Tipping Point

659 21 36

Nikki Sixx, 11:51 pm.

The weight on my body is comforting as I wake up from a deep sleep. I open my eyes, blinking rapidly in the near black. It's definitely night now, because its so damn dark. We must have slept longer than intended since Tommy came over at around 4.

I look down at my chest, able to make out his figure. His fluffy hair is spread across my body. I gently rub my hands across his smooth, bony body. I stroke down his back, and then back up to his neck, and down again. I continue this, kissing the top of his head.

I feel him stir under me. "Bab-Tommy?" I ask. He lifts his head from my chest, giving me a sleepy half smile.

"Yeah Sixxster?" He whispers, running one hand through his tangled hair, before laying his head back on my chest. I really just want to have Tommy stay here tonight. After all it is a friday, and he doesn't have church on saturdays.

"Can you call your parents and ask to stay tonight?" I ask, massaging his shoulders. "Uh....yeah probably. It's the weekend." He mumbles.

"Good, here lets get dressed and go call them." I say, reluctant to get out of bed. "Do we have to?" Tommy whines, looking up at me with his round, dark eyes.

I nod after a moment, gently pushing him off of me.

"Fineeeeeee." Tommy whines, literally sliding off my bed.

My eyes are becoming more focused in the darkness, and I can make out my abandoned clothes in a heap on the floor.

"Do you have underwear?" Tommy asks groggily.

"Huh?" I reply.

"Well I don't want to put that thong back on, one because I stole it, two because it's uncomfortable as hell, and three...well I only have two reasons."



"Have you EVER seen me wear underwear?"

"Well...pretty much every time I've seen you naked we were drunk....but no."
"You have your answer, just throw on some pants."


We both get clothed and to be honest, I can't help but stare at him. I mean I have no idea what he's doing to me or why I find his smooth olive skin, his beautiful pouty lips encasing pearly teeth, soulful eyes that hold childhood innocence, or wild curls of dark hair so hot.

I've never had sexual thoughts about dudes before. It's not my thing. And it's not really a natural thing. Especially since I'm such a ladies man.

Everything is so different with Tommy though. I don't know what it is. It's always nagging at the back of my mind though.

I mean for fucks sake I nearly called him baby. I wait as Tommy slips the coins into the slot, dialing his parents number.

"Athena, hand the phone to mom." Tommy says after a moment.

I'm guessing that Athena is Tommys younger sister. He talks about her sometimes. And then that turns into his mindless rambling. Then Mick has to threaten to knock him out.

Thinking about Mick makes me think about the beer he brought me earlier. I haven't tried it yet, but I want to. And then thinking about that reminds me of our band.

It's yet to be named, and we're still trying to get this guy that Tommy knows to join. We had another singer, but we clashed too much.

"...yeah hey mom listen, is it Okay if I spend the night with a friend? I did all the homework I had during study hall!" Tommy waits patiently for an answer.

"...thanks! Love you too momma!" He yells excitedly into the phone and then puts it back. I smile at him.

"It's cute you call her momma." I say, twisting my Sex Pistols shirt.

"Thanks, what do you call your mom?" Tommy asks.

"Deana, or Bitch, or Cunt." I reply, spitting at the ground.

"Wait...what?" Tommy asks. He seems surprised. Well I'm guessing we had two very different childhoods.

"Tommy, my mother didn't give two shits about me. She would pawn me off with whoever the first chance she got, wether that was boyfriends, friends, strangers, or my grandparents. And she basically allowed any other man she brought home to slap me around like her rag doll." I explain.

"Shit...I'm sorry man..." Tommy mumbles.

"Hey, it's fine, thats how life goes. Now lets go back inside, get shitfaced and maybe some more hot sex." I reply with a wink.

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