I wasn't one for doing that sort of stuff but at the same time I had an urge to try

I mean don't most people have an urge to try it?

Of course I didn't think any different of the boy i just thought it could be some sort of coping method or just because he can

I looked again and saw him shoving more shit in draws of his tall-boy

I looked away feeling bad for invading his personal space deciding to pay attention to the cool breeze that passed by

well cool is an understatement it was pretty cold in Aberdeen I mean that seems to be the only wether it can produce

After about a minute more of him doing stuff in his room I saw the shadow of the blinds being lifted

I tuned around and saw him standing there with that pretty smile

I haven't known him for even a day but what I would do for his lips to be on mine

He opened the window for me to climb in

He held out his hand in offer to assist me

I landed on his desk and then climbed of followed by a small stumble landing into his arms
(fucking gross cliche or whatever
it's called)

I looked up at him in comfortable silence

I stood up and fixed up my shirt a little then turned around a couple times slowly
looking at him room and admiring the shit that was plasters to his walls with I assume nails or even glue

I looked at him then looked at a literal children pool in his room then looked back at him

"wa- why"
I laughed at him

He just laughed and sighed

"I don't know I was probably on something"
he laughed

He meant that as a joke but yet deep down I knew he was probably high whilst he bought that or stole it who knows

I sat down on his bed and he sat on his desk

Silence lingering in the air of the room

But soon the silence evaporated into thin air

The room was soon filled with laughter and interesting conversation and honestly let's not lie some flirting

only a tad but flirting is flirting right?

After a bit we both grew very tried

I was to sleepy to walk back home and the door would of still been locked so it was pointless

The both of us crawled into his small yet comfortable bed

We both could tell the sun was appearing out of the sky because the room was still a little bit bright after Kurt flicked the lights out

We both laid in the bed with our body's touching

"Well I would say goodnight but I guess good morning"
he sighed with a small laugh coated in tiredness

Kurt Cobain                                   And I Love HerWhere stories live. Discover now