Fatty isn't so funny anymore {Ch.25}

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I stuffed my overly loaded duffle bag into the trunk of my car and sulked into the passenger’s side to be greeted by Ashton.

After the concert we all left as soon as possible and Ashton and I were packed and ready to go home for the week. It’s the perfect excuse to not have to explain myself to everyone.

Ashton looked at me with sympathy “Are you sure you want to go and not talk to your friends about everything first?” he asked.

I nodded putting on some sunglasses and treasured the feeling of being out of that dress and into my normal jeans and a t-shirt.

He started the car up and we pulled out on the almost two hour car ride home.

“Are you sure that you trust the boys in your house for a week?” He asked.

“Honestly I’m not sure” I laughed turning up the radio and enjoying the night air.

About an hour and a half later we were pulling into the fancy circular driveway to the big swank house that I’ve called home most of my life.

We parked the car and before I could grab my bag Ashton had grabbed both of our bags. I shot him a smile and I ran up to the door and ran the doorbell.

About three seconds later the door swung open to reveal and overly happy dark haired women. This woman is the overly emotional lady I call mom.

I was attacked into a hug and could almost hear her sobbing “My babies are home! I’ve missed you guys so much!”

I felt myself tear up from all the stress I’ve had the last little bit. Mom and dad have always been my safety, they make everything better.

“Missed you too” I croaked as she moved on to my brother who quickly dropped our things and gave mom a huge hug. If anyone ever thought I was the child that was attached to mom they’ve obviously never met my brother. My brother is a momma’s boy to the max.

I on the other hand have had an abnormally great relationship with dad. Even if he is my step-dad he’s the one that has practically raised me. I’m a daddy’s girl.

A tall man stepped into the door way wearing a nice button up shirt and tie with dress pants. His hair sprinkled with grey included in his dark colored hair. Familiar scruff peppered his face in and his eyes sparkled when he saw us.

“Dad!” I yelled running and jumping into his arms for a hug and he picked me up spinning me around.

“Hell-cat!” He yelled back laughing and then giving Ashton a hug.

“I’m glad you guys made it safe” He said as mom ushered us into the foyer area and then into the living room.

I smiled seeing a picture hanging on the wall of mom and dad at the anniversary party we had them last year. Both of them sitting at a table, mom with her kind smile in a gorgeous dress and dad in a nice tux holding his wine glass. They looked so happy. I remember dad’s arm over her shoulders playing with her hair, it was a habit I always saw him doing when they were near each other. Their relationship was rock solid and perfect, despite many hardships.

I relaxed on the couch and yawned “I’m going to the kitchen, do you guys want anything?” Ashton asked.

“Water!” I replied quickly.

After he left mom grinned “So how’s living with the boys?” She asked “I assume instead of staying in their apartment they are practically living with you right?” She said.

I nodded “It’s been pretty fun, I like having them around. I’m not lonely that way” I said.

“Well from what I remember you aren’t that lonely anyway” She remarked and I felt my face heat up.

“Please mom, at least wait until tomorrow” I begged and noticed the clock said nine thirty.

“So who are these clients?” I asked dad referring to this extremely important family coming in.

“The deal is that we may be able to partner up with them and that means more expansion. They live about an hour away and are coming and staying for a few days here at the house. It’s a family business, this man and his son are lawyers and his wife, daughter, and other son is coming also” He explained as I nodded.

“I assume they will have the upstairs bed rooms that are near mine?” I asked raising an eyebrow.

He nodded “They should be here tomorrow towards time for dinner”.

“We aren’t playing “set up Helena with the lawyer” again are we?” I asked accusingly.

“Of course not, why would I do that to you” dad said feigning hurt.

“Mhmm” was all I said as Ashton threw a water bottle at me and I caught it.

“I think I’m going to go unpack and go to bed early, it’s been a long day” I said and got up to go up the stairs.

“Good night honey” mom and dad said at the same time.

I waved in reply and walked up to the familiar coral and turquoise room. I flopped down on my bed.

I looked at my cell phone and sighed. I had eight missed calls and four texts from four different people.

I checked the first text message and saw it was from Ari

“Are you okay?”

I smiled

“Yeah, a little overwhelmed but fine” I sent back and then checked the next one.

It was from Dean and all it said was

“That’s how you knew!”

I laughed at that one knowing that he was referring to the embarrassing yearbook picture I had of him.

I skipped it and went to the next one it was from Stephen

“I love you darling” he said.

I felt my heart melt.

“Thank you, I love you too. It means a lot to me” I texted back.

Finally I looked and saw the last text was from Gryffin. The breath caught in my throat when I opened it.

“We need to talk” was all it said.

“No we don’t” I sent back. I felt the rock in the pit of my stomach again.

It felt a dull ache in my chest and realized that I liked Gryffin a little bit more that I had let on. I had come for revenge and ended up letting him get under my skin and around my defenses.

I meant it when I said there was nothing left to talk about between us. I knew he was probably disgusted knowing who I was and didn’t want anything to do with me. So giving him the chance to insult me wasn’t what I had in mind.

I grunted in frustration and saw that all the calls had been from tabloids and I decided to just play around on an app on my phone before falling asleep.

Right before I was about to change into some shorts and go to sleep, my phone buzzed. Gryffin had texted me back.

“Kharma please” was all it said.

“Seriously, we don’t need to talk. I get it. It’s done.” I sent back and felt the urge to cry.

I put on some shorts and slid into bed falling asleep with a dull ache where my heart is.

“Kharma, the sun says hello.” I heard a sing songy voice and then the sun was in my eyes.

“Moooooom” I wined putting my arm over my eyes.

“Oh hush, get out of bed and help me clean the house. The guests will be here in about four hours” She said.

“Wait, what time is it?” I asked startled.

“It’s two in the afternoon. Your brother told me you had a rough night last night, and so did the news” She said pointedly “So I let you sleep in”.

“Sleep in mom? You should have been worried, it sounds like I was in a mini coma” I said rolling my eyes as I stood up and stretched.

She pointed to my end table “I brought you up a pop tart and a water, I thought you might be hungry” She said. “Make sure you eat and then give me a quick yell so we can get started” She smiled patting my cheek “You’re so beautiful” She mused and then left the room.

I smiled happily and felt my heart swell with love for my family.

I picked up the water and took a drink.

Ugh cleaning, the family may be pretty loaded but what I told Stephen is true other than the house we don’t flaunt our money. Mom and dad made sure we knew how to do everything ourselves, which means we don’t have one maid to help clean this gigantic place. We all pitched in and helped. Now that it’s just dad and mom most of the time they clear their schedules one day and clean the place.

I ate a bit and then went and took a quick shower cleaning yesterday’s makeup and hair spray off me.

I just changed my underwear and put the same clothes on, because let’s be honest I don’t give a crap since I’m just cleaning.

I walked out of the room and to the stairs “MOM WHERE DO YOU WANT ME TO START!” I yelled to nowhere in particular.

“START IN THE GUEST ROOM NEXT TO YOU!” I heard her yell back from what sounded like the kitchen.

I nodded walking into the swanky guest room. It hadn’t been used in a while so really I just needed to dust off everything.

I walked into the bathroom that two of the guest rooms shared and grabbed the furniture polish and then put my hair up out of my face.

I took the rag and began cleaning everything. As much as I hated dad trying to set me up with any lawyer or future lawyer within a decent age range of me, I wanted dad’s clients to be impressed. Dad prided himself on owning one of the best and most uncorrupt law firms out there.

I had went through almost all the guest rooms when I heard the door open and in walked dad who looked like he had been cleaning also.

“Hey hell-cat, your mom says you should probably get ready” He said.

I stood “What time is it?” I asked confused I thought it had only been about an hour since I started.

“About five” He said and I felt my eyes almost bulge out of my head.

“Crap!” I ran past him and into my room.

“Your mother said to wear that nice blue dress!” I heard dad yell after me and I internally groaned.

I knew the dress he was talking about; mom had bought it for me for a business dinner with dad and loved it on me. The dress was a light cyan color and was a pencil dress with black lace up top, giving me a professional look but also not boring.

I grabbed the dress and threw it on the bed to put on after I did my hair and make-up. I turned on my straightener and decided that was the best way to go. While that heated up I did my make-up.

I decided it should match my outfit, since tonight is important to dad I would do my best to look professional. I went with a blue smoky eye and added some coral lipstick.

I then straightened my hair and found a set of earrings and a necklace that matched. They had blue diamonds in them and were gorgeous; I also popped on a black bracelet.

Finally I stripped my clothes off and slipped on the dress and securing the belt that came with it. I went to the closet and found a pair of heels that matched the dress and took a look in my full length mirror.

I thought I looked good but honestly I wasn’t sure.

I grabbed my phone ignoring the texts and phone calls I had and took a full body picture in the mirror.

I pressed the send button, sending the picture to Stephen

“Do I look okay?” I sent to him.

I almost immediately got an answer back

“You look amazing! Your belt is twisted a bit though ;D”

I laughed. Only Stephen would notice the belt. I fixed my belt and went down to the kitchen.

Mom looked amazing in a simple red dress and black heels; she was rushing around in the kitchen making food that smelled amazing.

“Need any help?” I asked.

“Just take the dishes and set the dining table will you?” She asked still running around.

I nodded and grabbed all the dishes I could grab and walked into our dining room. I saw dad and Ashton setting down napkins at the table and I went behind them and sat down all the dishes.  

Just as I was finishing I heard the doorbell ring “I’ll get it, but I’ll yell at you guys in a sec” Dad said walking to the door and mom went after him nervously.

Ashton and I exchanged glances and a second later dad yelled “Kids come meet our guests”

We hurried to the foyer to stand beside our parents and I saw a man who looked oddly familiar and very professional. I nearly choked when four familiar people stood beside him.

There was the woman and young girl whose dog had knocked me down on the beach, what surprised me most was there stood Terry, and beside Terry stood the amazing green eyes of Zeke. In a suit like the one he had been wearing two days ago.

“Warran I would like you to meet my family, you’ve already meet my wife” Dad said pointing to mom as she nodded at him.

“Nice to see you again” He smiled.

“My son Ashton Potter” He pointed to Ashton and then to me “last but not least is my wonderful daughter Kharma Potter”

I gave him my best smile and felt Zeke’s eyes burning into my skin. I caught Terry’s eyes and he smiled. I gave him an excited wave.

The man I now knew name was Warran looked at me confused “You know each other?” He asked curiously.

I gave him a chuckle “I seem to be kind of acquainted with everyone here but you, sir” I said politely as he and my family minus Ashton looked at me funny.

“Um, I was on vacation a few days ago. While walking on the beach I meet your wife and daughter, then I meet both your sons also while on that same vacation.” I explained.

He looked at me and smiled “well I’ll introduce us anyway. I’m Warran Colasanti, my wife is the lovely Vivyan” He said grabbing his wife’s hand. The women smile happily leaning towards him. “My daughter Olivia, my youngest son Terry, and my oldest son Zeke who is starting his career as a lawyer” He pointed to each and I finally met Zeke’s eyes. I almost dropped at how on fire my body was.

“Now that that is over, you guys go to the dining room! Kharma darling come help me get dinner to the table” She said and I followed her obediently.

I grabbed one of the plates and was surprised when mom spoke “That boy looked at you like you were a piece of meat” She chuckled.

“Excuse me mom!” I almost shrieked.

“Nothing” She sung as she swept out the door as graceful as always. I followed her annoyed and saw that the only spot left was in between Zeke and Ashton. I sat down feeling Zeke’s body heat and sat quietly while out fathers spoke.

All of a sudden Olivia spoke up “So you’re really the lead singer of Pack Mentality and Helana?” She asked keeping her calm demeanor but with an excited glint in her eye.

Ashton nodded “Yep, that’s us. Unstoppable brother sister duo” he boasted proudly.

“You’re so modest” I rolled my eyes as he gave me a small shove.

“So Kharma dear, how do you know my sons?” Vivyan asked curiously.

“Um” I started and looked at Terry nervously. He nodded and I smiled at him mother.

“I’m really good friends with Terry’s boyfriend” I said.

“Don’t be so modest, she’s the one that introduced me to Stephen” Terry bumped in and I felt my face go hot.

“Oh that’s wonderful, thank you dear” Vivyan gushed.

I waved it off. My dad look at Zeke “So Zeke, how’s the work going? I hear you started up a couple months ago” Dad said looking at me and back to Zeke.

Zeke gave him an earth shattering smile “It’s great, I’ve won a few cases already” He said.

I could tell right then that dad loved Zeke. “Then how do you know Zeke?” Dad asked looking at me.

I panicked, not wanting to tell them we meet at a club. I prayed that Zeke would corroborate my story “We met…” I started but I jumped when a hand snaked its way onto my leg, just enough so that no one could see.

I sucked in a breath feeling nervous that anyone could see, but also slightly turned on. It was an odd feeling.

I heard my voice go up an octave “We met on the beach. I was walking around and so was he, just kind of had a little chit chat” I said putting my hand on his and batting it away. I heard a small chuckle coming from him. He was enjoying seeing me squirm.

I felt him put it back but this time taking his time and tracing a finger slowly up the side of my thigh. I shivered and sent a side glare his way. Everyone was eating a talking occasionally Olivia would have a moment and fan girl over Ashton or Zeke would be sneakily be inappropriate.

Everyone had pretty much finished when Mom stood “I’ll get the dishes, Kharma Zeke gets the room beside you and Terry gets the one beside him. Please go show them were they are staying”.

I groaned. I know it’s just lust and it’s not like I’m in a relationship or anything, but I can’t help but feel guilty for some reason. I also get the feeling though that keeping my hands off Zeke is going to be hard.

I stood and started walking hearing the boys follow. I led them up the stairs and stopped in front of Terry’s door “Here you go. Cleaned by your truly a few hours ago” I smiled.

He laughed and said a goodnight leaving me and Zeke alone in the hall. I nervously smiled and turned to halt in front of his door. I turned to him “Here it is, if there is anything you need I’m right next door” I said.

I felt him put an hand on my arm and I looked up at him. He smirked and leaned down “Leave you door unlocked” He whispered and then planted a soft kiss on my lips.

He turned and went in the room and I felt slightly faint. This week is going to be impossible.

Another chapter down.
Let me know what you think! I’m digging Zeke, Yum ;D
Thanks for being patient I’ve been kind of down lately.
Love you all!!!
<3 <3 <3

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