Chapter 46

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"I'm only going to ask this one more fucking time and this time you better answer me. What the fuck is going on."

I look down at our hands and remove mine out of his grasp. I shrug my shoulders and let out a dry chuckle. Backing up a bit, I harshly lean against the makeshift wall caused by my blast, my legs slowly giving out under me.

"Isn't it obvious Blondie, your bestie westie is disappearing, slowly I guess, but surely one day I'll cease to exist here and go back to my world ya know?"

There was a little moment of silence between us, which made me look around and realize the smoke around us was slowly dissipating, which meant people were gonna see me. Not a good sign.

"Shit... Katsuki I get that you're probably shocked about this amazing news but can we talk about this later, the smoke is disappearing and I don't want to have people notice about me disappearin-"

A huge explosion was created within a split second, causing me to cut off the sentence. A bigger blanket of smoke than before had begun to form and I looked toward my friend, bewildered by his sudden action.

"Fuck talking about this later, you are gonna answer my fucken question now, who gives a shit when you're acting like you've given up on everything."

I roll my eyes and let out an exasperated sigh. "Don't you get what I'm telling you, it's not something I can control and I don't even know what's causing me to disappear ok. Of course I'm gonna act like this when I've gotten quite attached to this damn place and this is basically an end to all the friendships I've made."

He grabs both of my shoulders and shakes me a bit. "THEN HOW ABOUT INSTEAD OF ACTING ALL DEPRESSED AND SHIT, YOU TRY TO FIGHT IT OFF!"

I look at him like he's the most stupidest person in this entire universe.

"Did you not just understand what I just FUCKEN SAID? I DON'T KNOW HOW!"

He quickly stomps toward me, wrapping an arm around me.

"Hold. Still."

Once I nodded my head, confused by his abrupt actions, he lets off two explosions, one digging us both deeper into the ground and the other creating another thick layer of smoke above us. Once we we got proper footing, he let me go.

"Well how about instead of trying to figure this shit out by yourself, YOU ASK FOR FUCKING HELP YOU DUMBASS!"

I let out a dramatic gasp. "Why shit Blondie, why didn't I think of that. Oh wait a minute, maybe it's because this shit just happened recently, as in, TODAY. I haven't really had a lot of time to process this whole damn situation. And even so, how would you or ANYONE FOR THAT MATTER BE ABLE TO HELP ME?!"

I watch as he places his hands from my shoulders and silently stares into space, showing how the gears are turning in his head.

"Well... Fuck, gimme some time to think...
What if...
wait that's stupid..."

At that, I started laughing. "The fact that you're seriously trying to think of something is killing me. We should be having our battle right now and yet here you are, trying to find a way to help me out. Awee, I knew deep down you weren't such a little bitch."

He refocused back to me, most likely opening his mouth to say a comeback, but the words seem to die in his mouth as he looks at my hands in surprise. Watching him made me look down as well and to my surprise, they weren't see-through anymore.

"Well whaddya know, guess I'm staying here a little longer. You must be suffering right now Blondie, knowing I get to annoy you for a while more, hehe."

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