-Shattered innocence -

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Oh my Son, establish Prayer, enjoin all that is good and forbid all that is evil, and endure with patience whatever affliction befalls you.29 Surely these have been emphatically enjoined.
(Surah Luqman 31:17)

Luth's POV

"Assalamu alaikum, Zaid. How's the situation there?" I answered the call, worry in my voice.

"Walaikum Salaam," Zaid's voice sounded urgent. "I filed a complaint against the guy. His name is Shakeel Hasan, a college student interning at Passion Photography Studio."

"His parents?" I asked about Shakeel's family.

"Bringing them in might attract media attention to Omaiza," Zaid explained, frustrated.

"I should've considered that," I sighed, my concern for Omaiza deepening.

"Will he face a hefty fine to get out of this mess?" I inquired about the legal consequences.

"I'm determined to make sure he faces legal consequences, and I'll discuss it with the officers," Zaid assured.

"In sha Allah," I said earnestly.

"Give my regards to chachu and chachi. I'll meet them tomorrow. Right now, I need to head to the guest house," I informed Zaid.

"Take care. Allah Hafiz," Zaid said before we hung up, leaving me with thoughts of Omaiza.

I parked at the guest house, a place filled with memories of our trips to India. The weight of recent events clung to me, and I sought solace in a hot shower.

The bathroom provided some comfort as water washed away the day's remnants. My blood-stained shirt served as a stark reminder of Omaiza's ordeal.

Morning light filtered through the window, stirring me from sleep. I dressed and prepared to visit chachu and chachi, whose home was conveniently nearby.

"Assalamu alaikum, chachu and chachi," I greeted them warmly as I entered their home.

"Walaikum Salam, Luth," their smiles eased my worries.

Chachu noticed my demeanor. "What's on your mind, Luth? Zaid hasn't been forthcoming, and you seem different," he observed.

"Zaid wants to discuss everything when we're all together. He said he'd explain," I assured them, eager to shift the conversation.

Chachi's eyes filled with tears as I recounted the story. Their blessings provided comfort.

"Chachu, remember Muhammed from your university days?" I asked, changing the subject.

Muhammed's name made chachu pause. "Yes, he used to be my closest friend. Why do you ask?"

"He's Omaiza's uncle," I revealed, intrigued by chachu's reaction.

"Subhan Allah, it's been years! We should reconnect and maybe meet Omaiza as well," chachu suggested, kindling hope within me.

Chachi shared his sentiment, her agreement carrying warmth. "In sha Allah, it's a wonderful idea."

"Luth, would you and Zaid consider joining us? We can pay them a visit together," chachu proposed, his enthusiasm infectious.

"I'd be delighted to meet her again," I admitted, the prospect exciting.

Zaid's consent sealed the plan. "We're in, waiting for Abbu's pending approval," he stated with a casual shrug.

Later, as I took a moment to relax, my thoughts involuntarily gravitated back to Omaiza. A knock on the door broke my reverie, and I composed myself before granting entry.

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