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Hiyaa!! I'm back. I want to thank all you guys for reading this fanfic. It means so much to me.♡♡

Okay and without any further, let's get on with Chapter-2

Eddy stood there dumbstrucked as he watched the little boy walked away. He was awaken from his trance when the bell rang; he knew he was going to be late for sure and on his first day. Great way to leave a great impression Eddy! He ran to his classroom, and saw his teacher giving him death glares. Eddy being Eddy, gives the teacher his goofy smile. His teacher sighed and let Eddy in and went on.

After 10 minutes have passed, all the students were finished introducing themselves in front of everyone. While the teacher went on explaining about the rules and regulations, there was a soft knock on the classroom door.

The teacher opened the door, and there stood the little boy, wearing his cracked glasses. Eddy gasped, he realised it was the cute little, wait-Eddy what is wrong with you, he is not cute, just adorable-he thought .Eddy noticed his eyes were puffy and red, Was he crying?

The little boy whispered to the teacher and the teacher gave him a nod. " Okay, now, introduce yourself so that they can hear" The little boy finally looked up and spoke softly, " My name is Brett Yang, 14 years old" With that, the students started to buzz, some snickered and some looked at him with disgust while Eddy was mesmerized by his sweet voice.

Eddy was so confused, who is this Brett? Why did they react like this? The teacher shushed the students and questioned "Is there anyone who wanted Brett to sit with?" And with that Eddy stood up and raised his hand "Me!" he said with a smile.

Brett just stood there and sighed. They sat together, but Brett hasn't even looked at Eddy even once. Did Brett hate him? Did he not recognise him? Eddy was so curious; there was something about Brett that Eddy wanted to know more.

Class ended and it was lunch time. Eddy knew it was his chance to talk to Brett, "Hey, I'm sorry about, you know, earlier" Brett was still packing his books and he gave Eddy a reluctant nod still not saying anything. Eddy continued, " So, umm, were you crying because of me, you know, because I cracked your glasses?

Brett sits still. "If I was the reason, I'm really sorry. I will buy you bubble tea and fix your glasses as an apology" he beamed. Brett suddenly stood up, looked at Eddy and muttered, " Do you think I am going to fall for that?"

Eddy tilted his head in confusion, "What?"

"Didn't you think I know your plans, I've already gone through all that! Just leave me alone! All you guys! You guys are all the same!" Brett shouted and stormed off.

Eddy was shocked. All eyes were on him. He just stood still.

One of his classmate came up to him and said, "Eddy, its better if you don't get involved with him".

"And why is that?" he questioned.

"Haven't you heard? They said that he was the reason his dad died"


Emotionless ( A Breddy / Twoset Fanfiction ) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang