-Beneath the Surface-

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O mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from one soul and created from it its mate and dispersed from both of them many men and women. And fear Allah, through whom you ask one another, and the wombs. Indeed Allah is ever, over you, an Observer.

(Surah An An-Nisa' 4:1 )
-------------------------------------‐---------------Omaiza's PoV

It was time for me to embark on a new journey. Life so far hadn't been particularly kind, but I remained grateful. As the clock struck 5 in the morning, Luth and I found ourselves embracing our parents one final time before setting off. Yes, the moment had arrived—I was leaving. Departing from the city that had bestowed upon me nothing but anguish. I was bidding farewell to all those hidden tears and burdens, ready to embrace the dawn of a new chapter in my life.

As I held my Abu close, standing beside him was the woman who had become my stepmother and orchestrated much of the suffering I endured. Yasmin, my stepmother, approached me with open arms for a hug. Politely, I declined and opted for a simple handshake.

"Ah, look who's putting on airs of maturity," she jeered.

"May your day be filled with blessings, Aunt Yasmin," I replied, offering a serene smile.

"Of course," she retorted, rolling her eyes dismissively.

After sharing a forced smile with Aunt Yasmin and Yusra, I turned to my brother—my unwavering pillar of support, a second father figure in my life. Holding him tightly, tears welled up in my eyes as I whispered, "I'll miss you, bhai."

He comforted me, gently patting my back. "Hush now, Princess. Have faith in Allah; everything will be okay."

"Hey, zawj," Luth chimed in.

"Come on, brother! We were in the midst of a brother-sister moment," Yasir bhai teased, playfully tugging at Luth's leg.

"Uh-oh, is this the signal for my departure?" Luth played along, a playful twinkle in his eyes.

Laughter filled the air as everyone shared a light moment. I savored one last hug with my uncle and Asma auntie, and then turned to my best friend, Mahira.

"Hey, don't fret. Parting is merely a promise of a future reunion, In sha Allah ," I assured Mahira as I embraced her, offering solace in my words.

"Take care of yourself, Aiza. Remember, I'm just a phone call away," she offered, her words imbued with genuine concern.

"Aye aye, captain!" we giggled.

Luth extended his hands for me to hold. I hesitated briefly, but I didn't want to miss the opportunity to escape from this dreadful place.

With a heart full of mixed emotions, I prepared to step into the unknown, leaving behind the pain of the past and embracing the uncertain but hopeful future that awaited me.



We settled into our seats. Luth immersed himself in his laptop, while I stole glances out the window.

Allah has crafted this world with immense beauty, yet why do some of His finest creations engage in cruel deeds? Why don't they hold reverence for the Almighty? Why do they not fear the impending Day of Resurrection?

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