Alex stared at him. "Not the time," he said.

"Right," Reggie put his hands in his pockets and hit his lip.

"Feeling better?" Julie asked. "Because I'm touching you?"

"Maybe it's like with the stamps," Alex said suddenly.

"Oh my god, you think so?" Julie asked, watching as color slowly returned to Luke's face.

"Are you like magic or something, Julie?" Reggie asked in amazement.

"I don't know," Julie said quietly.

"You must be," Luke smiled at her. He lifted himself into a sitting position. "I feel so much better," he whispered. When he tried to stand up, he fell back down. "Still, dizzy, though."

"3 minutes," Flynn warned.

Julie's breathing sped up. "Oh god," she said. "It's working, but so slow." She got up and sat next to Luke, turning him to face her.

"Give him a hug!" Reggie suggested, shrugging his shoulders.

Julie nodded. "Yeah, that might work." She pulled him in and squeezed hard.

"This is nice," Luke whispered into her neck. "You smell nice."

Julie laughed. "Thanks," she whispered back. "Anything?"

"I feel so much stronger," he said, pulling away. He tried to stand up and that time it had worked.

"2 minutes," Flynn warned again.

"Oh god. Try and walk Luke!" Alex said.

Luke tried to take a couple steps and it worked. "I feel fine," he said. "Weak, but fine."

Julie placed her hands on his face and smiled. "Will you be able to perform?"

"Oh, yeah," he smiled. "Anything for you, Jules."

"Oh my god," Reggie said suddenly. "Kiss him already!"

"What?" Julie turned to stare at Reggie and Alex.

Alex shrugged. "It might work."

"You don't have to, Julie, really. I'm at 95% now," Luke smiled.

Julie was too nervous to do something so big in front of so many people so she laughed nervously instead. "95% is good, I think."

"It's great," Luke laughed.

"Julie?" A voice floated in through the door. "It's time."

"Alright, guys," Julie took a deep breath. She reached down and grabbed Luke's hand, intertwining their fingers. "Let's go."

During their performance, everything went smoothly. Luke performed flawlessly. If he was in any kind of pain, he didn't show it. Julie moved toward Luke naturally and they sang to each other like they always did.

After the performance, they got a standing ovation just like they always did and Julie felt like this competition was in the bag.

"That was our best show yet," Luke said excitedly after Julie ran off the stage.

Flynn was waiting for Julie. "That was the best one," she repeated what Luke had just said.

Julie laughed. "That's exactly what Luke just said."

Flynn hugged her tightly and whispered. "Speaking of Luke, we gotta talk about this performance."

Julie's eyebrows furrowed and she pulled away. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, your dad is definitely gonna say something," she raised her eyebrows.

That was when Carrie, in full Dirty Candy attire walked over.

"Great job, Julie," she smiled. "Your holograms are insanely realistic. Are you sure they're holograms?"

"I'm sure they're not real," Julie laughed. Technically she wasn't lying; they weren't real.

"Hmm," Carrie sounded skeptical. "It's just you and your guitarist get a little too close for it to be a hologram, you know?"

"I didn't know that was a thing," Julie shrugged.

"Oh, well, I'm up next. Wish me luck!" Carrie squeaked and ran onto the stage followed by her minions.

"Break a leg!" Julie yelled after her.

"For real," Flynn whispered under her breath. "She's annoying."

"She is," Reggie agreed, placing an arm over Flynn's shoulder as if she would notice.

Julie laughed at the sight and shook her head.

"Did you notice Trevor in the audience?" Flynn asked.

"Why does he keep coming to our shows?" Alex asked. "It's getting borderline stalker-like!"

"He's probably here for his daughter," Julie pointed to the stage where Dirty Candy was performing.

"Incoming," Flynn said under her breath.

"Excuse me, Julie, right?" The important looking lady that saw them perform at the café that one time was approaching them.

"Oh my gosh, hi! Yes, I'm Julie."

"I wanted to see if you and your band had time for a virtual interview sometime next week," she continued.

"Say no," Luke warned.

"Of course!" Julie answered without thinking.

"Great. We'll be in touch with details," she smiled and walked away.

"Julie!" Luke, Alex and Reggie said at the same time.

"Julie!" Flynn scolded, hitting her on the arm.

"What?" Julie asked, rubbing the spot Flynn had hit.

"How the hell are you supposed to be interviewed if your band is invisible?"

"Oh..." Julie grimaced. "Whoops."


Thank you so much for all the comments and love on the book!! I'm loving writing it as much as you guys are loving reading it🤩

Chapter Two - Julie and The PhantomsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang