Chapter 10

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Kayla's POV

"Really Kay?" Bella asked amused. I smiled sarcastically at her, which earned a giggle from Elena. Then I started to giggle, because of Elena's giggle. At the same time Elena, and I stopped giggling, and just kept a straight face. It actually worked.

"Wow. Who knew that she could keep a straight face." Kol said, which made me laugh. I couldn't help it. He was a sarcastic jerk that deserved to be knocked out. Maybe it will happen by my hand someday. . . Oh well. I will just have to find out soon.


Sam's POV

Everyone was wide awake, and in the living room. No one said a thing, and it was weird. You would think that there would be a conversation going, but I guess not. Then out of no where there was a bright white light, and we had to shield our eyes.

When the light was gone, we un-shielded our eyes. Standing there was Balthazar, and Castiel. Balthazar looked exactly like Mikael. Wow is this getting weird.

"Hello everybody. Hope we did not interupt anything?" Balthazar said, which got confused looks from everyone. Everyone, all but Dean Castiel, and I, looked from Balthazar, and back to Mikael. "Oh forgive me! I'm Balthazar." He added, which made Kayla grin.

"The angel." She commented, which made him nod with a surprised look.

"Your guardian angel to be exact." He replied, which made her go wide eyed along with everyone else in the room. "Also please tell me that you are going to go back to normal. I miss the immature, funny you." Balthazar added, which made her raise an eyebrow. Wow she looks-to far Sam.

"No it's not. It's a natural thought." Cas said, which made me look down to my feet. "What did I say something wrong?" He then asked. I looked back at him, and signaled him to be quiet. He nodded, and did so.

"Aww does someone have a crush?" Balthazar teased me. I glared at him, and rolled my eyes. He only chuckled, and I heard someone giggle. It was Bella, and she was looking at Kayla. I looked at Kayla, and she was blushing.

"Wait what the- oh." Jeremy said, with a smirk planted on his face. He knew about my liking Kayla, and now Bella knows. Great. Maybe she will tell everyone else.

"What's wrong with that?" She asked. I knew that she wasn't finished. "I think it's cute!" She then exclaimed, which made Kayla throw a pillow at her. It hit Bella in the face, and it caused Kayla to laugh. Turns out Balthazar's wish is coming true. . .

"That's enough you two." Elijah said, sounding amused with the both of them. Why would he tell them to stop if it was amusing?

"Sam, I need to speak with you. They can not hear us either." Cas said while walking up to me. I got up, but then he touched my forehead, and now we were somewhere. I don't know where.

"What's going on Cas?" I asked, frowning.

"Have you, and Kayla been 'together' yet?" He asked getting straight to the point. I looked at him surprised.

"No." I replied slowly. "Why?" I asked. He sighed, and looked me in the eye.

"You two are meant for each other, that's why. Fate made it happen." He replied, which made me sigh. "Do you want me to tell you how it happens?" He asked, which made me frown at him, and look at him like he had two heads.

"No. I'm sure that she doesn't want to be with me anyway. The life of a hunter? No." I replied, and sighed. He sighed as well, and shook his head at me.

"All I can tell you is that it will happen tonight." He said, and popped us back to the Mikaelson mansion. I sat back down in my spot, and tried to block my mind. It seemed to work because Bella, and Kayla arn't freaking out. Thank god.

It Was Always Him...(Sequel to 'Will Our Love Be The Same?')Where stories live. Discover now