Fatty isn't so funny anymore {Ch.26}

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I sat on my bed after taking a shower to remove all the make-up I had on and nervously rolled my lip between my teeth.

I had put my hair up messily and put on a pair of unattractively raggedy pajama pants with cookie monster on them. I also put on a huge old t-shirt that I had stolen from Ashton a long time ago.

I did this hoping that I could come off as unattractive as possible to Zeke if he did decide to come in here.

I sat in front of my laptop browsing the web, but ended up getting annoyed with all the news of the concert and shut it hastily. I walked up to my book case that I had neglected to take to my house and browsed through looking for something that peaked my interest to re-read.  After about five minutes of browsing I saw an old worn paperback copy of The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri. I smiled sliding it off the shelf, the last time I read this I was a Sophomore in high school I was still struggling with everything, but it was the year I decided I wanted to move back and get revenge.

I laughed out loud, look how well that turned out; I ended up getting my heart broken all over again. I sat down on my bed again and cracked it open. Starting it and smiling as I realized how much I loved it, once you got past how long it is and the complicated worsing it’s one of the most interesting concepts of the afterlife I’ve ever seen.

Before I knew it I was on page two-hundred and fifty and it was eleven O’clock. I sighed knowing I should stop and go to sleep, but I told myself just another fifty pages and I’ll stop for the night.

When I was about twenty-five pages into those fifty I heard a soft knock on the door and my heart jumped into my throat and not in a good way, I was more nervous than anything.

I sat my book on my bed downwards as to not lose my page and got up to get the door. I opened it to almost fall over from the sex appeal. There stood Zeke, no shirt on and his grey pajama pants too low for comfort.

I gulped and caught a glint of amusement in those green eyes. “Done checking me out?” He chuckled.

I cleared my throat nervously “I did no such thing” I said as he walked in my room on his own.

“Mhmm” he said with a smirk and sat down on my bed, picking up my book. “The Divine Comedy?” He asked raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah, have you read it?” I asked curious.

“Nope, I don’t read books” He said nonchalantly putting the book on my bedside table.

“How did you get through college then, Mr. Lawyer pants?” I said disappointed.

I bet Gryffin has read it, I thought and them immediately mentally scolded myself. It was sad but true though, I found it irresistible that Gryffin had probably read everything I could ever think of. I had a thing for boys I could have a discussion about books with.

“My natural intelligence of course” He said arrogantly smirking at me.

“Yeah right” I said rolling my eyes.

Then I was surprised when I was pulled down into his lap on my bed and before I would say anything his lips were on mine.

“I missed you” He mumbled into my lips as I gave in and kissed him back.

I snapped out of it when I felt his hand touch the bare skin under my oversized shirt. I pushed back with my arms and he looked at me confused.

“Wait a second” I said taking a deep breath to gain some confidence “Doesn’t this feel like just lust? I mean I do like you, but I feel like it’s more sexual desire than anything” I sighed at him feeling bad looking down at my ringing hands.

He looked at me for a moment and sighed flopping back on my bed with me still on his lap. I positioned myself to be lying in front of him and he just looked back at me in the eyes.

“You’re right” He said suddenly. “It’s just me being greedy; it does feel more physical than anything doesn’t it?” He asked. I nodded and listened to him go on “The truth is…” He paused and got the saddest look in his eyes “I got married when I was a senior in high school; we did it because I was going off into the army and we both knew something could easily happen to me. So we just did it and took the plunge.” He said looking pained “I loved her so much Kharma, I really did” He said looking like he had tears in his eyes. “I was discharged due to hardship. She died, and I wasn’t here to take care of her and protect her” His voice was barely a whisper now. I grabbed his hand and he squeezed mine. “I guess I’ve just been aimlessly looking for comfort and you remind me so much of her” He said bringing a hand up to my cheek. I gave him a sad smile with tears in my eyes.

“I’m so sorry Zeke” Was all I could say and he shook his head.

“Plus you deserve more than a crappy Lawyer” He chuckled.

I smiled at him and I touched his cheek “She was a lucky women” I said.

He shook his head once again “I’m a lucky man that I got to have a love that pure and be that happy for a little while” He said.

“You still deserve it” I said quietly.

He sighed and then looked at me and motioned between us “That means this has to stop doesn’t it? “He asked.

I nodded “Unless we magically fall in love with one another” I said.

He smirked at me “It’s possible…” He stated “Except, you’ve only got eyes for that one dude” He said and I sat up looking at him like he was insane.

“What one dude!?” I said astonished.

“I don’t know his name, but he was giving me some major death glares when we were at the club making out, I think he had black hair” He said sitting up.

“You mean Gryffin” I said laughing “Nah” I said denying the fact that my heart rate sped up at the mention of his name.

“Whatever you say, hey is that a Nintendo?” He asked getting distracted by the old video gaming system hooked up to my TV.

“Um yeah.” I replied getting confused by the now boyish face of this grown man.

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