Fuck the Paps

458 18 30

Tommy Lee

It's been about 3 days since I left Nikki's house. I've talked to him over the phone but I just miss being with him. I miss his hands, which are large and calloused on the fingertips from his bass playing.

And I especially miss him pounding into me, my head occasionally striking the headboard while he has a tight grip on my hips.

I'm just lucky he didn't leave bite marks. That would've been hard to explain to Heather. Who is currently laying with her head in my lap as I sort through some records.

I smile down at her, rubbing her pregnant belly. I feel a little guilty for cheating on her with Nikki...but I loved him first. So technically I'm cheating on Nikki? I don't fucking know!!! 

"Tommy!" She breathes excitedly. I can feel the baby kicking underneath my hand. It's like my entire world lights up as the tiny human I made lets me know that they're there.

Heather grins and I kiss her. I love her, I really do, but somehow I don't feel like I love her more than Nikki. That sounds bad. What I mean is that I just fall into an easier, more fun, more intimate relationship with him.

Out phone rings and Heather reluctantly gets up. "Tommy, it's for you!" She yells from the kitchen.

I take the phone from her and hold it to my ear, wondering who is on the other end.

"Hey." I say, waiting for the person to talk.

"Hey dumbass." Oh great, it's my little sister Athena.

"Hey, Wait why are you calling me?" I ask, slightly confused as to why she is calling me at 6:30 am on a saturday.

"Who's the lucky lady?" She asks.


"Mom saw a picture of you in a magazine."


"Tommy don't play dumb."

"Theen, What do you mean?"

"Theres a photo of you with someone in a ice cream shop."

Nikki. Oh jesus. I guess that a photographer thought that Nikki was a girl. How did a photographer even take a picture without us noticing? Oh fuck if Heather sees this shit...

"Fuck Theen, thats my bandmate, Nikki. He tried to hang himself, and I just really wanted to cheer him up." I say, twisting the phone cord around my fingers.

"Well I guess you got some shit to explain to Heather then." She jokes. Damn right I do.

Back in the living room, some of Heathers friends have arrived. I can't fucking stand these bitches. I would toss them into a nuclear reactor if given the chance. There's one named Kathy, who has a voice like a dolphin. Someone stick a harpoon through her.

"Hey Heath, gonna go down to the studio babe." I say, kissing her on the top of the head as I exit.

Down in the studio I try working with some of the new shit Nikkis giving us. We're all working together now, kinda clicking into place even though Vince has been a little rough with us. Rehearsal is in a couple of hours and we hope to have this album out sometime next year.

"TOMMY!!!" Heather shrieks about 20 minutes later. I put down the beer I'm holding and brace myself as she comes barreling down the stairs. Kathy and her friend Sarah are right behind her.

"Yeah?" I ask.

"HOW COULD YOU?!" She's pissed, and tears are starting to stream down her face.

"Heather what is it?" I ask, leaning against my kit.

She holds out one of her gossip magazines and there it is. Me and Nik sitting at a table, him feeding me some of his ice cream. Nikkis face is completely hidden by his shoddy disguise, and he's wearing a long coat in the photo to avoid anybody seeing the scars on his arms.


I gently take her by the arm. She yanks away but I put my hand out to stop her from leaving.

"Heather, That's Nikki..." I say.

"Oh really why is he in that ridiculous get up?!"

"Heather...um Nikki...Nikki...he tried to- he tried to kill himself..." I stutter, feeling the hot tears burn behind my eyes, my throat swelling with the lump.

"Thats a fucking lie!" She says, even more pissed.

"I wish it was...he tried to hang himself." I say, and the trail of tears running down my face

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