I looked to the left where he kept me by his side, to see him grinning as he eyed the big space with a proud expression as if he has done anything other than paid for it. He had people to do everything for him, organize, decorate, send out invitations et cetera. But I wagered he must've felt proud about the sheer fact that so many important people, but not more important than him, showed up to celebrate him. Well, it wasn't just about him, but also about his partners, but for him and his ego, that was a minor defect that he wasn't all that bothered with.

Unlike my husband, though, I knew none of these people. The only time I might have seen any of them was in a magazine or at a different event where I caught a glimpse of them. None of these people were ones that I'd be acquainted with enough, that I wouldn't feel awkward. None of them I was even on speaking terms with, so I felt quite left out. But then again, at the end of the day, it's not like it really mattered, since Chanyeol would do all the talking, and I'd just stand by his side and nod my head. I wouldn't be doing any of the socializing.

And with having the photographers inside, this time I would have to be extra cautious to not let my real emotions show. Not even the smallest roll of the eyes, sigh or God forgive, an emotion other than utter joy crossing my face.

Yeah, tonight certainly wouldn't be easy, but I was used to this. Surely, I would be okay.

Once he was satisfied with looking around, feeling all big and mighty, he tugged on my hand and made his way to a small group of middle-aged men, with me in tow. However, along our way there we were stopped a few times and people complimented my dress, which made my mood a little less gloomy. Of course, each time that happened though, Chanyeol pulled me closer as if to let everyone know that the woman in the beautiful dress was entirely his possession. But aside from him pulling that stunt each time, it felt nice being praised. It wasn't something I received often, so it was like a breath of fresh air, boosting my confidence a little.

But unfortunately, the time came, and Chanyeol was shaking hands with the other men. Usually, I wouldn't be thankful for his hands on my body, but right now it made everything a little less awkward. I wasn't sure whether I should just say something and introduce myself, seeing as Chanyeol hasn't done so himself, and instead laughed at something he said, or just opt for staying quiet. Knowing full well which of the two my husband would prefer, I joined in on his laughter with a well-practiced smile.

That seemed to remind him of my existence, and as his laughter died down, he extended his free hand towards me, "Gentlemen, this is my wife, Chaeyoung," and grabbed a glass of champagne that was passed around.

"Chaeyoung, dear, this is Bill-" he started introducing me to the men, but I couldn't care less and therefore drowned out the names that all sounded awfully similar, and instead smiled as if I cared.

"Nice to meet you," I said once Chanyeol went quiet, that I took as a cue for me to speak, and bowed my head.

"No need to bow," one man laughed, "you're not in Korea here,"

"You trained her well," one of the older men, that was visibly starting to bald, remarked with a chuckle as if he was funny and I was a dog. I was disgusted already and was glad I didn't bother listening to the names that would only take up a part in my mind. But then again, he wasn't entirely wrong, as I really was just like his dog, kept on a leash.

No matter how offensive I found the remark though, I couldn't say anything and so I chuckled along with him. But I was sure it didn't sound exactly genuine, no matter how hard I tried. I was just glad the pleasantries were over because that meant they'd leave me alone and only talk to Chanyeol. At times like these, I was glad I lived in his shadow because I'd rather be concealed and treated as if I wasn't present, rather than talk to some egotistical men who thought they were better than everyone else. Especially women who they considered to be mere slaves.

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