Chapter Two

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After ages of walking, I eventually reached Daegu by the next morning. It was rather empty, to say the least. Cars were left opened and abandoned as if people had fled from them in a hurry. There were no people in the streets and all lights in shops were switched off. It felt strangely eerie and mysterious and something was telling me it was not always like this. I reached for my phone in my pocket to try and search the daily news or some directions; only to pull my pocket inside out. Worriedly, I raced my hands around my body to find that my phone wasn't there.

"You've got to be fucking kidding me right now!" I said, but more of a shout than I realised.

In the end, I concluded that my phone was back in what was left of the car. Steadily, I walked down a road in hope of finding someone to give me directions to a hospital because the ache in my head was slowly starting to cause me more pain and dizziness. Before I could continue any further, loud grumbles filled the air and I ran to the next street. Instead of people, I was greeted by something else. Something much much worse. Monsters.

Their skin was extremely pale, and their eyes were nothing more than white pearls. Purple and blue veins crawled up their neck, legs and arms as if rushing up to the brain. They all turned to me and snarled showing their yellow teeth that was coated with a red liquid. It was almost like they were dead but alive...

Before I had chance to even process what was happening, they all darted towards me extremely quickly. You wouldn't expect it when you see them, but they were fast. One came from my right-hand side and and leapt onto me, pushing me onto the ground. I let out a scream loudly in desperation of getting help.

Of course, I was defenceless, I wasn't expecting to turn up in a recently abandoned city filled with dead-looking cannibals. Moments before this, I was in a cop car on my way to visit my imprisoned father and now I'm stuck under a monster that is trying to rip me into shreds like a shredder does to paper.

A gunshot fills the air and the cannibalistic beast that was atop of me of me became as limp as a sack of potatoes. Deep red liquid that I can only imagine to be blood, splashes over my face as I struggle to remove the "thing" that was above me, but it was too heavy.

The weight was lifted from me and someone grabbed my hand whilst running away. It all happened so fast that I couldn't get a good look at the person's face. Instantly, I assumed it was a guy because of his masculine rear view, with his short black hair and the feeling of his large hand over mine.

Without sparing a second, he pulls me into a furniture store and locks the door. I looked in his direction and noticed that the windows were covered with what appeared to be sellotaped paper. He slid a metal pole into the door handle for support.

Suddenly, the cock of a gun was heard besides my right ear. Slowly and calmly, I turned around only to meet eyes with a tough looking man with silver hair, not much older-looking than myself.

"Yoongi who is this?" he questioned, looking over at the black-haired guy who is now sat on a couch to the side of me.

"When I was looking for supplies, I heard a girl scream and when I peered out from the ally, she was being straddled by a walker," the black haired boy, who I assume to be Yoongi says.

"Are you bitten?" The first boy asks me.

I shook my head rapidly and gulped trying to swallow saliva however, my mouth was dry. I hadn't drank or ate anything all day yesterday nor today therefore I was rather hungry. Especially when I spent most of this time travelling, and any food I had in my stomach was thrown up not long after the crash.

"Joon stop, you're going to scare her," a handsome boy with broad shoulders, who was leaning against an old clock says.

I looked over to him slowly but still not saying a word.

"I'm shocked he saved her, usually he would leave her for dead to buy himself time," the one with broad shoulders says again, shrugging.

"W-what were they?" I asked stuttering, still shell shocked from previous events.

"You don't know?" A boy with red hair asks, who was sitting on a chair at a dining table.

"Know what?"

"Yesterday, when people started to attack each other? The dead came back as zombies," the red haired boy said again.

I just shook my head with a puzzled expression.

"We'll introduce ourselves and explain, come sit at the dining table," the one with silver hair says, moving the gun from my head.

I sat at the chair ready to embrace the information they were about to tell me.

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