Chapter 8

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Sam's POV

"Kayla's in trouble." She said, and it caught my attention right away.

"What do you mean?" Dean asked. He got up off of the bed, and walked over to my side. He looked uncertain to trust her or not.

"She might have fled the country. She flipped the switch, and I need same help to turn the switch back on." She replied, while looking directly at me. I frowned, and sighed.

"Why do you need my brothers help?"

"She is in love him, that's why." Katherine snapped, and looked around with a sigh. "Do you want her back, or not?" She asked looking directly at me. I nodded, so then she grabbed ,y arm, and started towing me out of the door. "Be back soon!" She called out to Dean. We got in her car, and we started on our way to Maine.


Kayla's POV

I was walking through the woods of Bulgaria, looking for my mom's old place. She told me that the only thing that was there was bones, and old wood. I had just shrugged, but always wanted to know what it looked like.

Now I was finally here, but started to get hungry. Smirking, I saw a drunk man, and made my way over to him. Then a image of Damon was in front of me. I stopped, and cocked my head to the side in question.

"Kay you need to stop this." he said, which made me roll my eyes. "Have you gone completely insane?! If you do this then it proves how much of a monster you really are. Darling, you can let me go now." Damon added, a bit more calm towards the end. I scoffed, and continued on towards the man.

When I reached him, he looked at me, and smirked. He looked me up, and down before closing the distance.

"Hello beautiful. What's your name?" the man slurred, and did what he thought ws a sexy smile. H is not that good looking, but oh well. Then I captured his eyes.

"Are you married?" I asked, using compusion. He looked at me, expresion blank.

"No." he replied in a monotonous voice. A sly smirk made it's way to my face.

"Good. Come here." I commanded, with, now, a straight face. He came closer, but not close enough. I let out a flirtatious giggle, knowing that I had him in my trap. "Closer." I whispered, and he did what he was told. "You will not scream. You won't make a noise." I compelled once more, and then ripped into his neck. He died instantly, so I drained him dry. Then when I pulled away, I looked back at Damon, and saw dissapointment in his eyes.

"Now they will lock you up, and keep you off of the bloodlust." he warned me, but I ignored him, and wiped the blood off of my face. I sped back to my apartment, that I got for free, and went to bed, feeling tired from traveling.

Katherine's POV

I sighed, and turned on the radio. The song Blood was playing, and it was one of Kay's favorite songs Tears filled my eyes, knowing what was becoming of my baby girl. She was becoming cold, heartless, and a monster.

My phone went off making me jump in surprise. I took it out of my pocket while Sam looked at me. Sam was driving, because I was tired of driving. When I looked at the caller I.D. I saw that it was Kol. I sighed in relief.

"Hey." I said tiredly.

"Hello, darling. I have bad news." Kol replied, which made me sit up straighter. "She killed someone. She is turning into a cold hearted, bitch." Kol added, which made me sigh. I couldn't even comment. He was apart of her family, and he sounded pissed.

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