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Hello, my beautiful readers. I am so happy to see you read and especially voting on my chapters. Thank you all so much.

And here is chapter 14. I didn't really like how i wrote at first and i had to rewritten all again.

Hope you guys are taking good care of your health.

And Enjoy!!


6 Years Later

Eddy Chen worldwide best Violinist

Eddy: The Devil Reincarnation

Eddy Chen has a Girlfriend

Eddy Chen global famous

Brett smiled at the news. Eddy has been in every news for a long time now, it doesn't seem to be fading. Brett was happy that Eddy got what he deserve.

Eddy, you are happy right? I am truly happy for you, really. You got everything you deserve, a career that you love and a partner who loves you. We are living different worlds now, I am still nothing here, hehehe. Hope you can go a long way, Eddy. I truly wish you the best and to go beyond, and...and.. i really missed you- Brett thought.

He looked at the clock and it was time to work. He sighed and went to work for the day.



Eddy boarded the plane and he was greeted by a kiss on his cheeks.

"Hey, love. Congratulations for a great performance"
Jane handed her flowers to him.

"Thank you, Jane. You know, you didn't have to come really. I could've come on my own. No need to trouble yourself" Eddy stated.

"Its okay. You are coming to my hometown to meet my parents so its the least i can do. I know you are tired so rest. Its going to be a few hours so rest your eyes." Jane kissed on Eddy's forehead.

"You know me too well. Then, I'm going to sleep"

"And to remind you, you have to meet them tomorrow night okay? At the restaurant?"

"of course, i won't be late"

Eddy laid down and rest his head against the pillow and went straight to sleep.



They reached their destination and Eddy drove Jane to her parents house and he went straight to his hotel.

After taking a refreshing shower, and ate dinner. He practiced for a few hours and feeling a bit tired he laid on the bed when suddenly, an image of a yound spectacled kid went through his mind.

Brett, do you still remember me? I know i have achieved what i always wanted but why does it feel so empty. I really want to see you again, Brett. I really missed you- and with that thought, Eddy fell asleep.

Eddy woke up in the morning feeling energised. He played games and take his sweet time to relax.

At the evening, dark clouds could be seen but he wanted to go out to take a stroll.

He went to the park and sat on the bench, it was a little bit windy but not too harsh. It seems like it would rain but Eddy felt peace in it. The wind blowing on his face and the quietness of the park made him relax.

In this type of weather, he remembered Brett's astraphobia. And he recalled all the little skinships that they had. How cute Brett was, how he would drink all his bubble tea and how he closed his eyes tight when he was going to kiss him.

Brett, am i the only one missing you? Why can't i forget you? Would you even remember me? I tried to live on with my life, trying to forget you. But the more i tried, the harder it is. I tried to love someone too, but everytime she touch me, i couldn't help but want you more. I should stop hurting others just for my gain - Eddy whispered.

And as if on cue, the rain started sprinkling. Eddy made up his mind that he was going to end things with Jane and his looked at his watch. It was 5 p.m and he decided to go home.

Even though he was soaked, his mind has never been more clearer.



Eddy was all dressed up and look at himself in the mirror.

Just break it all off Eddy- He ordered himself.

Then he took his car and drove to the restaurant.

When he reached the place, he went inside and saw Jane with her parents.

When Jane saw Eddy, she smiled and signalled to him to come. Eddy cleared his throat and went to them.

"Hello, pleasure to meet you. My name is.."

"Eddy Chen, of course we know you. You are all over the news these days. I'm Sarah, Jane's mother" Eddy smiled and shook her hands.

"And I'm Patrick, Jane's father."

"Pleased to meet you sir"

Then they all sat down and Eddy, without wasting time wanted to end it now.

"Well, I have something to say to you all. Its ...I don't think i can.."

Eddy was cut off by a waiter

"Hello, good evening everyone" said by a honey like tone that Eddy knows it too well

That voice, that voice. It couldn't be- Eddy thought

"My name is Brett Yang, and i will be at your service for tonight"

At that, Eddy's eyes shot to look at the person that he had longed for all this years. He stood up and what he sees was that beautiful surprised eyes staring right back at him.



Brett was shocked to see Eddy here, he was frozen to the ground. All he could do was look at him. He sees that one person on earth that he wanted to avoid.

"Eddy, are you okay?" Jane interrupted.

And at that Brett snapped back to reality.

"Oh, umm, I'm sorry. I will have another waiter to serve you. Excuse me" Brett muttered and head back to the kitchen.

Eddy was still standing and Jane tugged on his coat.

"Eddy, love?"

"Jane, I'm sorry. I cannot do this anymore. And sir and mam, i am sorry but i am not in love with your daughter. And you can blame me for all that happened. I am sorry, really i truly am" Eddy apologetically said.

Then he ran to the kitchen leaving Jane and her parents shocked.



Eddy went inside the kitchen but Brett was nowhere to be seen. He called a person that looks like the manager and asked where a man named Brett was.

"He went outside by the back doors, sir. If you want i can call him"

"No need, thank you"

Eddy ran to the backdoor which leads to a narrow alleyway. He quietly walked and he heard soft sniffles from someone who was croutching down on the floor.

Eddy kneeled down to that person and whispered softly.


Brett slowly lift his head and look at the person kneeling down before him.

"Ed...Eddy. I.. i.. you shouldn't .."

Eddy hugged Brett tight. He hugged him like he was the most fragile thing in the world.

But what makes him happier was that he could feel his little koala hugging back.


Thank you for reading. I will be back with Chapter 15 soon..

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