{Special Chapter}

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Yubin POV

"And then the princess took the sword from her brother's hand and faced the dragon herself..."

"I wanna be the princess!" Suyeon clapped excitedly.

I cooed, booping her nose, "You already are babygirl."

"Is daddy a prince?" She asked.

I smiled affectionately, "He can be if you want."

She nodded animatedly, "Daddy is my prince!"

I watched my two-year-old daughter clamber out of my arms and chant about her unending adoration for her father.

She was truly something precious to grace our lives. Ever since the wedding, she had been our top priority. Instead of two, we were now three. She was already growing up too fast but it was also magical to see her blossom as a person.

The sound of a car engine pulled me from my happy thoughts.

I gasped, "Princess...who's here?"

Her eyes widened in excitement, her beautiful big doe eyes locking onto the front door.

"DADDY!" She squealed.

I chuckled, scooping her up into my arms and taking her to the front door so that the second Seokjin opened it she could fly into his arms.

Yeah, she was a daddy's girl.

The door opened to reveal his magnificent self all exhausted from a long day of meetings. But the second he saw Suyeon, it was like all of his troubles melted away.

She wiggled out of my arms and flew into his hands, hugging him tightly as he peppered her with gentle kisses.

"Ahh hi princess!" He cooed, his voice embarrassingly getting higher as he baby-talked her.

"I missed you daddy!" She pouted adorably making both mine and Seokjin's hearts combust.

"I missed you more~" he cooed, giggling against her baby soft skin which in turn made her burst in a fit of giggles.

He turned his attention to me with a warm and loving smile as he gently set her down.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into his chest. No matter how many days we'd do this, I'd never get over the wonderful feeling of being back in his arms after a long day of work. The way he put all his attention on me and treated me like I was his whole world.

His lips playfully danced on mine leaving butterflies in my stomach that were partially from him and partially from the nausea I had felt all day.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and nuzzled my face into his collarbone.

"I missed you too baby," he hummed.

After a few moments were turned back to our doe-eyed little girl, staring at her with parental love.

"So what did you and mommy do today hmm?" Seokjin asked, plopping on the floor beside her.

"It was so fun! Mommy and I play pirates, she sing me songs, and we baked cookies, and then she read me a bunch of stories!" She recited.

He shot me a worried glance which I returned with a tired smile. I had been a bit under the weather for the week. It was pretty much just nausea. It wasn't like I was throwing up, but I could barely look at food without feeling sick.

Still, I could be on my deathbed and still do everything to make my little girl giggle.

Seokjin rubbed my back, "How're you feeling honey?"

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