of milk in my milk jug. It's time to dump this wrapper and empty milk jug in the trash.

I think this last bag of popcorn should go into the microwave while I'm cleaning up. Well, waste not, want not I should sit down and eat it.

Just look at my couch with that pile of laundry; I'll have to sit and fold all that.

But maybe first, I'll eat this bag of popcorn and watch The Wizard Of Oz.

How is your shuffling through Saturday going?

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