Piles of roses

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A/N: I'm sure I looked ridiculous writing this. Curled up sobbing on my floor. Anyways, Enjoy guys. This may have a bit of an unexpected ending.

Tommy Lee, 4 days later

For the fourth day in a row, I've woken up without the love of my life. For the fourth day in a row I have felt completely empty and worthless. I can't stand the fact that Nikki is really gone.

"Tommy...it's time." Vince says, making me look up.

I pull at the edges of my suit. I feel very uncomfortable and unnatural. Of course this is unnatural, I'm not used to having to go to the funeral of my boyfriend.

"I'm coming. I need a minute okay?" I try, shoving Vince out of the room.

I sit back down on the bed, the tears starting to fall again. These last four horrible days have been one long mental breakdown. Without him it's like a part of me is gone. He was my everything.

I almost wanted to skip his funeral today, which is in an hour. I decided I couldn't. I have to be there even if it's painful.


I whip around, seeing nothing. It's the same whisper I've been hearing all week. Every time I hear it I see nothing. I'm pretty sure I'm going absolutely psychotic.

But then I see it. A shadow, moving slowly across the walls of the room. Almost a human form. The hair on the back of my neck stands up, and I can feel something pressing down on both my shoulders.

"Tommy. It's me." The voice whispers.

Who is "me"?

"Wh-who w-what? Wh-wh-what? Why...why?" I stutter.


The pressure on my shoulders gets firmer, and the shadow on the wall seems to gain substance. Shapes start forming, and I can clearly make out the outline of a human.

Not just any human, Nikki. It's Nikki. I can clearly start to see his face. His strong jawline and green eyes are clearly coming into view. His angled nose and luscious lips are forming.

"Nikki?" I gasp, looking at the substantial figure.


His voice sounds far away at first. It gets closer however, along with his ghost. This can't be real. Ghosts don't exist. I'm seeing things. They should put me in the nuthouse.

"Tommy I'm sorry." Nikkis spirit apologizes, ghostly hand caressing my face.

I can feel his fingers, but not like you usually would. It's more of cold air, just substantial enough for you to notice. This is so weird. Ghosts don't actually exist right? Right? A small noise turns my attention back to the ghost of my boyfriend.

"Wh-why are you...are you so-sorry?" I ask, mind blown.

"I never meant for it to get out of hand. And when it did, I thought I could keep it a secret from all of you. Make you all believe that I was okay even for just a minute. Deep down I wasn't Tommy. I'm sorry I never told you. I'm sorry I never got the chance to ask for help or even to tell you goodbye. I'm sorry baby." Nikkis ghost explains, a pained look on his face.

God he looks so real. Like I could reach out and touch him. And I want to, I want to grab him and kiss him and never let him out of my arms again. But I'll never be able to kiss him again. I'll never be able to hold him again. It's all I want to do at this point.

"Nikki...baby don't be sorry. I j-just want you...want you back. I-I wish I could-could've...helped you." I gasp out, words struggling over the lump in my throat as my eyes burn with tears.

"Hey...hey Tommy...don't cry. Please don't cry. I didn't tell you and that was my fault. I thought it was helping me. It wasn't and I'm so sorry." Nikki comforts, wrapping ghostly arms around me.

"Nikki...I love you..." I sob, throwing my head forward as the tears drive channels in my face.

"I love you too Tommy. More than anything." Nikki says, giving me a small smile.

"TOMMY!!!!" I can hear Vince yell, pounding on my bedroom door.

"FUCK-FUCK OFF....FUCK OFF VINCE!" I cry, tears limiting my ability to yell.

I look back at Nikki. He's never looked healthier. He was emaciated and pale, jaundiced, his veins always marked up and darkened. But now, now his skin has an ethereal glow, dark hair falling around his head like a halo. His green eyes sparkle with more life than they did when he was fucked up.

"Goddamn it!" I hear someone else yell from outside the door.

"Tommy we have to get to the funeral!" Vince says, slightly muffled by the door.

"Go. I'll be waiting here when you get back." Nikki says, smiling down at me.

I nod and open the door shakily. Mick, Vince, and my mom stare. I probably look like a huge fucking mess, so I wipe my nose with my suit.
Mom looks around in confusion.

"Tommy you were talking to someone?" She asks in her thick greek accent.

I shake my head. "No mom...just...just get-getting everything out."

Vince and Mick both look concerned and they have a reason to be. For the last couple of days I haven't eaten, which is one of my favorite things to do, I haven't showered, I've barely drank anything, all I've done is cry.

"Θα είναι εντάξει γιος." Mom says.

Translation: it will be okay son

"Thanks mom." I mumble, adjusting my suit as we walk downstairs.

Nothing is ever going to be the same.

Even just walking downstairs and not seeing him with Vince, Mick, and Doc is making me want to slam my fists into my eyes and sob again.

But I'll make it through somehow.


A/N: I got the idea for Nikkis ghost appearing from an interview I watched not too long ago on a show called 'Celebrity Ghost Encounters' or some shit like that. Vince Neil was on it and he talked about his daughter Skylar Neil who died in 1995.

He said that after she died that he was in a really dark place and he was in 8 or 9 rehabs. He said that he didn't care anymore.

He talked about how he slept with Skylars blanket every night and one night he felt something pull on it.

He said that he opened his eyes and he saw Skylars ghost standing at the end of his bed and that she talked to him. They even went downstairs and played. (Mah heart :(.  )

He was worried it was a drug induced hallucination at first but after the first night  he found a dress of hers in his closet that they had glued paper flowers to the night before.

The second day she showed up he hadn't been on any drugs or drank any alcohol for fear of missing his daughters arrival.

She continuously showed up for a week, for which times Vince was sober.

After a while she told him that she had to go but that someday she would come back and told him not to be sad.

He often credits the appearance of Skylar with saving his life.

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