Fatty isn't so funny anymore {Ch.15}

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I sighed in relief as Melody spoke the magic words

“We’re done” She said and I was so happy I immediately jumped out of the chair I had been sitting in for the last forever.

I was amazed at the beautiful knee length red satin dress with a black ribbon around the waist that Melody has made me squeeze into. It didn’t look like I had forced it on at all, it looked like it fit like a second skin, making my actual skin look an attractive translucent. My hair was up in an elegant bun on my head held by bobby pins and soft curls fell framing my face. My makeup up was a black smoky eye and a natural pink lip.

I gasped “I look amazing” I said.

Melody beamed with pride then got serious “I’ve seen some of these fancy parties Stephen’s parents throw. They are stuck up assholes and are going to ask you about everything! His grandmother is the one to worry about. Pay no mind to what she says though, okay sugar?” She said and I nodded feeling a block of cement drop in my stomach.

Before I could say anything back Stephen came in the room “Damn! I don’t know how many times I’ve said this already, but if I wasn’t gay…”He said and I giggled.

“Watch yourself, I’ll get my brother on you” I laughed and he did to.

He took my elbow, and led the way out. I threw a quick wave goodbye to Melody and followed Stephen taking in his appearance. He had on a nice looking suit type outfit that made him look mighty fine. I groaned, what a waste of man.

After I snapped out of my daydream I realized that Stephen was holding a limo door open for me and looking at me amused. I blushed a deep red and jumped in. I was in awe at the limo.

“How rich is your family?” I asked when he got in and the driver started up.

“Pretty damn rich” He laughed.

I mean with my dad being who he is we are pretty loaded too, but we always decided not to flaunt it so we took regular cars everywhere and drove on our own. We lived like a normal family.

“So is this how you usually travel?” I asked.

“Hell no, the last thing I need to do is attract attention. Plus I don’t want to be some stuck up rich bitch” He said, I knew there was a reason I like him. “What about you? From my snooping I know your family is pretty well off too?” He said smirking.

I glared at him “I’ve never used my money to show off, I do everything a normal person would. From cooking, to cleaning, to having my own job” I said.

“Sorry, didn’t mean to hurt your pride” Stephen said.

“You didn’t hurt my pride!” I defended.

“Okay…”Stephen said grinning.

“Meany” I pouted.

“Oh cheer up we’re almost there” He said and I stiffened. Just by how Melody spoke I knew I wasn’t going to enjoy this. “Now I’m sorry about this but we are going to have to act like a couple. That might mean getting a bit touchy feely” he said grimacing.

“Are you saying I’m ugly” I joked.

“Duh” He played along and we just laughed.

The car suddenly stopped and I felt the cement in my stomach get larger. The door opened and I noticed Stephen had gotten out and opened the door for me. I took his hand and didn’t pull away remembering what he had said about acting like a couple.

The house was huge, a Victorian style by the looks of it. It had the cliché iron gate blocking the entrance and I suddenly felt even more intimidated than I already was.

“Stephen, I don’t know if I can do this” I said taking a deep breath.

He rubbed soothing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb “You’ll do just fine” He said sending me a dazzling smile.

He led me up to the gate and a man in fancy attire did a weird bow thing “Master Stephen, we’ve been waiting for you” The man said then looked at me and raised an eyebrow. “Welcome Miss…” He said and I blushed a bit.

“I’m Kharma” I said putting my hand out for him to shake.

He gave me an amused grin raising an eyebrow at my hand but shook it anyways “Welcome Miss Kharma” He said.

“Thanks Jake” Stephen smiled.

“And if I must say, you have impeccable taste” Jake said and I blushed.

“I know” Stephen said as we walked through the opening gates.

“You should be an actor” I whispered to him as we got closer to the doors.

“I thought about it” He joked as we passed other people who nodded respectfully at Stephen and gave questioning looks at me.

“Have you never brought a girl home?” I asked feeling like I was under a microscope.

“Nope.” He said popping the P.

“Great” I mumbled as we got to the doors and they opened to reveal an amazing looking foyer.

Before I could marvel at the foyer any longer Stephen pulled me through a set of doors to the left and I was wide eyed at a room that looked like a ball room. A few people where there getting what looked like cocktails or something. A huge stair case led down to the room and up top branched off in two different directions.

“You’ll catch flies like that” Stephen grinned and I snapped my mouth shut and gave him a glare.

“You live here?” I asked.

“Yeah right, I live on my own” He said flatly.

“Where is everyone?” I asked seeing the few people that were there had scattered off somewhere.

“Outside. It’s nice out so they decided everything would be moved out back” Stephen said wrapping an arm around my waist. “Sorry, but stay near me” He said.

I took a gulp of air and held my breath as we went outside and I gasped. I barley saw grass the ground was covered in tile and tables everywhere and a little bit of room in the middle to socialized. There were so many people dressed so nicely and waiters running around to tables with food and drinks. I shrunk back into Stephens arms already feeling intimidated, and I haven’t even met his family yet.

I felt his chest vibrate in a chuckle and I hit his arm playfully “This isn’t funny” I whined.

“I know” He said still smiling “want something to drink?” He asked.

“Um sure, how about just water?” I asked and he nodded as a waiter passed “Can we get two waters please?” He asked.

“Of course Master Stephen” The guys said and Stephen sighed.

“How many times have I told you guys to just call me Stephen” He said and the waiter just smiled and left.

I gave a slight giggle as Stephen led me to an empty table but before we started an important looking older man came up to Stephen “Stephen! How are you?” The man said boisterously shaking his hand.

“Good Terry, how have you been?” Stephen asked him back.

Terry’s eyes landed on me “I’ve been busy as always, and who is this beautiful young lady?” He asked

“This is my date Kharma Potter, Kharma this is Terry Trough he owns Trough Inc.” Stephen introduced us.

Terry grabbed my and planted a kiss on it “Nice to meet you” He said curtly.

“Nice to meet you to” I said shyly and realized he owned a huge toy company. No wonder he seemed so nice. I’m pretty sure I met him once when my dad worked on a case for him.

“Have I met you before?” He asked breaking me from my thoughts.

I scrambled “Uh, no I don’t believe so sir” I replied quickly.

He laughed “Call me Terry, no need for formalities” He laughed heartily and I smiled giving a nod.

All of a sudden a cold looking woman came up beside Terry, she had the same eyes as Stephen so I assumed it was his mother. I instinctively straightened up to look taller.

She surprised me by practically tackled Stephen “Son! How have you been? Are you eating? You look so thin. I wish you would come back home” She was whining.

“Mom! Stop, you’re embarrassing me” Stephen said pushing her off.

The woman stopped then looked at me “Oh my, I’m sorry. Stephen did you actually bring a girl home?” She asked looking in shock.

He nodded “Mom this is Kharma Potter, my date” He said pulling me close to his side and I gave her my best dazzling smile. Ashton always said I could pull that smile and get anything I wanted.

“You look stunning dear” She said grabbing both my hand and looking me up and down. “Why does your last name sound so familiar?” She asked. I was about to answer her and she gasped “How rude of me. I’m Stephens mother Jane. It’s nice to finally have Stephen bring a girl home” She said shaking my hand. I just smiled at her as a man came up behind her who looked like an older version of Stephen.

“Dear, calm down” He said and she grinned up at him. His eyes then landed on us “Son” He nodded to Stephen.

“Dad” He nodded back.

“This is Stephens date, Kharma!” Jane said excited to her husband.

“Jordan” He said and stuck a hand out and I shook it.

“Nice to meet you sir” I said and he gave me a slight grin.

Soon after an old woman who looks like she’s has way to much Botox came up and got right in my face. I mean literally like 4 inches from touching nose to nose. I stood frozen. She looked at Stephen and spoke in an angry voice. “I’ve been nagging at you for years to find a nice girl, not this!” She said.

I felt my jaw drop. Did she really just say that?

“Grandma!” Stephen yelled.

“Don’t use that tone with me! I told you I wanted you to get a girl in your standing in society, not a common girl we could find on the street” She said.

I was starting to get angry at that “I…” I started.

“Shut-up girl” She said giving me a sharp look. “I’ve tried countless times to set you up with Courtney, but you had to go and refuse me” She went on more pointing at a fake looking girl that was about seven feet away who smiled smugly.

“Grandma! I can be with whoever I want” Stephen argued back.

“Not with common scum!” She yelled back.

I felt my blood boil “EXCUSE ME!” I yelled and everything went quiet. “Thank you” I sighed. “Old women you have no idea who you’re talking to” I said calmly like my mom does when she’s mad that somehow scares you more than her yelling. Then I curtly nodded her way with a sickly sweet smile and walked towards an empty table.

On my way I passed the Courtney girl “Stephens mine” She hissed. I stopped and looked at her. She looked a bit nervous that I had stopped. I just laughed in her face, if only she knew he was gay.

I sat down at an empty table in the corner away from all the stuck up people. All of a sudden I felt something wet running down my cheek and realized that it was a tear.

I can’t let that bitter old women get to me.

Suddenly I caught a glimpse of a waiter scowling in my direction. That waiter looked oddly like Gryffin, but when I lifted my eyes to check for sure he was gone.

Great know I’m going crazy. Like Gryffin would be here, and a waiter non-the-less.

A second a waitress came up and smiled at me “Would you like anything?” She asked.

I felt insanely tired “Any chance you’d give me some alcohol?” I asked.

She laughed “No can do, your underage” She said.

“How about just some water that I never got earlier” I said and she nodded.

“I saw what happened, someone needs to stick it to that old lady” She said and I grinned.

“Thanks” I said and she nodded leaving me alone once again.

Why did I agree to come here, I don’t fit in here.

“Kharma” I heard and looked up seeing Stephen. He sat down at the table with me. “I’m sorry about that” He said.

“It’s not your fault” I said giving him a smile.

“I promise I’ll make it up to you somehow” He said.

“It’s okay, this was fun besides the whole evil grandma thing” I said.

He smiled as the waitress from before brought me a bottle of water “Figured your ready to leave” She said.

“Thanks” I said and she smiled leaving.

“Ready to leave?” Stephen asked.

“I never thought you would ask” I said and as we left I couldn’t help but think how that waiter I saw out of the corner of my eye looked just like Gryffin.

Thanks for reading!!!
I know this is kind of a filler chapter. Sorry…
Anyways, what do you think about this chapter? And what do you think Kharma should do for revenge on Gryffin? Let me know with a comment!
Wo ai Ni
Peace, Love, and Unicorns <3

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