Getting to know you

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Going back to her seat, the guy was gentleman enough to stand up and let her sit on her chair comfortably. It's really awkward though. Does she have to say something? Thank him for giving her the best sex she had in life? Ask him if he really is Korean or Japanese?

"Do you want some water or anything?" he asked, breaking the silence and that's when she realized that she hadn't had any food since she's inside the plane and that's almost 5 hours ago. Maybe this is the best time to eat something. "I'll get you something to eat," he claimed then stood up which made her look at him in surprise. Really? Just like that? And he disappeared into another part of the plane.

What should she do now? She can't just leave like how normal one-night stands should happen since they're on the same plane and seatmates at that. If she knew this will happen, she should have pondered hard on her actions.

But there's no way that she would have passed this opportunity, knowing that they wouldn't see each other again. So what should she do now?

He returned with a stewardess right behind him, pushing a tray of food and drinks. "I'm not sure what you want so I asked her to come here and let you decide." In the end, (Y/N) chose a sandwich and soda while the other settled on just coffee. She was about to pay when the stewardess claimed that it's taken care of. The stewardess bowed at the guy who chicly waved her off.

"Thanks," she said awkwardly and he gave her a smile. (Y/N) focused on her sandwich instead, thinking of what to tell him. Maybe she should have declined the food and slept instead.

"You're a manga artist?" he asked and she nodded before looking at him in surprise, did he see her illustration? "I was curious at what you drew. Didn't know you could be as amazing as your drawing," he said and she choked on the cheese on her sandwich. What the hell?

The guy just chuckled then gave her some water. "Perhaps, are you a virgin?" And she coughed once again, frantically shaking her head. She's not but it's been so long since she had sex, probably a year. And he doesn't need to know that. "Are you going on a vacation or work-related stuff?" he asked, actually creating a conversation with her.

"Vacation," she answered curtly and realized that they're conversing in Korean. He's probably Korean who spends a lot of time in hentai videos so he probably knows some Japanese words. "It's only for five days, I just want to see Paris before I die and luckily, my boss allowed me to go," she stated then glanced at him, realizing that she was talking too much. Why is this weird habit of hers kept coming back? And really? In front of this amazing guy? "You?"

He smiled then put his head on his hand that was on the armrest of the seat. "The latter," he said that made her nod. "You don't like to talk too much, don't you? Am I bothering you?" And she shook her head, refuting his sentence.

"It's just a little awkward," she said in a monotone, shrugging her shoulders then giving a bite of sandwich. His finger went to the side of her lips, wiping the messy cream and licking his finger that made her gulp. Is he always this suggestive?

"Then how about we redo this. I'll take you out for dinner when the plane lands and take it from there," he suggested and she squinted her eyes at what he claimed.

He wants to take her out to dinner? Like a date? This gorgeous guy wanted to take her, a lonesome potato, to dinner? "I'm sorry but are you sure about that? Me? And you?" The guy raised his eyebrow and she shook her head, her sentence sounded wrong. "You look like a God and I'm..."

The guy smirked at that. "Hot?" he continued for her that made her flabbergasted, that was the last thing in her mind. "And I'm dead serious about that dinner." He said and somewhat his voice came louder than the sound of the pilot, announcing that they had arrived in Paris. "If you have doubts about it, I'll just show you that I'm really interested in you." The statement caught her off-guard that she raised an eyebrow at him, what is he talking about?

"I'm staying in Paris for three days and I bet we'll meet before the hickeys on your neck disappear," he claimed. She somewhat admired the confidence in his voice. It seemed like a challenge that she's willing to take.

And just like that, they parted ways without knowing each other's name or contact number.

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