Fatty isn't so funny anymore {Ch.12}

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We all got into my car and drove off to school as I seethed. I was silent while Ari and Dean chatted, occasionally Gryffin would join in.

“Awe, are you mad about your mom liking me?” He asked from the passenger’s seat.

“No” I said looking at the road.

“You are!” He laughed.

“Shut-up before I throw you out of this car” I said calmly and that’s exactly what he did.

We pulled into the school and I shut off the car. It must have been a sight for some people that all four of us where getting out of the car together because they kept staring like it was the most interesting thing to happen here in a long time.

I just flipped my hair back and scowled at anyone who I thought was gawking to much.

Once we all got to the front steps of the school I heard a voice “Kharma!” I looked back and saw Tyler running towards me at an alarming speed.

“Woah” I said as I was tackled into a hug. “Hey Tyler” I mumbled into his shirt.

When he let go I saw everyone giving him odd looks “What?” He said “I missed her!” He exclaimed and I laughed.

“Come on then I want to say hi to Luna, Ivy, and Will before class” I said as he willingly tagged along like a puppy and Ari, Dean, and Gryffin went another way.

I looked at him confused “What did you really want?” I asked.

“I just missed you” He repeated a bit of a blush on his cheeks.

“Awe! To cute!” I said pinching his cheek and he scowled as I saw everyone and waved.

Will was the first to see me and pointed at me causing Luna to look at me excited. “Hey” Ivy said cooly holding Wills hand. I just wanted to coo at them.

“Hi Kharma!” Luna yelled causing me to laugh.

“What’s up?” Will asked his accent thick. Wow Ivy doesn’t know how lucky she is, that accent is amazing.

“Hey guys” I smiled.

“Looks like you have yourself a leech” Ivy said motioning toward Tyler and he gave her an unimpressed look.

“Nah, Tyler’s my buddy” I laughed as he just grinned slightly and stuck his tongue out.

“So how was your guys’ weekend?” I asked.

“Will and I spent ours together” Ivy said all dreamy like.

“Awe, how cute” I said and Ivy had a light dust of red on her cheeks.

“I just stayed at home” Luna said in a bored tone.

“What about yours?” Will asked.

I laughed “Hiked to a lake and got stuck so we spent the night out in the wilderness” I said.

“We?” Asked Luna

“Me, Dean, Ari, and Gryffin” I said.

“Oh that’s why you guys rode to school together” Tyler said and I nodded.

“Let’s go guys, it’s almost time for class” I said as we all walked into the building.


I walked to my locker throwing my books in and yawning.

“Tired?” I heard a voice say and turned to see Dean and Tyler standing there with matching smirks.

“Yeah” I said suspiciously.

“So, we want to ask you something” Dean said adorably.

Thinking it had something to do with my brother I sighed getting aggravated because I thought I had made some real friends.

“What?” I asked.

“Well….” Tyler said but looked down.

“What Tyler meant to ask is would you go on a double date with him? It’ll be me and Ari, you and Tyler” Dean asked and I felt some relief that they weren’t using me for my famous brother.

I looked at Tyler for conformation and saw a light blush on his face. Awe how cute!

I nodded “Sure” I said smiling.

“Really?” Tyler asked looking hopeful.

“Yep, where and when?” I asked as he grinned.

“This Friday, there is a amusment park about thirty minutes from here, I was hoping you would wanna go?” He said more like a question.

“A amusment park!? I haven’t been to one in forever that sounds great!” I said excited.

“Great this Friday after school, Ari and I will take my car and you and Tyler can take his” Dean said. I nodded “Great! See you later Kharma” Dean said.

“Bye Khar” Tyler grinned.

“Bye guys” I said.

I could hear Dean say as they walked away “See I told you she’d say yes”.

I laughed and finished with my locker and walked out to my car to see Gryffin and Ari in a heated conversation by my car.

“Hey guys, what’s up?” I asked as I got closer and they both shut-up.

“Nothing just discussing things with my dear brother here” She said as she pursed her lips getting into the passenger side seat in my car.

“Looks like you’re screwed” I said getting in.

“If only” I heard him mumble getting into the back seat.

I laughed turning on the radio only to hear the collab I did with the band playing. I rolled my eyes as Ari sung along oblivious to that being my voice playing through the speakers.

I dropped them off with the promise Ari would call later and drove to my own house relieved to be able to just kick back.

I happily bobbed to my front door and opened it.

“Hey Khar!!!!!” I heard loudly and jumped about three feet off the ground.

When my heart slowed down enough for me to focus and see Dane looking at me sheepishly and the rest of the boys sitting around laughing.

“Jerks! What are you doing in my house?!” I said throwing my hands up exasperated.

“To show you this!” Dane yelled and held up a piece of paper showing the top 100 hit songs and number two was the same song I had just heard on the radio.

I grinned “That’s great publicity for you guys” I grinned genuinely happy for them.

“That’s the thing, we keep getting e-mails, texts, and phone calls asking us who you are and if you are doing any concerts soon” Blayze grinned.

I was horrified, “No, no, no, no” I said quickly “You know I can’t get on stage” I said.

“But Khar! Think about it, you could be the most famous thing since us!” Ashton said putting his usual humor in it.

“I can’t!!” I said feeling panic rising up in my throat and terror scratch at my brain.

“Kharma, think of all the people who already love you.” Mark said calmly, not trying to force me but just give me a gentle push.

I sighed looking at them “Okay, I’ll try to learn” I said and they started cheering “On one condition!” I yelled over them and they were quiet “I get to pick the first place I ever perform at” I said.

I see Ashton shrug “I don’t see why not?” He said and I grinned.

“Sweet” I said.


It is now Friday and I’m a bit antsy. It turns out Ari is super excited about this date and she stayed all night with me last night, bringing with her about fifty outfits and freaking out about it this morning not knowing which one to wear. Stephen had texted me Monday night just wanting to talk and make sure he still had me all to himself Saturday. I assured him so. Ever since Gryffin had found out about Ari and I going out with Dean and Tyler he seems to be all pissy. Either he’s mad about Ari and Dean or just mad about being left out. I’m willing to bet the latter.

I had settled on just a regular lavender colored V-neck shirt and some turquoise skinny jeans, my black flats seemed to tie it all together so I went with those. I just let my hair stay naturally wavy and pinned it back with bobby pins, then went heavy on the eyeliner and light on everything else.

The end of the day bell run and I zoomed to my locker texting away with Stephen, he’s actually an amazing guy and super funny at times. I read the current text:

So ur really all mine Saturday? ;)

I had to keep reminding him I wasn’t going to bail on him and he kept playing it up as if I was going to have sex with him. Like I said funny, right?

Should I wear some sexy underwear too?

I sent back playing around leaning against my locker that Tyler said he would meet me at as soon as he got done talking to coach about something. I immediately felt my phone vibrate.

Hellz yeah! :D

He sent back and I laughed out loud probably looking insane to any normal human being walking by. Good thing I’m not normal. So I sent back:

Seriously though, what do I wear?

I asked this because I had no idea really. Should I dress up or just not worry? I’ve never done a photo-shoot before or been to a fancy business party. Vibration awoke me from my thoughts and I looked at my phone.

Oh I’ll take care of everything sweetheart. U don’t have to do anything. I recommend no makeup, sweatpants, t-shirt, and pony tail ;)

See what I mean such a sweetheart right?

Thanks dear, I’ll text you later.

I texted and then looked up to see Tyler. I smiled and he did the same. “Who you texting?” He asked curiously.

“My friend Stephen” I said.

“Ready to go then?” He asked politely.

“Yeah!” I said excitedly walking out into his car with him. We got in the car and buckled up.

“Dean said they would meet us there” Tyler said pulling out of the school parking lot. “You look great by the way” He said looking a bit uncomfortable.

“Thanks, you look pretty good too” I winked at him. I wasn’t lying either, he had worn a nice dark grey casual button up shirt and some nice fitting jeans. His hair was laying perfectly in a messy look also.

“Tell your brother and the guys I said congrats” He said and I looked at him confused.

“For what?” I asked as we took a curve.

He flipped on the radio and the same damn song came on “For the amazing success on the new song” He laughed and I rolled my eyes. If only he knew.

“Nah I won’t, don’t want to give them the big head” I said and we both laughed.

For the rest of the ride we just chatted about stuff, it turns out Tyler’s parents are divorced and he lives with his mom and five year old little sister, he has a football scholarship to the same college I’m going to, and he’s one of the funniest people I’ve ever met.

When we pulled in we were arguing about what was the best Tim Burton movie.

“I’m telling you The Nightmare before Christmas is the best!” I argued heatedly.

“No way! Charlie and the Chocolate factory hands down!” He said shutting the car off in the surprisingly uncrowded amusement park parking lot.

“Nu-uh, how can you say a candy-making pedophile is better than Jack the freaking Skellington!” I argued as we both got out of the car.

“Willy Wonka is not a pedophile” Tyler gasped looking mock-appalled after we got our wristbands and tickets to get in.

“Um what are you guys talking about?” I heard and we both jumped looking in front of us to see Ari and Dean grinning.

“Tim Burton movies” I said.

“Oh then defiantly The Nightmare before Christmas” Dean and Tyler glared at him.

“Haha I win” I said sticking my tongue out at Tyler.

“Stick that back in your mouth before I bite it off” Tyler growled playfully and I immediately snapped it back into my mouth.

“Guys let’s go I wanna ride some rides!” Ari whined and I laughed.

Tyler held out his arm “Shall we go?” He asked fancy-like.

“We shall” I grinned intertwining my arm with his.

We walked around Ari chatting excitedly about everything “We’ll save the Ferris Wheel for last, because the fireworks show is tonight” She said.

“Fireworks?” I asked.

“Yeah, every night they have fireworks here” Tyler answered me.

“Wow” I said as we were dragged over to a roller coaster by Ari.

After we finally made it through the line and after I practically squeezed Tyler’s arm off we were wobbling off to the garbage can where Ari emptied her stomach while Dean held her hair.

I giggled at her feeling the adrenaline rush still and after she finished she seemed fine “You okay?” I asked.

“Never felt better” She grinned popping a piece of gum in her mouth.

“I’m hungry” Dean whined.

“Same here, let’s go eat over there” I said pointing to a cute little restaurant that was set up.

We all walked in and was sat down ordering drinks. “So what do you say we do after this?” Ari asked.

“I say we give you a break and play some games” Dean laughed.

“Agreed” Tyler and I said at the same time.

“Hey guys I’m going to go find a bathroom” I said and they nodded.

I walked around until I finally asked someone where the bathroom was they told me just to go around the next corner and it would be straight in front of me.

So I did and something caught my eye other than the bathroom. In a booth.

Oh. My. Gosh.
I'm so sorry!!! I know you guys probably want to kill me for not updating in so long, but school and finals kicked my ass!
Now it's Christmas break and hopefully I will be able to get at least one more chapter up before school madness starts back!
Please don't hate me! I would love it if you voted and commented, even telling me how much you hate me...Okay maybe not how much you hate me but how much you love the story? Or maybe your favorite part?
Wo ai ni
Peace, Love, & Unicorns <3

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