Chapter 13

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That was the first thought I had when I woke up. The oh so wonderful pregnancy cravings had begun.

I sat upright in bed, placing a hand on my chest as I tried to catch my breath. I had begun to feel winded quite often which was normal for a pregnancy but it still freaked Seokjin out, so he always left a glass of water by my side.

I surveyed my now slightly bigger baby bump in the mirror, proudly rubbing it before heading out to the kitchen to quench my craving for pickles.

Luckily, since I had demanded them before, Seokjin had stocked up on it. And by stocked up, I meant we had at least five big jars of them.

I grabbed one jar out of the fridge and used my superhuman strength to open the lid.

I pulled out a big pickle and began munching on it hungrily. My diet literally consisted of pickles lately. Nothing else could top them.

On the kitchen countertop Seokjin had left a neat little note for me. I smiled at his pretty handwriting, admiring all of his little mannerisms.

After I heard his cheeky little statement in Taehyung's office, I had realized that I was starting to pick up on all his little adorable habits. The way his left eye twitched when he was hungry or the way a tiny dimple would show up when he ate. Or the way when we were out in public his demeanor would change around other people.

I had come to terms with the fact that I might have a small crush on him, but I was convinced it was nothing more than a 'father-of-my-child' type crush.

I looked down at my bump and gave it a gentle rub. I was fifteen weeks along which meant I was almost half of the way there to seeing my beautiful baby. I was feeling hopeful about everything. My dad's health hadn't been getting better but it wasn't getting worse either which was a good sign. So hopefully he'd be around enough to see me bring his grandchild into the world.

I took a big bite out of the pickle and began to briefly scroll through my socials. Honestly, even though I had been staying with Seokjin for a little over a month, it was still hard to get used to everything. I was so used to working all day everyday that I wasn't sure what to do with the extra time on my hands.

But lately, I was having the extreme urge to be adventurous and risky. I wasn't normally a 'daredevil' so I had no idea to begin, but I was always antsy and had this overwhelming desire to go do something spontaneous. But I of course had to be safe, so what was the next best thing?

That's when I remembered a particular rule or Mister Kim's initial craze that he hadn't changed when we revised it together.

He told me to never go in his study or his bedroom. Ever. If I ever needed something from him, I was to knock. And on top of that, he always kept the rooms locked. He was obviously hiding something.

The question was, did I really want to risk it and invade his privacy like that? He had hospitable for the most part and strangely caring. I'd totally break his trust if he found out.

But that being said, my curiosity was killing me. I mean it was only natural to feel curious, right? Truth be told, guilt was eating me up, but I felt like I had to do it.

So I compromised with myself. If the door to his study was unlocked, I'd take a quick peek. Nothing more. And if it was locked, I'd drop it.

I took my pickle jar and clambered up the stairs. I stalked towards the end of the hall, and to my surprise, the door to Seokjin's study was unlocked and wide open.

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