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Hello, lovely readers. I apologise for the long wait, things has been kinda hectic lately. Anyway, enjoy!!
“That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Seriously, that’s just stupid. How do you guys even made that up?” Eddy scoffed.

“Why don’t you ask him yourself then; after that accident, he didn’t come to school anymore for one whole year and last year, he was back. But he became the main victim of bullies, especially Roger and his gang.”

“Seriously? That’s absurd”. Eddy felt Brett’s pain. He had been in his shoes before.

“Our mothers warned us not to get near Brett and we are warning you Eddy. Roger might make you a target too”

“And who says I’m scared?” and with that Eddy went out to find Brett.


Brett hated school. He hated his life and everyone in it. He just wanted a normal life like the other kids and have friends. But what can he do? He can’t even protect himself. He can’t even fight for himself.

That kid from earlier, am I another victim? Wow, Brett, you have a talent- he sarcastically thought.

He stared at the gloomy sky; the rooftop was the only place where he can find peace, without Roger, without the looks, without the rumors.


After searching for Brett everywhere, Eddy gave up. He went back to his class and waited for Brett to return.

Eddy looked out the window; the sky looks so dark, a thunderstorm? – he thought.

And as if on cue, the rain started pouring. Great, I didn’t bring an umbrella-he thought.

The bell rang, the students were rushing to their seats and Brett returned too. Eddy smiled at Brett as he came inside. But Brett didn’t even bother to look at him and just sat.

Eddy was about to speak to Brett when suddenly the lights went off and a thunderous roar echoed, winds were howling and lightning flashed.

Eddy flinched a bit but when he looked at Brett, he found Brett crouching down on the floor, sweats dripping and he was shaking.

Was Brett afraid of thunderstorms? He thought and acted quickly. “Brett? Are you alright? Do you want to go to the nurse’s office? Brett? Can you hear me?”

Brett only heard the thunderous roars, he shut his eyes and put his hands on his ears in an attempt to shut the noise out.

He was frightened of thunderstorms ever since that accident, suddenly everything turned black.

Emotionless ( A Breddy / Twoset Fanfiction ) Where stories live. Discover now