-A final Note From The Author-

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With a heart full of gratitude and eyes brimming with tears, I find myself at the end of this journey. As I pen down these words, it's hard to express the mix of emotions that swirl within me.

It has finally come to an end - "Accepted With Flaws."

This journey has been a truly remarkable one, and I couldn't have done it without all of you, my readers. I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for your unwavering support and encouragement throughout this writing process.

I must admit that this novel was in hiatus for a very long period due to the myriad of life's events - from getting married to becoming a mother of two beautiful baby girls, all while pursuing my education. Amidst it all, I'm immensely thankful for the support of my husband, who has stood by me, encouraging me to chase my passions and dreams alongside the daily responsibilities.

I found the courage to pursue what truly made me happy, and among those pursuits was completing my first ever novel. As a beginner and not a professional writer, I personally feel a sense of deep satisfaction with the work I've created.

Juggling motherhood, studies, and writing was far from easy. There were moments when it seemed impossible, yet the read counts, the comments, and the interaction with you all kept me going. It wasn't about recognition; it was about writing from the heart and experiencing the satisfaction of accomplishment.

This story, "Accepted With Flaws," isn't just about characters on pages. It's about the profound truth that our flaws do not define us; they don't determine the course of our lives. It's a tale that celebrates the uniqueness of each individual and the beauty that emerges from genuine acceptance.

In a world where acceptance can often be elusive, this story highlights the divine truth that Allah has destined someone uniquely meant for us. Someone who will embrace us unconditionally, understanding and cherishing us for who we are at our core. This theme resonates deeply, reminding us of the ultimate acceptance that comes from our Creator.

Through the pages of this novel, I hope you find a message that speaks to your heart. Thank you for joining me on this journey, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for my writing endeavors. I am overjoyed to have completed my first novel, and I look forward to publishing a single paper copy as a trophy to cherish for life, in sha'Allah.

With heartfelt appreciation,
Jazakallahu Khair

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