Chapter 5

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Bella's POV


There was a girl that looked to be about seventeen. She was running in the woods. I couldn't see her face, but her blond hair kept swaying back, and forth. She was running, and I couldn't hear her giggling either. She was scared, and running from something, or someone.

"Help me!" she yelled. Then when she looked over her shoulder to see what was following her, she tripped over a root, and fell to the ground. She sprained her ankle.

When the thing had gotten closer to her she started backing away. She was beyond terrified.

"P-p-please don't h-hurt m-e." the girl begged, while crying. The man only chuckled, and shook his head. I couldn't see any of their faces. Normally I could. . .

"Sorry darling. You tried, and succeeded to escape. I told you the rules, but do did not listen. Now I must punish you." the unknown man replied, and sunk his teeth in her neck. He drank her dry.

End of Vision

I snapped out of it the same time Kayla did. We looked at each other, and sped out of the house, and to the woods.

When we reached our destination, we realized that we were to late. The girl was already dead.


Elijah's POV

For the last week there have been three girls murdered. There was a vampire behind this, but the only problem was, we can not find the vampire. Madeline suggested calling up the Winchesters, but I kindly declined the idea. She shrugged, and said nothing more about it after that.

Kayla has been shutting people out, and surprisingly Bella can't even get through to her. Kayla is more quiet, and keeps researching for the vampire. She now has her Vampire slaying power, so she goes on patrols at night all around town. She always prefers to go alone, and for that I do not know why. It is nagging at me though.

"News!" Kayla yelled, and turned it on. Everyone was in the living room in a flash.

"Hello. This is Randy Donald here to report that there has been another animal attack. The police advise to keep people in at night. If you are going out at night to have someone with you, or to drive your car.

Officials also say that they might have a lead on this animal. If they catch the animal everything shall go back to normal. Also for your safety so not go out in the woods." 'Randy' said, and nodded. Then Sherrif Forbes was on the screen with Randy.

"Sherrif do you think that this might be a bear attack?"

"Well right now we are not sure what this animal is. We are sending it through testing right now. We had found a tooth in the victims neck. It seems as if the animal was thirsty, but could not find any water." Sherrif Forbes replied, with a small shrug on the end.

"Alright thank you Sherrif. We will inform you on anything when there is more news."

Kayla turned off the tv, and got up. "I am going to talk to Ms. Forbes, and see fi I can get any information at the Grill." Kayla informed us.

"Do you want someone to come with you?" Kol asked with a small frown. She shook her head, and walked out the door. Then an engine started, and took off. I sighed, and slightly shook my head.

"What?" Bella asked, now standing beside me.

"I am just worried about her." I replied.

"Don't worry she will come around. The thing I did to escape the pain was drinking, and doing drugs. After a while it stopped working. I came around, and feel fine." Jeremy said, making all eyes go to him.

It Was Always Him...(Sequel to 'Will Our Love Be The Same?')Where stories live. Discover now