Fatty isn't so funny anymore {Ch.3}

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I knew from the moment I stepped off that plane,
We had no future.
How come your dreams are always so bitter?
And who knows,
Maybe one day,
You will know my name.

I groaned at hearing the ring tone on my cell phone with my head pounding, Any other time I would have took a moment to listen to the amazingness of Jonny Craig's voice but not this morning. I rolled over expecting to snuggle into my sheets but instead a wall smacked right into my nose. I groaned again and sat up holding my aching head and nose at the same time. I looked around to realize I was in the living room, in the corner, I must have passed out right here.

I realized my cell phone was still ringing and sighed. I can't get any rest around here! I slowly got up and found my cell phone to be thrown carelessly onto the couch with my other belongings I had with me last night. I gave a yawn and picked up my cell phone flipping it open.

"Hello?" I asked my voice coming out raspy, probably from all the vomiting I did last night.

"How you feelin sis?" I heard Ashton laugh at me.

"Don't laugh you asshole, I feel like I got ran over by a bus" I said rubbing my nose as my whole head throbbed.

"Well I tried calling your house phone like twice but you didn't pick up" He said almost scolded.

I let out a small laugh "All I remember after I got home is throwing up everything and then I woke up with my phone blaring and practically cuddled up to the wall" I said.

He laughed at me "Well mom and dad called and said they tired to call you. I suggest you do so" He said.

I sighed "Thanks, are you guys coming over today?" I asked.

"Probably tonight. Lets just say the guys drunk a lot more than you did after the show" He laughed. I grinned, he's always laughing and smiling. I'm so happy he's got what he deserves.

"Okay, I'm going to go roam this place anyways, I'm going to see whats changed since we were little" I said.

"Okay, Love you Khar" he said.

"Love you too Ashton" I said and hung up my cell phone and let out another yawn.

I threw the cell phone back onto the couch and walked over to my cordless house phone dialing my parents number. It rung about three times and then picked up.

"Hello, Brian Potter speaking" I heard my dads voice say over the phone. I rolled my eyes, Dad always answers the phone like that just in case it's a client calling.

"It's me dad" I said in a duh voice.

"Oh Hellcat! How are you doing on your own?" Dad asked. I laughed at the nickname he gave me when I was little. Since my middle name is Helena he decided it was cute to call me Hellcat but it's really kind of embarrassing out in public.

"I'm doing good dad, How are you?" I asked.

"Pretty good" he replied.

"Did you call this morning or was it mom?" I asked him.

"Must have been your mother, She's always worrying about you and your brother. I'm telling you it's driving me mad" he teased and I knew mom as in the room. I heard a slapping sound and then the noise of someone taking the phone.

"Hey honey" I heard mom say and dad saying "That was uncalled for" in the background.

"Hey, did you call earlier?" I asked.

"Yes" she said.

"Sorry, you know how I sleep in on weekends" I apologized.

"That's what I thought it was, but I called Ashton just in case. Has he came to see you yet?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, I went to his concert too. They are going to come over tonight so we can just hang" I told her.

"Just make sure to go to bed at a decent time you have school tomorrow" Mom said sternly.

I laughed "I know mom, Love you and tell dad I love him too" I said.

"Love you to honey, bye" She said and hung up.

I hung up the phone a stretched walking into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of water and some aspirin. I took the pills quickly and walked to my room grabbing a nice black and white sundress that fit me just right and my undergarments. I went to the bathroom and took a nice hot shower getting rid of stress and the stink of lingering beer. By the time I was done the aspirin had took it's effect and my headache was gone even though I was a tad sore from sleeping in the floor.

I then put up my hair in a pony tail and let my fringe fall down in my face and put my ususal eye liner on. Then I slipped on some black high heels and slicked on some lip gloss. I grabbed my cell phone and car keys and locked the door behind me.

I got into the car and took off just driving through town seeing familiar and new places. I decided to pull into a Walmart they had built on a hill near the edge of town. I needed some Nutella anyways. I pulled up and got out of the car walking in the cool air conditioned store. The lady who was greeting people looked pretty hateful so I steered clear of her eyesight trying to blend in with the crowd going in and out of the store. As soon as I got past the lady I grinned to myself. Now how ninja was that?

I skipped through Walmart to the isle with Nutella which took a while since this Walmart has a differnt layout than the one where I used to live. After that I decided to go look around. I have time to kill so why not go shopping for some other things.

I was looking in the books and magazine isle when I spotted today's issues of a tabloid magazine and sure enough there I was on stage at that concert last night.

In big bold letter it said 'The pack has a new member?'

Then below it in smaller letters it read 'Last night at the last concert of their tour band Pack Mentality introduced a girl claiming she is special. Could she be dating one of the members?'

I sighed putting the magazine back on the shelf. I continued away from the books and such but when I got towards the clothes I froze hearing my name.

"Kharma!" I heard and I turned to see Luna waving her arms like a mad women. I also saw Ivy behind her grinning at Luna and Ari was walking with them and was chewing on what looked like a chocolate bar. I smiled at them and waved as they made their was to me.

"What are you doing here?!" Luna asked looking around like someone was stalking her.

I looked at her confused "To get some Nutella?" I said more like a question.

"You shouldn't be here, or out in public for that matter" Ari said taking another bite of her candy.

I just got even more confused "Why not?" I asked . Maybe there is some kind of cult here that kills new people in town.

Ivy pulled a tabloid out from behind her "This is why" She said showing me the same thing I had saw earlier.

I made a 'O' face and shrugged "I was going home after I bought my Nutella" I said.

Luna got an excited look on her face "Can we come and talk about this!?" She asked jumping up and down a bit.

I nodded slowly "Sure, Let me buy this and you guys can follow my car home" I said again slowly so Luna could understand.

"Yay!" She screamed causing people to look and I looked down just in case people noticed.

"Better yet you guys go buy it I'll be out on the front bench" I said thrusting the Nutella and some money at Ivy. She nodded seeming to understand why.

I hurried out with my head down and sat outside on the bench. A few minutes later I looked up to see them back with my Nutella in a bag.

I looked at Ivy "Where's my change, hoe?" I asked teasingly.

"Please. I'm keeping it as tip, skank" She shot back.

We looked at each other for a second "Well played" I smiled and we all burst out laughing at our stupidity.

I ran to my car and they got into who what i'm guessing was Ari's car and got in behind me all the way home I was singing Children of Divorce by Jonny Craig. I think it's because it's the first thing I heard when I woke up.

We pulled into the drive way and got out of the cars and I walked into the house with them following close behind. They went and sat on the couch and I sat in the chair.

"So..." Ivy started but was cut off.

"Why didn't you tell us you were dating someone from Pack Mentality!" Luna freaked.

I rolled my eyes "You guys are fan girls too" I groaned. They all nodded in unison.

"So your dating Ashton?" Ari said looking at the recent picture of me and Ashton I had hung up on the wall. He had an arm around my shoulders grinning like a idiot and I had both arms hugged around his waist since he is so much taller than me. The other girls's eyes got wide.

I let out a gagging noise and they looked at me confused. I guess they really thought I was dating him.

I gave them a glare "Have you guys even bothered to learn my last name?" I asked. They looked down ashamed and I sighed "It's Potter you knobs" I said and Ivy and Ari's eyes got wide and they made the 'O' face.

Luna looked confused "So?" She said.

I did a face-palm "The lead singer of Pack Mentality's last name is Potter also" I said talking to her like I was taking to a three year old. She looked a tad lost still "He's my brother!" I blurted out and she gave me the 'O' face.

"That's so cool!" Ivy said her eyes lighting up with excitement.

Before I could say anything I heard the door knob jingle like someone was trying to get in and I glared at the door.

"I think someone's trying to break into your house" Ari said eating some kind of candy I think she pulled out of her bra.

"I know exactly who it is, The idiots don't think I lock my door" I sighed.

"Khar! Let us in!" I heard and then a fist bang on the door.

I let out a laugh "Oh my god is that who I think it is?" Luna freaked. If I didn't know any better I would say that she was hyperventilating.

I sighed and got up openening the door and in stumbled four guys "It's not nice to break into peoples homes boys" I said. I saw Blayze shrug. He thinks he's such a bad boy.

"It's-It's-It's" Luna stuttered I shook my head in shame.

"Who are these girls?" Dane asked.

"These are my new friends. Ivy, Luna, and Ari" I said pointing at each of them "They are a bit fan girl-ish. I'd watch my back" I whispered earning a nasty look from Ivy.

"As if you don't already know but I'll give a proper introduction anyway. That's Ashton my brother, Dane, Blayze, and Mark" I pointed them out. The only one still in shock was Luna.

"Uhh is she okay?" Mark asked looking at Luna.

I saw Ivy give her a swat to the back of the head and she finally snapped out of it "What was that for!?" She squealed.

"For making me look like an idiot in front of four of the hottest guys on the planet" Ivy hissed back at her.

"See at least someone thinks we're hot! Khar says I'm gross looking" Dane complained like a little kid.

"You are most of the time" I said dully and the boys started laughing.

Blayze sat in the floor "So been attacked by the media or a fan girl yet?" He asked.

"No, I don't think the media knows a thing about me yet, Thank God" I sighed sitting right on Marks lap because he took my chair.

"Just give it until Tuesday. They will know everything about you" Mark grunted trying to push me off but I held on and when he tried to grab my arm I licked his. "Ewww Khar" He said wiping his arm on his pants. I just shrugged happily.

"Thats a bit creepy don't you think?" Ari asked me and again I shrugged but let out a sigh.

"I knew it would happen sooner or later, Stupid famous brother" I joked.

"Hey, Don't be jealous! The only reason you aren't with me is because you have stage fright" Ashton said smugly.

"Don't bring my stage fright into this Mr.I-still-sleep-with-a-stuffed-wolf-my-sister-got-me" I said sticking my tongue out at Ashton.

He let out a dramatic gasp "How could you bring Howly into this!?" He said.

I just laughed "You guys arent like usual celebrities" Ivy said smiling.

"What makes you say that?" Blayze asked.

"Well last summer I met Grimlock (another made up band) and they were total douche-bags" She frowned.

"Nah, We try to be as nice as we can be to everyone" Dane said.

"We still remember we are normal people not some people to be worshiped" Mark quipped in.

I patted Marks head like a dog "That's my boys" I grinned. He just swatted my hand away.

"So you guys have anything planned tonight?" Ashton asked looking at us girls.

Ari spoke up "I have to get home because mom insists on some type of family time once a week, I just love to see Gryffin squirm" she laughed evilly and I couldn't help it I retch out and gave her a high five which she returned with a confused look.

"I have a date with my boyfriend tonight" Ivy grinned.

I looked at her surprised "How come I didn't meet him at lunch?" I asked surprised.

"He was out, he said he was 'sick'" She said with and rolled her eyes and I laughed.

"Yeah, and I have some make-up work to do and I'm sure you need to prepare for being stampeded tomorrow" Luna said and I let out a sigh now laying sideways on Marks lap while he looked at me amused.

"This sucks! Why couldn't you let innocent little me stay beside the stage?" I growled.

"Because we knew the only way we could get you on stage was when you were drunk" Blayze said smirking.

"Liar! I never get drunk. I get slighty goofy" I mumbled the last part causing them all to laugh.

"Well we have to go" Ari said still eating something. Does she not stop eating?

"Okay, bye!" I said cheerfully giving them each a hug.

"Catch you later" Ashton waved to them.

"We all should hang out sometime" Dane threw in and they all nodded and left, leaving me with the boys.

"So guys, what do you want to do?" I asked and saw Ashton grin.

"Kick your ass at Mario Cart on the Wii" He said.

I flipped him off "Your so on" I yelled and jumped off Marks lap hearing him grunt.

And that's how we all ended up playing the Wii until three in the morning and all of us falling asleep somewhere in the living room.


Again I woke up on the fricking floor of my living room, but the good news is I didn't have the dream and I didn't need the help of alcohol to do it. I slowly lifted my head up to see Mark and Dane in the floor practically asleep on top of each other, Ashton was on the couch with his mouth hung wide open and drooling, and Blayze being the cool bad-ass he is asleep normally in the recliner. Then I took a look at the clock and saw it was seven in the morning. I sighed school starts at eight.

I quickly took a shower and put on some white skinny jeans and a neon orange shirt then put on fixed my hair and make-up all in the time frame of fifteen minutes, Yeah I'm just that good.

I came back into the living room to see the boys still passed out and I sighed going into the kitchen and fixing ten pieces of toast and put a thing of butter, jelly, and Nutella on the table. I went ahead and fixed me one with Nutella on it and grabbed a juice taking my time eating. Then, after I finished I grabbed two of the biggest pans I could find and walked into the living room with a huge grin on my face. All of a sudden I started banging the pans together making a horrible racket. They all jumped up looking scared for their lives.

"What's going on?!" Ashton yelled and I stopped with a cheeky grin.

"Toast is on the table, I'm leaving for school. If you leave be sure to clean up your mess and lock the door behind you" I smiled putting the pans back in the kitchen grabbing my bike keys and heading out the door.

I slipped my helmet on and took off extremely fast and turns out I got there early. Yes! Just what I wanted to do! So random people don't swarm me as soon as they see me and I don't get death threats.

I pulled into a parking spot like I had Friday and walked into the school. I had nothing to do so I went to the cafeteria and got a juice and saw that this school had newspapers in it so I grabbed one and took a seat in the deserted cafeteria. I was looking at a article about some guy who got caught with drugs when I felt an arm snake around my shoulders.

"Goodmorning, Pretty lady" I heard Dean's voice and I couldn't help it I burst out laughing, I kept thinking of that picture from the yearbook and how nerdy he was and now look at him being such a player. He looked at me confused "What? Do I have something on my face?" He asked covering his face with his free hand. This just made me laugh even harder and he furrowed his brows.

"N-nothing" I said calming down and taking a drink of my juice looking back down at the paper spread out on the table.

"So are you going to tell me how the hell you know Pack Mentality or are we gonna act like we never saw each other there?" He asked in a know it all way.

"I like the latter one" I said not taking my eyes away from the newspaper.

"Come on Kharma! I wanna know" He whined. I rolled my eyes, Him and Dane would get along just fine.

"Hmm, Nope because you'll just run off and tell everybody" I said.

"No I won't" He whined again.

Then I got a brilliant idea "I'll let you and everyone else know at lunch" I said with a evil grin on my face.

"But-" Dean started but I glared at him.

"Not another word or I'll post a pictures of you in middle school everywhere" I threatened and he looked at me horrified.

"How do you know what I looked like in middle school?!" He practically screamed.

I just smirked at him and threw away the paper and bottle leaving to start this horror filled day.


I practically ran into the cafeteria when the time came for lunch. The day had been worse than I had anticipated. During my classes when I wanted to talk to Tyler or Dean or even one of the girls it was impossible for the amount of fan girls and even guys that surrounded me and kept shooting off questions full force. I never answered not one though and you would think they would take a hint after me not giving them a response the first bazillion times.

I quickly got my lunch and ran for the table I sat at with the girls Friday. I looked to see everyone except there was a guy sitting beside Ivy with his arm around her shoulders, He had sandy blond hair almost brown and his eyes a bluish green. Ivy got a good looking one that's for sure.

I heard Ivy laugh probably from the look of distress on my face "Had a rough day?" She asked.

"Rough day!?" I screeched "You saw, I can't go anywhere without a cloud of people in my face!" I yelled exasperated.

"Ah so this is the famous Kharma that I missed Friday?" Ivy's boyfriend said. The best part about it was he had an Australian accent.

I looked at him for a second "Yep" I said giving him a huge grin "And you are?" I asked but in a nice way.

He let out a laugh and took his arm off of Ivy's shoulders "I'm William, But most people call me Will" He said sticking his hand out for me to shake.

I shook his hand "Ivy's boy toy right?" I asked making sure "Because if not I'm pretty sure her boyfriend wont be to happy about how close you are" I teased and I saw Ivy go a little red.

"Of course he's my boyfriend Kharma" She scolded.

I laughed "Just making sure" I shrugged and saw Luna and Ari and an intense conversation.

I was about to ask what they were talking about when about six people rushed up to me asking question. I let out a frustrated scream and they went quiet for a second.

"Shut-up! Let me eat my lunch and I'll answer any questions you want!" I yelled and they automatically went and sat down.

Before I knew it Will burst out laughing and the rest of my table followed. It seemed to work though I wasn't bothered until I finished eating my lunch then I decided to put my plan from this morning into action.

"Watch this" I winked at everyone and I climbed onto the lunch table standing tall getting everyone's attention.

"Okay, I'll take questions but raise your hands!" I yelled out and tons of hands shot up. I know I'm going to regret this.
Okay, Here it is! I just want to thank you guys. This story is way more popular than I thought it was going to be!
I also wanted to let you guys know that I would love another cover or some banners for this story *Hint, Hint* I will for sure put them of the chapters somehow! And I would use a cover to :)
Anways, Comment and Vote!
Wo ai Ni
Peace, Love, & Unicorns <3

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