Chapter 17

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"Y/N over here. Oh, I see you were able to convince Todoroki to come too."

"Yessir! I have the mind of a genius ya know."

"I'm right here too you know..."

I look to the peppermint and realize that I'm still holding hands with him, so I immediately release my hold on him, worried that he probably got creeped out since I hadn't let go.

"Sorry about that buddy, I didn't mean to keep you in a hold. Anywayssss, now that we are all here, lets get going on our plan you guys. We got this!"

"I didn't mind.."

"Eh did you say something peppermint patty?"


"Oh ok, lets get started then!"

We were up against Ojiro and Hagakure, so we began with dissecting their quirks. Since Ojiro's quirk is his strong tail and on top of that him being good at martial arts, we need someone to be able to withstand his defense and offense. Hagakure's quirk is her invisibility so we are assuming her part in the villain team is to be the eyes and ears since no one can sense her. I told the boys I noticed that the only parts of her costume that were showing were her gloves and shoes which are the giveaway points of herself, so she's probably gonna remove those so we can't see her. Shoji said that he can use his quirk to sense where the two are located so we can use that to our advantage. Doing so can help us corner her and Shoji can trap her do to his arms being wide. Since all we have to do is make body contact with the rocket looking thing, we are gonna get Shoto to the floor where the "weapon's" at so he can freeze everything in the room. Now that leaves one more question,

Where do I play into this plan?

Good question. Well what they suggested I do do is to try and melt the floor from underneath the weapon. Doing this lets us all have a part in the plan and it can also let me work on how to focus my quirk into one specific section and not creating one huge explosion. By melting the ceiling below the rocket, it'll melt out a hole and it will the fall right down to me. And that my friends, is the perfect team victory.

After finalizing our plan we decided to watch the battle that seems to be coming to an end.


"Too loud y/n."

"Oops my bad Shoto, its just that they're battling like absolute monsters. I'd hate to be in the middle of that fight."

"You're using my first name?"

I turn to him, feeling bad because it probably made him uncomfortable.

"Omg I'm so sorry, it just slipped out since it so easy to say with it just being so short and all. I didn't even ask to see if you were ok with that. Sorry if I made you uncomfortable."

I stood there and waited for his reply which felt like forever, but when he did, it made me sigh with relief.

"It's fine, you can keep calling me Shoto."

"Awe thanks buddy. Hey, now that I got the ok to calling you by your first name, is it ok if we can be friends?"

Now this pause after my sentence felt like a fucken eternity.

Shit, maybe I spoke too soon. I do remember he himself even said we aren't here to make friends. When was that again, sports festival?

Oh gosh, good fucking job y/n
Now prepare to get rejected on that "brilliant" offer of friendship.


My eyes went so wide you'd think they were gonna come rolling out of the damn sockets.

Who would've thought, the iceberg himself said we could be friends.

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