Needle in a haystack

776 21 20

Tommy Lee

I'm manspreading across the couch. Nikki's on the floor. He kicked both the girls out a little while ago, seeming kind of pissy about it. He claimed it was for band stuff, but I think something else happened.

"So you can actually play, like play play?" He asks.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean?" I ask, twirling one of my drumsticks. I don't know why I brought them yesterday.

"Well I've met a lot of people who can 'play' drums, if thats even what you could call their attempts. But can you," he stops his little speech long enough to point at me. "Can you play?" He concludes.

"Fuck yeah I can play. I could show you." I offer.

"Play something other than my ass cheeks." He says, swinging his legs onto the couch, pulling himselfo onto it.

Whats his deal? Jesus fucking christ!

We continue on in silence for a couple of minutes, before Nikki excitedly slams the newspaper down beside me.

I jump a little, causing my drumsticks to fly into the air. He grabs one of them for me. "Here ya go." He offers it to me. I take it and he gives me a smile that makes my heart flutter.

What the fuck Lee, chill.

"Why'd you slam that down?" I ask. He grins even wider. "I just found our guitarist!" He cheers.

I blink. "What?" I ask.

He points to an ad, circled in red ink. "That. Thats our man right there."

"Loud, Rude, Aggressive guitarist. Contact Mick Mars." I read out loud. Nikki nods.

"Let's go call him! There's a payphone out front." Nikki chirps, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Fuck yeah!" I chime in, giving him a high five. He moves to get up, and I do too, causing us both to fall. He lands on top of me and my heart starts racing.

Don't get a boner. Don't get a boner. Do not get a boner. DO NOT GET A BONER!

Thankfully my dick listens. "Sorry." Sixx mumbles. His hair is hanging into my face, and he's blushing. The rest of his weight is pinning me to the ground. It's all I can do not to kiss him.

Lee, seriously, get ahold of yourself.

Nikki gets off me, and we make our way across the open area courtyard, towards the front. Nikki puts some change into the phone and dials Micks number.

Mick Mars? It's a badass sounding name. A lot better than Tommy Bass thats for sure. "Yeah are you Mick Mars?" Nikki says.

He must have said yes or some shit. "Good, I'm Nikki Sixx, I saw your ad in the paper and I'm gonna get straight to the point. I'm looking to start something big. I don't need a small time stuck in his ways, knows 5 chords."

I don't know what Mick says, but Nikki seems pleased. "Yeah got it. Talk to you later." He replies, putting the phone back.

I follow him back to his apartment. He seems kind of stressed. We work together for the rest of the day, but he seems so tense.

"Whats wrong?" I finally ask.

"It's just- Mick hasn't said he'll join, and He may not even be as good as he says, I don't want to waste any time you know? If it doesn't work I have this other guy lined up but he's rhythm, so y'know-" Nikki confesses.

An idea springs into my brain. Probably the only idea I've had since 6th grade. I slip off the couch, pulling Nikki to the edge of the couch.

"Tommy what the hell are you doing?" Nikki asks.

I push his legs apart and get in between them. "Maybe I can help you relax..." I say, mustering up the best seductive tone I can.

"Tommy, no." He says hesitantly. I run my hand across the crotch of his pants.

"Tommy." He says, coming out in a breathy tone. I know he doesn't want me to stop.

I can already see him getting hard. I undo his pants, lifting him up to slide them down a bit.

"Tommyyyy." He says, more of a moan than a protest.

I free his dick, taking in the sight before me. This might be the one thing bigger than his ego. I gulp, slightly nervous. I've never exactly sucked dick before. It just wasn't something that came to mind.

Nikki grabs my hair, pulling my face closer to his cock. I place my hands on the inside of his thighs and give the base a simple lick. Nikki gives me an encouraging look so I keep going, licking from base to tip.

Nikki shudders underneath me as I wrap my mouth around the tip. I move my hand, so I can stroke the base very lightly, eventually moving my hand farther back. I look up from swirling my tongue around, seeing him slumped against the couch, eyes shut.

"Mmm-ahhhh." He breathes. I love the feeling of his throbbing cock in my mouth. I dig my fingers deeper into his thick thighs, causing him to buck his hips upward.

It's rammed down the back of my throat and I gag, moaning at the same time. That drives Nikki over the edge, and hot, sticky cum shoots down my throat. I pull my mouth off of him.

"Did that help you?" I ask.

His mouth is still gaping in pleasure. "Y-yeah. Holy- you're good...good at that." He says.

I give him a wink. "You deserved some kind of reward for working hard."

He gives me a lopsided smile. But then it drops. "Don't get any other ideas." He says sternly.

I nod. "As I said, I was just trying to help you relax."

"With a blowjob?"


He shakes his head. I shrug. And then I look up at the clock on the wall. "5:50 P.M.?!" I yell, jumping up from where I had been resting on the floor.

"Yeah I guess, why?" Nikki asks, a look of concern briefly crossing his face.

"My parents- Um- they grounded me for staying out all night. And I stayed out all night again!" I frantically grab my sticks.

It's cramping my style. I swear. But as always, I'm in deep shit. When am I not?

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