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"Caught in the act Potter! Ernie Mcmillan screams. professor Mcgonnogal bendsover to check Justins vitals. "petrified." She states. the nosie in the corridor is immeasurable. Peeves flutters around happily, taking in the Havoc. "professor, i had nothing to do with this. i swear." Harry pleads desperately. "its out of my hands potter." suddenly the shadows stop following their owners and converge on the floor. rising up into a spire and talking the shape of a human. then they fall away, showing Nico. He takes in the crowd. "Whats going o ..." He stops mid sentance when he sees nearly headless nick hanging in the air full of black smoke. His mouth hangs open for a moment. then another. the ccrowd has gone silent. Then Nico loses it. A wave of black energy explodes out from him. Cracks spider web across the floor and up the walls. Peeves flies away, apparently not a fan of this kind of Havok. skeletal hands begin reaching up through the cracks. suddenly a wave of pure mortal terror washes over me. My mind is filled with horific thoughts. Death, Darkness, all my greatest fears, all my worst memories. i want to run and hide. No i want to curl up and die. another wave of black energy strikes me and i get glimpses of Nicos thoughts. Anger, fear, sadness, A freak, an outsider, a mistake. Unwanted, unloved, and alone. Is this how Nico feels all the time? How could he live like this? half the building is crumbling. Professor mcgonnogal is flat on her back, jsut as debilitated as anyone else. Skeleton monsters pull themselves out of the ground then fall apart. the bones merge and reform into larger monsters, only to fall apart again. and then jsut as suddenly as it started its over. Nico is nealing on the ground, sobbing openly with nearly headless Nick in his arms. Hes waving his wand frantically over him reciting a rolling incantation that sounds almost like song. but with no effect. Hagrid runs into the corridor. He examines the scene with shock plain on his face. then walks up to Nico and wraps him in an enormous bear hug.

Professor Mcgonnogal conjures a stretcher for Justin, but nico snaps his fingers an honor guard of a dozen ghostly knights for Nick. they raise him on their shields and march him solemnly to the hospital wing. Nico seems subdued by the time we get back to the common room. he plops down into one of the armchair without saying a word. after a while he pulls a few bottles of alchohol out of whatever pocket of magic he stores things in and proceeds to drink it like iced tea. I briefly consider scolding him for drinking underage, but Ron elbows me. "Just leave him alone." Suddenly the portrait hole swings open and percy walks in. He surveys the agitated gryffindors with mild disaproval, then his eyes fall on Nico. "Nico! What on earth has gotten into you?" Nico looks up. "Johnny walker. Want some?" Percy opens his mouth but seems so stunned he cant find the words. so he turns to the group at large." Ive just been to an emergency prefects meeting. The East wing of the charms corridor has been deemed unstable and is off limits untill such time as it can be reapaired." He glances at Nico dissaprovingly before returning to the group. "Justin Finch-fletchly, and nearly headless Nick have been examined and both have been found to be petrified by the same means as Mrs. Norris and Collin Creevey."At this point NIco lets out a single horrible wail. "But Dumbledore wll be able to revive them with the Mandrake potion." Percy continues urgently. "Itll be okay. but students are now be advised to exercise EXTREME caution and travel in groups whenever possible." Seamus speaks up. "It sucks about justin and all. but to be honest im more concerned about Nick. What terrible power can hurt someone whos already dead?" Everyone now turns to Nico, our resident ghhost expert. he looks up. "there are many terrible things in the worlds of gods and men. Magic so old wizards have forgotten it. Monsters so terrible that mortal men dare not speak thier name." suddenly there's fire in his eyes and his face turns from depressed to determined. "But i am a wretched thing too. I swear on the river Styx this attack will not go un avenged. I will shake the heavens and the Earth! I will unleash all the terrors that haunt the hearts and minds of men! I will become aliving nightmare! THE GODS THEMSELVES WILL FLEE FROM MY RAGE! And when i find who is responsible for this, they will beg me to die before i kill them." HIs face then turned green and he bent over and puked violently into a nearby potted plant. "But not tonight." He says. then passes out in his armchair and begins to snore.

Nico ignores his glass and puts the entire pitcher to his mouth. He drains the whole thing in several loud gulps. then places the now empty pitcher back on the table and wipes his face. "Someone else might have wanted some orange juice too." I scold. He shrugs. "I feel like shit." "Well what did you expect. "agrius." Nico saysand the ghost appears next to him. 'Whats on the agenda?" Agrius summons a clipboard. "No classes today because its sunday. You have a message from Hazel." Nico glances at the nearby gryffindors. "Ill read it later." Agrius writes something on his list that seems much too long. then looks up again with a frown. "The headless hunt need a new coordinator if they are going to continue their search." Nico sighs. "Put the Baron on it." Again agrius seems to write far too much. "You have a meeting with Professor Dumbledore and Professor Mcgonnogal. right after breakfast" Nico raises an eyebrow. "When did that get put on the schedule." "Last night aftrer yo blew up half the charms corridor." Nico rolls his eyes. "Fine." Agrius begins scribbling for a third time. Nico looks at him. "Are you even writing anything?" The young lare smiles and turns around his clipboard. "Im drawing a puppy." Nico laughs, the cringes and grabs his skull. Agrius frowns. "You have a drinking problem."

When Nicos not at camp (Book the second)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu