Fatty isn't so funny anymore {Ch.20}

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“So you’re telling me that your parents legitly think we are dating?” I said dumbfounded with my mouth half full of Vanilla Bean Frappuccino. He nodded giving a sigh. I gave him a disapproving look “Stephen you’re going to have to tell them eventually” I started and saw how terrified he looked “but until then I’ll support you anyway I can” I said giving his free hand a squeeze as we pulled into his house.

He looked at me dead serious “You really are an angel in disguise and any man would be lucky to have you” He said giving me a peck on the check. I just smiled and got out of the car. If only other people thought that.

We walked into the house only for me to be attacked by his mother “How are you dear!? I’ve been so excited to see you again.” She rambled.

“Nice to see you too” I smiled.

“Some of the other family is out back, some are in the pool. You two should go too” She shooed us and Stephen and I went out back to see about six people in the pool mainly kids or teenagers and older people walking around.

“Wanna swim?” Stephen asked. I froze and Stephen got close to my ear and whispered “You’re the most beautiful girl out here” like he knew I needed the encouragement.

I took a deep breath and stripped to my bikini feeling people looking at me for a moment then go back to what they were doing. I wrapped my arms around myself to see Stephen jump in and resurface.

“Come on in!” He said and I smiled at his goofy face and took a run and jump right at him. “You almost landed on me!” He said looking offended.

“I missed” I said flatly, then laughed at him.

After messing around a while I got out of the pool grabbing a towel and drying off enough to reach inside the house. I felt hands go around my waist and I quickly turned to see Stephen.

“Oh jesus, don’t do that! I almost laid you out” I chuckled.

“Oh yeah, I could totally take you” He grinned mischievously.

“Wanna bet?” I said raising an eyebrow.

“Awe!” I heard and turned to see Stephens mother and father. I just smiled at them and took Stephens hand. “Come now; let’s go sit in the living room and talk. It’s been so long since we have” She said walking into the living room. I sat down next to Stephen on a burgundy couch and his mother and father sat on one in front of ours.

“So how’s work Stephen?” Jane asked happily. She really is a lovely lady, I feel bad for deceiving her.

“Great actually, I got a huge story and now am a part of the company for good. It’s actually how Kharma and I meet” He said and I gave him a sharp look. I don’t them to know who I am if I can help it.

“You work with Stephen?” Jordan asked as Jane rung a bell and a second later a boy came in with a waiters outfit on and when I looked our eyes meet. It was Gryffin. I was about to call out his name when he gave me a sharp look as if to threaten me.

“Bring some lemonade” Jane whispered to him as he ran off.

I knew I saw him at that last party, what is he doing here being a waiter of all things.

Then I saw everyone staring at me expectantly and I sighed elbowing Stephen in the gut “No sir” I said.

“Then how?” Jane asked.

“My brother is the lead singer of a band he interviewed” I said as discreetly as possible.

“Who might that be?” Jane asked.

“Ashton Potter of Pack Mentality” I said.

“Ah, you’re that girl all in the papers. You’re Brian’s girl, right?” Jordan said.

I dropped my head in defeat “Yeah, that’s me” I smiled.

To help comfort me Stephen put an arm around me and pulled me closer to him. “Awe. You guys are just too cute. Kiss” She said.

My face turned bright red and I stuttered “W-what?” I said.

“You heard me” She grinned cat-like.

“Mother” Stephen started.

“Oh come on, you’re dating it should be natural” She chimed.

I looked at Stephen and he nodded slightly and I took a deep breath and started leaning towards him. We slowly got closer and closer until right when we were about to kiss Stephen let out a disgruntled noise and stood up.

“I can’t do this to Kharma” He said looking at his parents.

“No Stephen” I started.

“It’s okay Kharma. I’ve made you do enough I need to just suck it up and tell them” He said.

I nodded and he took a deep breath “Mom, Dad. I’m gay. I like boys, not girls. If you can’t accept that it’s fine. Cut me off and take everything away. I don’t care. I’m tired of hiding it.” He said breathing hard and shaking.

I stood up and put a hand on his shoulder “And if you cut him off its fine, he can come stay with me” I said smiling at him and he weakly smiled and looked at him parents waiting for a reaction.

“About damn time!” Jane said exasperated.

“Wait, what?” I stuttered.

“You seriously didn’t think we didn’t notice? We’re your parents” Jordan said.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Stephen said looking happy but angry at the same time.

“We wanted you to tell us. Honey we don’t mind. Grandchildren can be adopted and I couldn’t love you any less” Jane said getting up and hugging her son.

I smiled grabbing my clothes “I’ll leave and give you time. Call me later sweetheart” I said quietly and slipped out the door without being noticed.

I started walking towards my house since Stephen drove me there after putting my clothes back on. I made it back in about forty minutes and I walked in to see the house empty.

I shrugged and carried on with my day.

~Vacation time~

Somehow we managed to get everyone in a car and on our way to the beach. I luckily wasn’t in the same car as Gryffin and I had gotten in the car with Stephen, Ari, Will, and Ivy. Stephen is now completely out of the closet and on the prowl for a man.

“Hey, maybe you can find a man at the beach” I winked.

“You too honey. Maybe we can go prowling together, huh?” He elbowed me.

I just shook my head as we pulled into a humongous hotel. “No way!” Ivy said looking at it.

I grumbled “Of course my brother would go fancy.

We parked and drug our bags over to the boys. “Okay we rented the pent house on the top floor that has four huge bedrooms. We can make it on that. So lets go!” Ashton screamed.

I’m so ready for this vacation! Maybe I can enjoy it without too much drama.

Sorry it’s so short!
At least I posted something right?
College is killing me guys! I have no time for myself. I hope you forgive me, to at least some degree.
Love you guys
Peace, Love, & Unicorns <3

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