The Stifles

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I find myself trying to stare at any and everything, but my eyes always fall back down to the eyes of the decapitated fish heads on the table that seem to stare right at me. Those empty black eyes staring deep into my soul, trying to find some humanity to grab on to, while I'm looking at myself reflected off of those black pearls. Almost unconsciously I find myself trying to pat down the friz of my dark curls sprawled across my head, almost as dark as those fish eyes that still stare at me. Out of frustration with my hair, I grab this long, thick piece of red yarn I stole from my sister's room for this exact moment. It's worn down from being used oftenly to tie my hair to the back of my head. Out of sight, out of mind, I think to myself as I let out a deep sigh. Seconds pass and I find myself looking at the eyes again, this time focusing more on my appearance than the creepiness of the fish. I notice my brown skin darkened either by the dark pollution in the air or tinted by the black eyes. I trace my face with my fingers, up from my chin to my cheek where my fingers graze a dangling jewel pierced into my right ear. A tiny light blue jewel that sparkled in the right light, father managed to chip off a piece from the bigger jewel he mined before he had to give it to Akontis' Collectors. A slight smile appeared across my face as I remembered piercing my ear with one of Hollee's sewing needles excited to wear my new jewel. That was ages ago and that young girl was replaced with an older and more responsible girl, I drop my hand from my ear finally able to look away from the all knowing fish eyes. Myrwin walked in from the back holding my basket, handweavened by my own mother, her and Hollee being the only ones that had any artistic capabilities though very fitting considering Hollee was named after our mother, Holleena. He walked with a limp, something he'd say was due to old age, but I know better to believe it has nothing to do with his constant work in the mines. He passes me the basket, his hands surprisingly clean revealed his olive skin, usually everyone that lives in the Stifles are a little darker due to consistent ash coating our skins. "No mines today?" I ask, curious as to maybe that's why he's so clean. He doesn't say much just nods though I didn't expect him to. We have an understanding, I come to him for deals on food for my family and I keep his business booming. The better the business, the shorter the time in the mines. Another slight smile escapes, I can't help but feel a little pride in myself.

As usual, I grab ten silver coins out of the pocket of my pants, running my fingers over the engraved image of the castle, Demoilia, before handing it to him. He counts them and shakes his head, I'm dumbfounded. "What do you mean no? It's always been ten demos," I say out of frustration. There's silence before he coughs, trying to clear his throat. "Prices go up during this time." My brows furrow awaiting his next words. "It's Picking time, everyone's going to be shopping, this is my chance to make some real money." I try not to let my anger show as my hand in my pocket rubs two demos in between my fingers. Of course. "How much more?" I won't prevent him from trying to take advantage of the Picking, but I wasn't planning on spending more than needed on food today. He swallows using his time to really think about his answer. "For you, five more." I feel the weight on my shoulder lift up a little bit, five isn't bad, it isn't great, but it isn't bad. I shuffle through my pockets grabbing five demos and placing it into his outstretched hand. "Thank you," I say before turning to walk away, Myrwin just nods, back to his quiet self.

I walk away from his shop and back into the fast current of people passing through the marketplace. Usually I wouldn't have to fight my way through the crowds of people, but like Myrwin said It's Picking time, everyone's going to be shopping. It's as if almost everyone left their homes today, it's never this many people out especially when the sun's still up. I make my way into the crowds, keeping distance from me and everyone else. I have no patience for thieves today, though everyone seems more focused on themselves than me. I walk past a couple more stations as I exit the market place. A bright red station catches my eye, I turn my head to see the Stifles' flag and lots of them. A whole row of black flags with a topaz stone design in the middle representing my village and lots of people gathered around to get one. Who would willingly represent the Stifles? I snickered at the thought of parading around with Stifle merchandise. I let my thoughts settle as I try to enjoy the long walk it will take to get to my home. The crowd around me decreases as I get further away from the marketplace and then there's only a few stragglers rushing to pick up their own goods. I observe the people as they walk past me, a woman's holding her child's hand tightly dragging them along, the little boy constantly gets distracted by the slightest thing. I could probably watch her turn red with frustration if it wasn't for the dense air. Watching the whole scene play out reminds me of how frustrated Kailan gets with Hollee, who practically ignores everything he says. I smile to myself reliving the arguments that arise in the house over small issues. A voice breaks through my thoughts, I face the direction it's coming from to see a group of teenage girls sitting on the steps outside a house.

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