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Hello my lovely readers! I just thought that u should know that I most likely will not get every line right from the war in twilight. Also if I find the video for the war, then I will post it on there as soon as I find it.

I might not be updating for a while, because I think that I'm going to be getting sick with the influenza (flue). Plus in gym today, we were doing tumbling and I got extremely dizzy, but in 5th hour, I got a headache.

I LOVE U ALL! There is something that I would like to say, also I got a few questions for you, but not at this little second.... MY TWIN IS BACK! Her name on here is JulzEllesseSalvatore. She is my 43rd fan on here, and I am going to dedicate this to her. If she was my real twin, then I would be happy. :)

Now for some questions. . . . . . . . . .

How much did you guys miss Damon? Do you guys think that there will be complications? How will Damon fix everything, so then it's back to normal? Will Sam, and Kayla still be friends? Find out as the story goes on.....

Thanks for reading this! Love ya! *kisses each and everyone's forehead if they would like to have a kiss on the forehead*

It Was Always Him...(Sequel to 'Will Our Love Be The Same?')حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن