Divorce papers

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A/N: sorry for not posting for a couple of days, been having a little bit of a breakdown, but I'm a lot better today. Hope you guys are all doing well and had a very merry christmas.

2020 is almost over!

Tommy Lee

I put down my seventh beer of the day so far. I stare at the papers in my hand. Once I sign these, my marriage to Heather is over. Everything is over. We agreed that I'll get custody of our kid every other week, and that she won't tell the media about me and Nikki.

It was actually quite civilized once she calmed down and stopped hating me. She even seemed to understand. But at that point, the damage to our marriage was irreparable. I don't even stay at the house anymore. I've been staying with Nikki.

Speaking of Nikki, he's probably shooting up somewhere. He really does do that a lot. I think he likes it better when he's high. But he also does a lot of really scary shit, including punching my lights out one time.

Fuck, my mind wandered. I turn back to the papers, the papers that will free both me and Heather from the clutches of marriage. One stroke of my pen and it's really all over. In a way, that's hard for me to believe, because when I met her I really thought it was forever.
I take a sharp breath and sigh, burying my head in my hands.

A few moments later, I feel a nudge at my lap. A strong snout. I look down and see Nikkis dog Whiskey. He stares back up at me with big dark eyes. I sigh and pat him on the head, getting up to feed him. Sometimes me and Nikki get so fucking wasted that we both forget to feed him, so he's gotten better about reminding us.

 Sometimes me and Nikki get so fucking wasted that we both forget to feed him, so he's gotten better about reminding us

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Nikki and Whiskey, circa mid 1980s

As I grab the dog kibble, I hear a crash from the living room. What the fuck has he done now? I quickly pour some kibble into whiskeys bowl and then take my beer into the living room.

The sight before me makes me snort with laughter. Nikki is caught in the bannister, wearing one rollerskate, and laughing. He has a bindle of coke on him. He glances over at me and his words slur more as he talks.

"HELPPPPMEEEE TOMMY!!!" He shrieks, pointing at his leg, which has gone straight through the bannister of the stairs.

The laughter is shaking my body so hard that I have to put my beer down. I grab him and try pulling him from the bannisters entanglement, but the effort from laughing has drained my strength. I collapse on top of him, still giggling and way too drunk for my own good.

His heartbeat is a comforting sound, and I wrap my cold arms around him. "I fuckinngggg love youuuu Lommy Tee." Nikki says

To be fair, I honestly don't even recognize that he fucked up my name. I don't care either. I don't want to ruin the moment, or get punched. I know he can't control himself sometimes, and  it's only happened twice, but seeing him really fucked on heroin is kinda scary.

I don't really get why he likes it so much. I mean he gets fucked on that shit, which looks like it hurts his arm, his veins are distended and his arm is red all the time, and he destroys shit and he yells and cries and screams and it's freaky. I like cocaine better personally.

(See photo below and make sure to take a close look at Nikkis hands)

I look at him and see that he's barely here, his eyes are glazed over, his face is flushed, mouth open in a daze

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I look at him and see that he's barely here, his eyes are glazed over, his face is flushed, mouth open in a daze. I decide my body doesn't want to pull him out of the stairs just yet, and I just lay myself on top of him.

He groans and seems to somewhat come back to earth.

"Fucking hell crush my ribcage will ya?" He jokes, yanking his foot one more time and pulling it from the bannister.

I smile and roll off of him, landing on the floor. Lucky for me, Nikki got caught just a step from the floor. Lucky for Nikki too. He sits up and I grab the abandoned bottle of whiskey from earlier and take a long drink.

"Can I have some?" Nikki asks.

I nod, still gulping.

"So are you gonna let me-" Nikki starts, but I cut him off by tossing the bottle and slamming my lips against his in a passionate kiss.

Everything's gonna be alright, as soon as I sign those damn papers.

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