Fatty isn't so funny anymore {Ch.2}

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I was about to come back with one of my usual happy go lucky comments, but all of a sudden I felt my heart drop to my feet and I realized. I can't do this. I can't be nice to someone I want to punch in the face so badly. Someone that I want to feel the pain I felt for years. Someone I wanted revenge on so badly.

I glared his way snatching it out of his hands, quite easily thanks to his surprise at my bipolar attitude "Yeah" I grunted and strapped it on starting the bike. I left him in the dust still stunned at my sudden change in personality.

I just realized I can't be nice to these people, well at least the ones that pitched in on the teasing and pranks that made me contemplate suicide so many times. I am just going to be my real self, The one that's not a pushover anymore and the one that loves her friends but makes her enemies wish they were never born.

I felt the roar of the engine and heard the blood rush through my head as I sped down the road weaving through cars, finally stopping at my house. It isn't anything huge, It's just a one story house with a attic....But I've never been up there attics scare me, for all I know there's a hobo living up there. Whatever. Also I have an amazing view from the roof, because behind the house is forest as far as the eye can see. Even though I think there's a lake a bit farther back that I'll have to eventually check out.

I parked my bike and unlocked the door walking in and seeing that I had one message on the awnsering machine. I looked at my caller ID and saw it was from my older brother, Ashton. He's the lead singer of the band 'Pack mentality' (Not a real band) and if you havent heard of them you've been living under a rock for the last half a year or just don't know good music. I pressed the button and the message started playing.

"Shh, I'm leaving message on her answering machine" I heard a hushing sound.

"Dude they still make those?" I heard in the background. I chuckled at Dane, He's the bassist for the band. Their on tour right now so Ashton's probably cramped on the bus with them.

"Dude! I said shut-up!" I heard my brother yell but everyone ignored him.

"Hey Kharma!!" I heard all three boys yell that excluded my brother, I heard him sigh.

"Sorry Khar, I should known better than to try and call you while in their presence. Well call me back when you get this. Love you" I heard.

but before it hung up I heard Ashton yelling in the background "I can't even leave my sister a decent message can I!" then a click.

I laughed and shaking my head, Even though he's on tour and used to always practice we are super close and try to talk to each other whenever we can. I dialed his cellphone number letting it ring for a second then it picked up.

"Don't set that on fire Dane!" I heard my brother yell and I let out a laugh. "Is that you Khar?" I heard him ask.

"Duh, Don't you check your caller ID anymore?" I asked and I could practically see the shrugg he gave me.

"I have more important things to do, Like preventing Dane from burning the tour bus down" he said and I laughed.

"Put me on speaker phone" I said and I heard a click and knew the whole tour bus could hear me.

"Dane! If you burn the tour bus down I'll never give you a hug again" I said sternly.

I heard a gasp "You wouldn't!" Dane said.

"Oh but I would" I stated grinning evilly. "That goes for the rest of you guys to" I said.

"Le gasp, Why would you black mail us?" I heard Mark, The drummer of the band say.

"Because I'm evil, and give amazing hugs. You should know this" I said. "Anyways why did you call earlier I was a school" I asked.

"Oh yeah forgot you still have to do that" Ashton scoffed and I rolled my eyes "Anyway I was just going to let you know that we will be in town for our last show on this tour and we told our manager that we could just rent a apartment close to you until out next tour" he said and I could hear the smile in his voice.

"Really!?!" I squealed like a little girl "When will you guys be here?" I asked excitedly. This is great! I get to see my brother for the first time in about six months. Stupid tour.

"We actually have a show in a minute" He started but was interupted by Blayze the gutairist, he seems to be the honest and serious one out of all of the band.

"But after the show we will be there, I'd say we will be there around two or three in the morning" Blayze said in his smartical way.

I let out another squeak of excitement "Yay, Good luck with the show! Love you all" I said happily. I heard a course of I love yous as I hung up the phone and jumped around like a giddy school girl. Scweet! Gonna be so fun!

I ran upstairs and took a shower putting on some PJ's and jumped into bed. School wore me out. A second later I was asleep.

I woke up right in the middle of the usual horrible memory dream to a big thump from the living room. Oh god! Robbers! I should have known better than to get a nice house! I grabbed the closest thing to me that could be a weapon which happened to be my guitar.

I slowly and quietly stepped out of the room to see the front door knob try to open and I walked up to it. I braced myself, lifted the guitar above my head, and counted to myself. one....two....THREE! I pulled open the door with my eyes closed ready to beat the snot out of whoever was attempting to break into my house.

"STOP!" I heard and opened my eyes pausing mid-swing to see my brother and the rest of the band looking terrified. I looked at them stunned.

"What were you guys doing trying to break into my house?" I asked confused sitting the gutair down.

"Are you still half asleep? Khar we called and told you we would be here." Ashton said in a duh tone and it came back to me.

I gasped "Sorry guys, come on in" I said embarrassed and they all laughed at my brain fart. What can I say I'm not to bright when I just wake up.

After they all came into the house taking off their shoes and flopping on the couch. Dane stood back up spreading his arm wide.

"Where's my hug?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"Did you burn anything down?" I asked doing the same.

"Surprisingly no" Mark grinned and I looked at Ashton for conformation. He nodded and I grinned. I took a run and jump and wrapped my legs around Dane's waist, throwing my arms around his neck and giving him a hug. He hugged back and I dropped off of of him and grinned.

"Best hug ever" He smiled.

"I know" I said dusting imaginary dirt off my shoulder.

"What about your brother?" I heard Ashton say as he stood. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck standing on my tip-toes since he's so much taller than me and squeezing.

"I missed you" I said.

He laughed "I missed you to Khar" He said as I let go then attacking Mark and Blayze into hugs before yawning. I sat down on the couch then looked at the clock and sighed.

"Guys it's four O'clock in the morning, I'm tired. Can't you guys just stay all night" I whined laying my head on Mark's shoulder.

"Where would we sleep?" Dane asked.

I let out another yawn "There are three extra rooms, two of you will have to sleep together though. Now goodnight guys" I said dragging myself to my room and flopping in bed.

I sat straight up in bed, again dripping of sweat and tears. Stupid reoccurring dream/memory. I streched and got out of bed grabbing my clothes for the day and taking a shower to get rid of the stink of sweat. I did my hair and makeup up like usual and slowly made my way down stairs to smell food coming from the kitchen.

I looked in the kitchen and saw the Mark, Blayze, and Dane sitting at the table and Ashton cooking like he used to do when we were kids and mom and dad were on business trips. I looked at him surprised at first.

"Don't tell me you forgot about us being here" he complained and I laughed.

"No I'm just surprised your up and moving around since you got here at about four in the morning and had a show last night" I said sitting down and he sat a plate full of pancakes in front of me.

I heard Blayze snort "Kharma, we have been up at five thirty to be ready for an interview while being hung over from hell from the previous night. I think we can handle this just fine" He said.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes playfully "Rockstars" I teased.

"Ah, but you love it" Dane said giving me a toothy grin and I poured maple syrup all over my pancakes.

"I guess so" I grinned. Lets just say that I'm not a model daughter when it comes to late night parties and drinking habits. I take those from being around my brother to much. I make great grades, I'm always respectful, and I can keep a job; I worked up until I had to move. When it comes to my night life there isn't three things I like more than the three D's dancing, drinking, and dudes.

"So are you coming to the concert tonight?" Mark asked.

I raised an eyebrow at him chewing my mouth full of pancakes "Do I get to hang back stage" I asked.

"Don't you always?" Ashton asked eating his own food.

I grinned cockily "Yeah" and I took my plate to the sink. "I'm not doing the dishes!" I yelled and ran to my room hearing the protest. I just laughed. I decided to look in a middle school yearbook to see all the people I know and who I should be a jerk to and who I shouldn't, So I opened my closet and dug around in the box labeled 'Books' until I found it and finally sitting down at my desk to look at it.

After a while I had found Luna and Ivy both. I had no idea they were even in the same school but hey they are on my list of awesomeness so it's all good. I found Dean and my eyes gaped open at a picture of a nerdy boy with glasses and a button up shirt with a goofy grin, the only way I could tell it was him was the bone structure and his eyes. Another on the list of awesomeness, Good for him.

By the end of it all I had marked out so many people's faces with a sharpie marker that half the pages where marked with black. Screw it.


I threw the yearbook across the room to hear it make a satisfying crack noise. Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Kharma are you okay?" I heard Ashton ask. I quickly gathered up the book. If your wondering Ashton never knew about the teasing, he was always to busy with the band or his own life and no one dared say anything to him about it. Don't get me wrong he's an amazing brother and I never told him because I didn't want him to worry about me while he was working towards his dream.

"I'm fine Bro" I said opening the door smiling.

He looked at me skeptically "Okay, Anyway we are going to our apartment to get ready for tonight's show. Be at the arena at seven so we can hang a bit before the show. We'll make sure Brenton is outside waiting for you to bring you in" He grinned giving me a hug and and quick kiss on the forehead. Brenton is their personal body guard, He travels with them and everything to I know him on a first name basis.

I nodded "Okay. Make sure Brenton finds me! Last time I was wondering forever and had to use my epic Sherlock Holmes skills to find him to make the bouncer let me into the back door" I said.

"Elementary, Dear Watson" Ashton said like a smart-elic and I snorted pushing him out of my room.

"Bye guys!" I yelled before shutting my door all the way. I looked at the clock and saw it was a quarter till six. Darn them, They can get ready fast but I take longer and it takes at least fifteen minutes to get to the arena!

I quickly ran to the closet and ended up pulling out some white paint splatter skinny jeans and a neon purple v-neck shirt. I pinned up my hair letting my bangs fall and did my make-up like I usually do. I slipped a pair of purple flats and grabbed my phone and my car keys locking the door and running out to my car.

I quickly started on my way going a good ten to fifteen miles per hour over the speed limit to get there at six forty. I parked and saw people already lined up at the doors and the actual concert doesn't even start till eight thirty. I laughed pushing through people to try and get to the door in hopes of seeing Brenton waiting on me, but no such luck. I had forced my way to the front and still didn't see Brenton. I sighed, Guess I'm playing Sherlock Holmes again.

I walked around to the side of the building where a back entry way to back stage was to see a huge dark skinned man with a striking and intimidating look on his face guarding the door. He was obviously security since his shirt said so in big white letters.

"Uhh, Do you know where Brenton is?" I asked a bit shyly. He gave me a confused look and held up one finger telling me to wait a second.

He opened the door "Hey, Brenton. Some little lady wants you" he said sending a small smile my way. A second later Brenton came out with a sheepish smile.

"Why do I have to find you every time when the boys say your supposed to find me" I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Got distracted?" He offered more like a question than an answer. He held open to door for me and I gave the security guy that helped me find him a smile before walking into the place and Brenton coming in behind me.

"Where are they?" I asked giving him a glare. He's on my shit list right now. He pointed to a room with a wooden plaque on it that read 'Performers'. I stomped towards it with everyone who worked back stage giving me odd looks. I threw open the door and Brenton walked in behind me and I flopped on the couch crossing my arms like a baby.

"What's wrong with you?" Blayze asked amused.

"Your body guard sucks" I stated plainly glaring at Brenton again.

"I'm sorry okay" he said clearly annoyed now.

"What did he do now?" Mark asked.

"He 'got distracted' and forgot to come find me so the nice security guard outside the door got him for me" I said doing air quotations with my fingers when I said 'got distracted.

"It doesn't take much for him to get distracted" Ashton said and we all laughed well except Brenton who just made his tough man face.

Dane gave me a can of beer and I nodded a thanks. My brother really doeant care as long as he's here to watch over me, Well thats what he says anyways. I opened it and took a big drink when a women came opened the door.

"You guys need to be on stage for sound check now" she said giving me a odd glance. The boys nodded as she shut the door and they stood up.

"Gotta go, make sure to come watch from the side" Ashton said ruffling my hair and I let out a little grwling nose fixing my hair as they all left, leaving me alone with a cooler full of beer and an iPod dock. Silly boys.

As the concert went on I slowly felt my sense's become numb from the alcohol. Now this is the feeling I love, The numbness so I feel no pain from my past. I finally decided I have had enough and quit dancing like an idiot also turnin the iPod off and threw what was left of my sixth can of beer away. I'm a bit tipsy at the moment. I managed to walk to the door a pull it open only to stumble a bit as it opened. Who am I kidding I'm on the verge of drunk.

I somehow got to the side of the stage where the boys were playing loud and proud with a whole bunch of people screaming and chanting lyrics with them. Mark spotted me out of the corner on his eye and gave me a wink to which I just grinned, Probably looking hysterical at the state I was in. The song they where playing ended and the crowd went crazy.

Ashton grinned and began to speak "Okay guys we are going to sing a cover of Monster by Paramore" He grinned and the guys started playing. I know it's not common for bands that have albums out and such to do covers at a concert, but doing covers is what made them famous and they say they like doing them so they still do.

(Watch video for what I think they would sound like, Skip to 00:30 to get past the talking)

I listen to the song in my stupor tapping my foot happily and singing along just like the rest of the crowd. When they finished the song they all took a bow and Ashton looked my way giving me a grin.

"I want to introduce you to someone special" he said and my eyes widened in horror. You have to understand that I sing and play instruments as well, I don't mean to toot my own horn but I sing damn good. They boys have even asked me to make a song with them but I told them no because I knew I would have to go sing it on stage with them. I have terrible stage fright. Yeah yeah laugh it up, somewhere deep down inside I'm still that shy little fat girl and I'm afraid that as soon as I hit that stage people are just going to ridicule me like they used to. I know it's ridiculous, but whatever.

"Come on out Khar" I heard Blayze say grinning. I told my mind no, but all I can say in the alcohol made me do it because the next thing I knew I was walking towards the stage and stood in front of a full arena full of people. All my intoxicated ass could do was grin like a mass murderer.

I took a moment to scan the crowd and who do I see right in the front row with their mouth wide open! Gryffin, Dean, and Tyler. I scrunched up my nose and then looked paniced at the other boys who now stood beside me.

"Well that's our show!" Dane said grabbing the mic from Ashton.

"Go to our website for more info on the next tour" Mark said grabbing the mic from Dane receiving a nasty look from him.

"And go buy some of out kickass merch!" Blayze yelled as he put the mic on the stand and pushed on my back exiting the stage.

I hit Ashton across the chest "Jerk! Why did you so that for. Now people at school and the media are going to go crazy with questions they have no idea I'm your sister!" I panicked.

He laughed "How much have you drunk?" he asked amused.

"A few, But still" I said but Dan cut me off.

"Come on someone has to drive her home" he said and I was being pushed out the door. The cool night breeze hit my face sobering me up a bit, but my brain was still working at a super slow pace.

I looked to my left and saw a nightmare "Uh guys. I think we best run" I said and they boys caught sight of what I did.

"FAN GIRLS!" Mark yelled and they all took off. Me being intoxicated I stumbled a few times and fell a while back behind them. Just before the stampede of girls could run over me and hand reached out and grabbed me pulling me into a dark alley. My mind was reeling so I had no time to worry about who had just grabbed me.

I finally looked up and it took a second to register that Gryffin had pulled me into the alley and still had a grip on my arm. I gave him a pointed look.

"What the hell do you want?" I hissed grabbing my arm out of his hand.

He was about to say something but it seemed he changed his mind "Have you been drinking?" he asked.

"That's none of your business" I said and then stomped my foot like a five year old "Now what do you want?" I said again with a little more force.

"I want to know who the hell you are" He said giving me a once over with his eyes. I grinned yeah that's right drink it up.

I gave a psychotic smile and got really close to him so he was backed up against the alley wall. I was so close I could feel his breath.

"Think real hard, You know who I am" I whispered and then I gave him a kiss on the cheek as a smart-ass gesture and walked off towards my car. I have no idea what gave me the balls to do that but I'm blaming everything on the booze and by the looks of it I was going to need plenty because I was going to be in tons of tabloids and all over the Internet. I could see it now 'Mysterious girl introduced at Pack Mentality concert. Could she be a girlfriend of one of the band members?' I internally groaned. I'd been able to hide so well so far.

I made it back to my car then realized I was to drunk to drive. I groaned out loud but then jumped when an hand landed on my shoulder. I was sure it was a crazy fan girl coming to murder me but I glared when I heard the laugh of Brenton.

"Your brother told me to come drive you home, and he would call you tomorrow" he laughed as I handed him the keys.

"Jerk" I muttered as I sat in the passengers seat and he started the short drive home. I saw him shrug out the corner of my eye and I leaned my head on the cool glass of the window. I was starting to feel a bit queasy.

I felt the car stop and I got out "Thanks Brenton" I managed to say and he waved as I stumbled into the house throwing off my shoes and heading straight into the bathroom. I feel to my knees right over the toilet and puked up everything I have had to eat and drink the last few days.

Yep, I'm definitely going to need some more alcohol.
Sorry this chapter wasn't very deep or anything, I'm saving that for later chapters. I'm just going to let Kharma be her bad ass self for a while!
I finally go the cast thing to work so All the people's names including who I see for the band will be there. So google them or something :)
Hope you like this chapter as much as you did the last one!
Wo ai Ni
Peace, Love, & Unicorns <3

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